|As Pummìssin.| `He is not yet departed.' |Neenè.| `He is drawing on.' |Paúsawut kitonckquêwa.|- `He cannot live long.' |Chachéwunnea.| `He is near dead.' |Kitonckquêi.| `He is dead.' |Nipwímâw.| `He is gone.' |Kakitonckquêban.| `They are dead and gone.' |Sequttôi.| `He is in black;' That is, He hath some dead in his house (whether wife or child {&c}.) for although at the first being sicke, all the Women and Maides blacke their faces with soote and other blackings; yet upon the death of the sicke, the father, or husband, and all his neighbours, the Men also (as the {English} weare blacke mourning clothes) weare blacke {Faces}, and lay on soote very thicke, which I have often seene clotted with their teares.
This blacking and lamenting they observe in most dolefull manner, divers weekes and moneths; yea, a yeere, if the person be great and publike. |Séqut.| `Soote.' |Michemeshâwi.| `He is gone for ever.' |Mat wònck kunnawmòne.|- `You shall never see him more.' |Wunnowaúntam| `Grieved and in bitternesse.' |Wullóasin.| |Nnowántam, nlôasin.| `I am grieved for you.'
{Obs.} As they abound in lamentations for the dead, so they abound in consolation to the living, and visit them frequently, using this word {Kutchìmmoke, Kutchimmoke}, Be of good cheere, which they expresse by stroaking the cheeke and head of the father or mother, husband, or wife of the dead. |Chepassôtam.| `The dead Sachim.' |Mauchaúhom.| `The dead man.' |Mauchaúhomwock } |Chepeck.| } `The dead.' |Chepasquâw.| `A dead woman.' |Yo ápapan.| `He that was here.' |Sachimaúpan.| `He that was Prince here.'
{Obs.} These expressions they use, because, they abhorre to mention the dead by name, and therefore, if any man beare the name of the dead he changeth his name; and if any stranger accidentally name him, he is checkt, and if any wilfully name him he is fined; and and amongst States, the naming of their dead {Sachims}, is one ground of their warres; so terrible is the King of Terrors, Death, to all naturall men. |Aquie mìshash, aquie mishómmokc.|0 `Doe not name.' |Cowewênaki.| `You wrong mee', to wit, `in naming my dead.' |Posakúnnamun.| `To bury.' |Aukùck pónamun.| `To lay in the earth.' |Wesquáubenan.| `To wrap up', in winding mats or coats, as we say, winding sheets. |Mockuttá[s]uit|, One of the chiefest esteeme, who winds up and buries the dead, commonly some wise, grave, and well descended man hath that office.
When they come to the Grave, they lay the dead by the Grave's mouth, and then all sit downe and lament, that I have seen teares run downe the cheekes of stoutest Captaines, as well as little children in abundance: and after the dead is laid in Grave, and sometimes (in some parts) some goods cast in with them, They have then a second great lamentation, and upon the Grave is spread the Mat that the party died on, the Dish he eat in; and sometimes a faire Coat of skin hung upon the next tree to the Grave, which none will touch, but suffer it there to rot with the dead: Yea, I saw with mine owne eyes that at my late comming forth of the Countrey, the chiefe and most aged peaceable Father of the Countrey, {Caunou~nicus}, having buried his sonne, he burn'd his owne Palace, and all his goods in it, (amongst them to a great value) in a sollemne remembrance of his sonne, and in a kind of humble Expiation to the Gods, who (as they believe) had taken his sonne from him.