|Wetu| `An House.' |Wetuômuck| `At home.' |Nékick| `My house.' |Kékick| `Your house.' |Wékick| `At his house.' |Nickquénum.| `I am going home:'
Which is a solemne word amongst them; and no man wil offer any hinderance to him, who after some absence is going to visit his Family, and useth this word |Nicquénum| (confessing the sweetnesse even of these short temporall homes.) |Puttuckakàun| `A round house.' |Puttcukakâunese| `A little round house.' |Wetuomémese| `A little house'; which their women and maids live apart in, four, five, or six days in the time of their period, which custom in all parts of the country they strictly observe, and no male may come into that house. |Neés quttow| `A longer house with two fires.' |Shwìshcuttow| `With three fires.' |Abockquósinash| `The mats of the house.' |Wuttapuìssuck| `The long poles', which commonly men get and fix, and then the women cover the house with mats, and line them with embroydered mats which the women make, and call them |Mannotaúbana|, or {Hangings}, which amongst them make as faire a show as Hangings with us. |Nòte|, {or} |Yote| |Chìckot| {&} `Fire.' |Sqútta| |Notáwese| {&} |chickautáwese|- `A little fire.' |Púck| `Smoke.' |Puckìssu| `Smokie' |Nippúckis| `Smoke troubleth me.' |Wuchickapêuck| `Burching barke', and {Chesnut barke} which they dresse finely, and make a Summer-covering for their houses. |Cuppoquiìttemin.| `I will divide house with you', or `dwell with you.'
Two Families will live comfortably and lovingly in a little round house of some fourteen or sixteen foot over, and so more and more families in proportion. |Núckqusquatch| `I am cold.' |Nuckqusquatchìmin| |Potouwássiteuck| `Let us make a fire.' |Wudtuckqun| `A piece of wood.' |Wudtúckquanash| `Lay on wood.' |Ponamâuta| |Pawacómwushesh| `Cut some wood.' |Maumashinnaunamaúta| `Let us make a good fire.' |Npaacómwushem| `I will cut wood.' |Aséneshesh| `Fetch some small sticks.' |Wònck,| {&} `More.' |Wónkatack| |Wonckataganash nàus| `Fetch some more' |Netashín & newucháshinea,|- `There is no more.' |Wequanántash| `A light fire.' |Wequanantig| `A Candle', or `Light.' |Wequanantiganash| `Candles.' |Wékinan| `A light fire.' |Awâuo?| `Who is at home?' |Mat Awawanúnno| `There is no body.' |Unhappo Kòsh| `Is your father at home?'
Túckiu <34> <Of the Family businesses.> |Túckiu Sáchim| `Where is the Sachim?' |Mat-apeù| `He is not at home' |Peyáu| `He is come.' |Wéche-peyàu keémat|0 `Your brother is come with him.' |Pótawash| `Make a fire.' |Potâuntash| `Blowe the fire.' |Peeyâuog| `They are come' |Wâme|, |paúshe| `All-some.' |Tawhítch mat peyáyean|- `Why came, or, c[o]me you not.' |Mesh noónshem peeyaùn?|- `I could not come.' |Mocenanippeéam| `I will come by and by.' |Aspeyàu, asqu m| `He is not come yet.' |Yò aútant mèsh nippeéam|- `I was here the Sunne so high.' And then they point with the hand to the Sunne by whose highth they keepe account of the day, and by the Moone and Stars by night, as wee doe by clocks and dialls, &c. |Wuskont peyâuog| `They will come.' |Teáqua naúntick ewò| `What comes hee for?' |Yo áppitch ewò| `Let him sit there.' |Unhappò kòsh| `Is your father at home?' |Unnàugh| `He is there.' |Npépeyup náwwot| `I have long been here.'
Tawítch <35> <D 2> <Of the Family businesses.> |Tawhítch peyáuyean| `Why doe you come?' |Téaguun kunnaúntamun?|- `What come you for?' |Awàun ewò?| `Who is that?' |Nowéchiume| `He is my servant.' |Wécum, naus| `Call fetch.' |Petiteaúta| `Let us goe in.' |Noonapúmmin autashéhettit|- `There is not roome for so many.' |Taubapìmmin| `Room enough.' |Noónat| `Not enough.' |Asquam| `Not yet.' |Náim, námitch| `By and by.' |Mòce, unuckquaquêse| `Instantly.' |Máish, kitummây| `Just, even now.' |Túckiu. tìyu| `Where.' |Kukkekuttokâwmen| `Would you speak with him?' |Nùx or ô| (Yes) |Macháug| (No, or not) |Wuttammâun tam| `He is busie.' |Nétop notammâuntam|0 `Friend, I am busie.' |Cotammâuntam| `Are you busie?' |Cotámmish| `I hinder you.' |Cotammúmme, Cotamme|} `You trouble me.'
