|Paúskesu.| `Naked.' |Pauskesìtchick| `Naked men and women.' |Nippóskiss.| `I am naked.'
They have a two-fold nakednesse:
First ordinary and constant, when although they have a Beasts skin, or an English mantle on, yet that covers ordinarily but their hinder parts and all the foreparts from top to toe, (excep their secret parts, covered with a little Apron, after the patterne of their and our first Parents) I say all else open and naked.
Their male children goe starke naked, and have no Apron untill they come to ten or twelve yeeres of age; their Female they, in a modest blush cover with a little Apron of an hand breadth from their very birth.
Their second nakednesse is when their men often abroad, and both men and women within doores, leave off their beasts skin, or English cloth and so (excepting their little Apron) are wholly naked; yet but few of the women but will keepe their skin or cloth (though
loose) <111/r.119> <Of {their nakedn[.]sse} and {clothing}.>
loose) or neare to them ready to gather it up about them.
Custome hath used their minds and bodies to it, and in such a freedom from any wantonnesse, that I have never seen that wantonnesse amongst them, as, (with griefe) I have heard of in {Europe}. |Nippóskenitch.| `I am rob'd of my coat.' |Nippóskenick ewò.| `He takes away my Coat.' |Acòh.| `Their Deere skin.' |Tummóckquashunck.| `A Beavers coat.' |Nkéquashunck.| `An Otters coat.' |Mohéwonck.| `A Rakoone-skin coat.' |Natóquashunck.| `A Wolues-skin coat.' |Mishannéquashunck.| `A Squirrill-skin coat.' |Neyhommaúashunck| `A Coat or Manlte', curiously made of the fairest feathers of their |Neyhommauog|, or Turkies, which commonly their old men make; and is with them as Velvet with us. |Maunek|: |nquittiashìagat.|- `An English Coat or Mantell.' |Cáudnish.| `Put off.' |Ocquash.| `Put on.' |Neesashìagat.| `Two coats.' |Shwìshiagat.| `Three coats.' |Piuckquashìagat.| `Ten coats', &c.
{Obs.} Within their skin or coat they creepe
con- <112/r.120> <Of {Fish}, &c.>
contentedly, by day or night, in house, or in the woods, and sleep soundly counting it a felicitie, as indeed an earthly one it is; {Intra pelliculam quemque tenere suam}, That every man be content with his skin. |Squáus aúhaqut.| `a Womans Mantle.' |Muckìis auhaqut.| `A childs Mantle.' |Pétacaus.| `an English Wastecoat.' |Petacawsunnèse.| `a little wastecoat.' |Au~tah| {&} |aútawhun.| `Their apron.' |Caukóanash.| `Stockins.' |Nquittetiagáttash.| `a paire of stock ns.' |Mocússinass|, & |Mockuss nchass.| `Shooes.'
{Obs.} Both these, Shoes and Stockins they make of their Deerc skin worne out, which yet being excellently tann'd by them is excellent for to travell in wet and snow; for it is so well tempered with oyle, that the water cleane wrings out; and being hang'd up in their chimney, they presently drie without hurt as my selfe hath often proved. |Noonacóminash.| `Too little.' |Taubacóminash.| `Big enough.' |Saunketìppo|, {or}, |Ashónaquo.| `a Hat or Cap.' |Moôse.| `The skin of a great Beast' as big as an Ox, some call it a red Deere.
Wussuck <113/r.121> <Of {their Nakednesse and Cloathing}.> |Wussuckhósu.| `Painted.'
They also commonly paint these {Moose} and Deere-skins for their Summer wearing, with varietie of formes and colours. |Petouwássinug.| `Their Tobacco-bag', which hangs at their necke, or sticks at their girdle, which is to them in stead of an English pocket.
{Obs.} Our English clothes are so strange unto them, and their bodies inured so to indure the weather, that when (upon gift &c.) some of them have had English {cloathes}, yet in a showre of raine, I have seen them rather expose their skins to the wet then their cloaths, and therefore pull them off, and keep them drie.
{Obs.} While they are amongst the English they keep on the {English} apparell, but pull of all, as soone as they come againe into their owne Houses, and Company.