< Uzbek

The Uzbek cardinal numbers are:

Uzbek Numbers • Numerals and Fractions • audio (upload)
bir one (1)
ikki two (2)
uch three (3)
toʻrt four (4)
besh five (5)
olti six (6)
etti seven (7)
sakkiz (8) eight
toʻqqiz (9) nine
oʻn (10) ten
yigirma (20) twenty
oʻttiz (30) thirty
qirq (40) forty
ellik (50) fifty
oltmish (60) sixty
etmish (70) seventy
sakson (80) eighty
toʻqson (90) ninety
yuz (100) hundred
ming (1000) thousand
million million
milliard billion

In compound numerals the lower orders of numerals follow the higher. Each numeral is written separately:

Uzbek Numbers • Numerals and Fractions • audio (upload)
oʻn bir eleven (11)
oʻn ikki twelve (12)
oʻn uch thirteen (13)
oʻn toʻrt fourteen (14)
oʻn besh fifteen (15)
oʻn olti sixteen (16)
oʻn yetti seventeen (17)
oʻn sakkiz eighteen (18)
oʻn toʻqqiz nineteen (19)
yigirma bir twenty-one (21)
oʻttiz ikki thirty-two (32)
qirq uch forty-three (43)
ellik toʻrt fifty-four (54)
oltmish besh sixty-five (65)
etmish olta seventy-six (76)
sakson etti eighty-seven (87)
toʻqson sakkiz ninety-eight (98)
bir yuz oʻn toʻqqiz one hundred-nineteen (119)
ikki yuz sakson sakkiz two hundred-eighty-eight (288)
toʻqqiz yuz toʻqson ikki nine hundred-ninety-two (992)
bir ming toʻqqiz yuz toʻqson ikki one thousand nine hundred-ninety-two (1992)

The Uzbek ordinal numbers are formed by adding the suffix -nchi (after vowels) or inchi (after consonants) to cardinal numbers:

Uzbek Numbers • Numerals and Fractions • audio (upload)
birinchi first
ikkinchi second
uchinchi third
toʻrtinchi forth
beshinchi fifth
oltinchi sixth
ettinchi seventh
sakkizinchi eighth
toʻqqizinchi ninth
oʻninchi tenth
yigirmanchi twentieth
oʻttizinchi thirtieth
qirqinchi fortieth
ellikinchi fiftieth
oltmishinchi sixtieth
etmishinchi seventieth
saksoninchi eightieth
toʻqsoninchi ninetieth
yuzinchi hundredth
minginchi thousandth

In Uzbek the denominator of a fraction always takes the ablative suffix while the numerator does not take any suffix:

Uzbek Numbers • Numerals and Fractions • audio (upload)
ikkidan bir one half
toʻrtdan uch three-fourths
beshdan toʻrt four fifths
oʻndan toʻqqiz nine tenths

The decimals are expressed by the word butun (whole) followed by the denominator and the numerator:

Uzbek Numbers • Numerals and Fractions • audio (upload)
oʻttiz sakkiz butun oʻndan olti thirty eight and six tenths (36.6)
bir butun oʻndan toʻqqiz one and nine tenths (1.9)
ikki butun oʻndan besh two and five tenths (2.5)

In spoken Uzbek the word butun frequently is omitted or replaced by -u or va, both meaning 'and':

Uzbek Numbers • Numerals and Fractions • audio (upload)
Decimals (oral)
oʻttiz sakkiz-u oʻndan olti thirty eight and six tenths (36.6)
oʻttiz sakkiz va oʻndan olti thirty eight and six tenths (36.6)
oʻttiz sakkiz oʻndan olti thirty eight and six tenths (36.6)
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