{Obs.} They are as full of businesse, and as impatient of hindrance (in their kind) as any merchant in Europe. |Nqussútam| `I am removing.' |Notámmehick ewò| `He hinders me.' |Maumachìuash| `Goods.' |Aúquiegs| `Housholdstuffe.' |Tuckì uash| `Where be they?' |Wenawwêtu| `Rich.' |Machêtu| `Poore.' |Wenawetuónckon| `Wealth.' |Kúphash| `Shut the doore.' |Kuphommin| `To shut the doore.' |Yeaùsh| `Shut doore after you.'
{Obs.} Commonly they never shut their doores, day nor night; and 'tis rare that any hurt is done. |Wunêgin| `Well, or good.' |Machit| `Naught, or evill.' |Cowaútam?| `Do you understand?' |Wunnâug| `A Tray,' |Wunnauganash| `Trayes.' |Kunàm| `A Spoone.' |Kunnamâuog| `Spoones.'
{Obs.} In steed of shelves, they have severall baske[]s, wherein they put all their houshold- stuffe: they have some great bags or sacks made of {Hempe}, which will hold five or sixe bushells. |Táckunck|, {or},} `Their pounding Morter.' |Wéskhunck|. }
{Obs.} Their women constantly beat all their corne with hand: they plant it, dresse it, gather it, barne it, beat it, and take as much paines as any people in the world, which labour is questionlesse one cause of their extraordinary ease of childbirth. |Wunnauganémese| `A little Tray.' |Téaqua cunnátinne| `What doe you looke for?' |Natìnnehas| `Search.' |Kekìneas| `See here.' |Machàge cunna miteôuwin?|- `Doe you find nothing.' |Wónckatack| `Another.' |Tunnatí| Where. |Ntauhaunanatinnehómmin|- `I cannot looke or search.' |Ntauhaunanamiteoúwin|- `I cannot find.' |Wìaseck| } |Eiassunck| } |Mocôtick| } `A Knife.' |Punnêtunck| } |Chaúqock.| }
{Obs.} Whence they call {English-men} |Cháuquaquock|, that is, {Knive-men}, stone formerly being to them in stead of {Knives}, {Awle-blades}, {Hatchets} and {Howes}. |Namacówhe| `Lend me your Knife.' |Cówìaseck| |Wonck Commêsim?| `Wil you give it me again?' |Mátta nowáuwone| `I knew nothing.' |Mátta nowáhea| |Mat meshnowáhea| `I was innocent.' |Paútous, Pautâuog| `Bring hither.' |Maúchatous| `Carry this.' |Niâutash|, {&} |Wéawhush.| `Take it on your backe.'
{Obs.} It is almost incredible what burthens the poore women carry of {Corne}, of {Fish}, of {Beanes}, of {Mats}, and a childe besides |Awâùn| `There is some body.' |Kekìneas| `Goe and see.' |Squauntâumuck| `At the doore.' |Awàun keèn?| `Who are you?' |Keèn nétop| `Is it you.' |Pauquanamìinnea| `Open me the doore.'
{Obs.} Most commonly their houses are open, their doore is a hanging {Mat}, which being lift up, falls downe of it selfe; yet many of them get {English} boards and nailes, and make artificiall doores and bolts themselves, and
others <39> <D 4> <Of {the Family businesses}.>
others make slighter doores of {Burch} or {Chesnut} barke, which they make fast with a cord in the night time, or when they go out of town, and then the last (that makes fast) goes out at the Chimney, which is a large opening in the míddle of their house, called: |Wunnauchicómock,| `A Chimney.' |Anúnema| `Helpe me.' |Neenkuttánnu~mous.| `I will helpe you.' |Kuttánnummi?| `Will you helpe me?' |Shookekineas| `Behold here.' |Nummouekékineam| `I come to see.' |Tou autèg| `Know you where it lies?' |Tou núckquaque| `How much?' |Yo naumwâuteg| `Thus full.' |Aquìe| `Leave off, or doe not.' |Waskéche| `On the top.' |Náumatuck| `In the bottome.' |Aúqunnish| `Let goe.' |Aukeeaseìu| `Downewards.' |Keesuckqìu| `Vpwards.' |Aumàunsh| } |Ausàuonsh| } `Take away.' |Aumáunamòke.|} |Nanóuwetea| `A Nurse, or Keeper.' |Naunóuwheant| |Nanowwúnemum| `I looke to, or keepe.'
{Obs.} They <40> <Of {the Family businesses}.>
{Obs.} They nurse all their childrem them selves; yet, if she be an high or rich woman, she maintaines a Nurse to tend the childe. |Waucháunama| `Keep this for me.' |Cuttatashiìnnas| `Lay these up for me.'
{Obs.} Many of them begin to be furnished with {English} Chests; others when they goe forth of towne, bring their goods (if they live neere) to the {English} to keepe for them, and their money they hang it about their necks, or lay it under their head when they sleepe. |Peewâuqun| `Have a care.' |N nowauchâunum| `I will have a care.' |Kuttaskwhè| `Stay for me.' |Kútta ha|, {&} `Have you this or that?' |Cowauchâunum?| |Pókesha| {&} `It is broke.' |Pokesháwwa.| |Mat Coanichégane| `Have you no hands?' |Tawhitch?| `Why aske you?' |Nóonshem Pawtuckquámmin.|- `I cannot reach.' |Aquie Pokesháttous.| `Doe not breake.' |Pokesháttouwin.| `To breake.' |Assótu|, {&} `A foole.' |Assóko.|
{Obs.} They have also amongst them naturall fooles, either so borne, or accidentally deprived of reason.
Aquie <41> <Of {the Family businesses}.> |Aquie assókish| `Be not foolish.' |Awánick| `Some come.' |Niáutamwock| `They are loden.' |Pauchewannâuog| |Máttapeu| {&} `A woman keeping alone in her monethly sicknesse.' |Qushenawsui| |Moce ntúnnan| `I will tell him by and by.' |Cowequetúmmous| `I pray or intreat you.' |Wunniteóuin| `To mend any thing.' |Wúnniteous|, {or}, `Mend this,' |Wússiteous.| `Mend this.' |Wúskont nochemuckqun.|- `I shall be chidden.' |Nickúmmat| `Easie.' |Siúckat| `Hard.' |Cummequâwname?| `Do you remember me?' |Mequaunamìinnea| `Remember me.' |Puckqúatchick| `Without doores.' |Nissawhócunck ewò| `He puts me out of doores.' |Kussawhóki?| `Doe you put mee out of doores?' |Kussawhocowóog.| `Put them forth.' |Tawhìtch kussàwhokiêan?-| `Why doe you put mee ont?' |Sáwwhush|, `Goe forth.' |Sawhèke| |Wussauhemútta| `Let us goe forth.'
Matta <42> <Of {the Family businesses}.> |Matta nickquéhick| `I want it not.' |Machagè nickquehickômina.|- `I want nothing.'
{Ob.} Many of them naturally Princes, or else industrious persons, are rich; and the poore amongst them will say, they want nothing. |Páwsawash.| `Drie or ayre this.' |Pawsunnúmmin.| `To drie this or that.' |Cuppausummúnnash| `Drie these things.' |Apìssumma.| `Warme this for me.' |Paucótche| `Already.' |Cutsshitteoùs| `Wash this.' |Tatágganish| `Shake this.' |Naponsh| `Lay downe.' |Wuchè machaùg| `About nothing.' |Puppucksháckhege| `A Box.' |Paupaqúonteg| `A Key.' |Mowáshuck| `Iron.' |Wâuki.| `Crooked.' |Saúmpi| `Strait.' |Aumpaniìmmin| `To undoe a knot.' |Aúmpanish| `Vntie this.' |Paushinúmmin| `To divide into two.' |Pepênash| `Take your choyce.' |Nawwuttùnsh| `Throw hither.' |Pawtáwtees| |Negáutowash| `Send for him.' |Negauchhúwash| `Send this to him.'
Nnegáu <43> <Of {the Family businesses}.> |Nnegâuchemish| `Hee sends to mee.' |Nowwêta| `No matter.' |Mâuo.| `To cry and bewaile;'
Which bewailing is very solemne amongst them morning and evening and sometimes in the night they bewaile their lost husbands, wives, childreu, brethren or sisters &c. Sometimes a quarter, halfe, yea. a whole yeere, and longer, if it be for a great Prince.
In this time (unlesse a dispensation be given) they count it a prophane thing either to play (as they much use to doe) or to paint themselves, for beauty, but for mourning; or to be angry, and fall out with any, &c. |Machemóqut| `It stincks.' |Machemóqussu| `A vile or stinking person.' |Wúnnìckshaas| `Mingled.' |Wúnnickshan| `To mingle.' |Nésick|, {&} |nashóqua.| `A Combe.' |Tetúpsha| `To fall downe.' |Ntetupshem| `I fall downe.' |Tou anúckquaque?| `How big?' |Wunnáshpishan| `To snatch away.' |Tawhítch wunnashpisháyean-| `Why snach you?' |Wuttùsh| `Hitherward, & give me.' |Enèick|, {or}, |áwwusse| `Further.' |Nneickomásu|, {&} |awwassése.|- `A little further.'
Wut- <44> <Of {the Family businesses}.> |Wuttushenaquáish| `Looke hither.' |Yo anaquáyean| `Looke about.' |Máuks máugoke| `Give this.' |Yo comméish| `I will give you this.' |Qussúcqun-náukon| `Heavie, light.' |Kuckqússaqun| `You are heavie.' |Kunnauki| `You are light.' |Nickáttash|, {singular.}`Leave, or depart.' |Nickáttammoke|, {plur.} |Nickattamútta.| `Let us depart.' |Yówa.| `Thus.' |Ntowwaukâumen.| `I use is.' |Awáwkáwní.| `It is used.' |Yo awáutees.| `Vse this.' |Yo wéque.| `Thus farre.' |Yo meshnowékeshem| `I went thus farre.' |Ayátche| {&} { |Cónkitchea.| as { `Often'. |Ayatche nippéeam.| `I am often here.' |Pakêtash.| `Fling it away.' |Npaketamúnnash.| `I will cast him away.' |Wuttámmasim.| `Give me Tobaco.' |Mat nowewuttámmo| `I take none.'
{Obs.} Which some doe not, but they are rare Birds; for generally all the men throughout the Countrey have a {Tobacco-bag}, with a {pipe} in it hanging at their back: sometimes they make such great {pipes}, both of {wood} and {stone},
that <45> <Of {the Family businesses}.>
that they are two foot long, with men or beasts carved so big or massie, that a man may be hurt mortally by one of them; but these como~nly come from the {Mauquáuwogs}, or the {Men eaters}, three or foure hundred miles from us: They have an excellent Art to cast our {Pewter} and {Brasse} into very neate and artificiall {Pipes}: They take their {Wuttammâuog} (tkat is, a weake {Tobacco}) which the men plant themselves, very frequently; yet I never see any take so excessively, as I have seene men in {Europe}; and yet excesse were more tolerable in them, because they want the refreshing of {Beare} and {Wine}, which God hath vouchsafed {Europe}. |Wuttámmagon.| `A Pipe.' |Hopuònck.| `A Pipe.' |Chicks.| `A Cocke', or `Hen': A name taken from the {English} Chicke, because they have no Hens before the {English} came. |Chìcks ánawat.| `The Cocke crowes.' |Neesquttónckqussu.| `A babler, or prater.' |Cunneesquttonckqussìmmin.|- `You prate.'
{Obs.} Which they figuratively transferre from the frequent troublesome clamour of a Cocke.
Nanóta- <46> <{Of the Family businesses}.> |Nanótateem.| `I keepe house alone.' |Aquíe kuttúnnan.| `Doe not tell.' |Aquíe mooshkisháttous.|- `Doe not disclose.' |Teàg yo augwháttick?| `What hangs there?' |Yo augwháttous.| `Hang it there.' |Pemisquâi| `Crooked, or winding.' |Penâyi.| `Crooked.' |Nqussútam.| `I remove house': Which they doe upon these occasions: From thick warme vallies, where they winter, they remove a little neerer to their Summer fields; when 'tis warme Spring, then they remove to their fields where they plant Corne.
In middle of Summer, because of the abundance of Fleas, which the dust of the house breeds, they will flie and remove on a sudden from one part of their field to a fresh place: And sometimes having fields a mile or two, or many miles asunder, when the worke of one field is over, they remove house to the other: If death fall in amongst them, they presently remove to a fresh place: If an enemie approach, they remove into a Thicket, or Swampe, unlesse they have some Fort to remove unto.
Sometimes they remove to a hunting house in the end of the yeere, and forsake it not un-
till <47> <{Of the Family businesses}.>
till Snow lie thick and then will travel home, men, women and children, thorow the snow, thirtie, yea, fiftie or sixtie miles; but their great remove is from their Summer fields to warme and thicke woodie bottomes where they winter: They are quicke; in halfe a day, yea, sometimes at few houres warning to be gone and the house up elsewhere; especially, if they have stakes readie pitcht for their {Mats}.
I once in travel[l] lodged at a house, at which in my returne I hoped to hàve lodged againe there the nex night, but the house was gone in that interim, and I was glad to lodge under a tree:
The men make the poles or stakes, but the women make and set up, take downe, order, and carry the {Mats} and housholdstuffe. Italic text