< Using Ratpoison

There are a few important keystrokes that are good to remember while using Ratpoison. When you have started your console window, why stop there? It is time to learn how to execute any program, and to switch between these in an effective manner

Switching and killing programs

Assuming that you have your console still running (if not, do C-t c), you can execute programs from within that window, just like any other window manager. Again, the difference is that there are no borders and that you cannot switch between these programs with your mouse. Type "xclock" if you are out of ideas about which program to start. Now, to change back to the console window you press C-t n. N of course means next, so you probably already guessed that C-t p moves to the previous window. Now, the difference between "next" and "previous" is non-existant if you are running only two programs, but as you run more and more programs simulataneously, it becomes ever more useful to be able to move "forward" and "backward" in some sense.

Now, how do you close a program? A number of programs have their own kill bindings (ex. C-x C-c for Emacs, C-w for Firefox and Xchat etc.) but ratpoison provides one command guaranteed to close and kill all running programs: the C-t k salute. The k stands for kill, and is implemented much the same way as clicking on the "close" button mainstream window managers provide.

Handling many programs

Now, if you've got a multitude of programs running, it is tiresome to repetitively type C-t n enough times to get to the proper program when you need it. C-t <number> switches to program number <number>. Keep in mind that this list is zero-indexed and sorted chronologically- the first program begun is accessed via C-t 0, not 1.

Also, you can use C-t <space> instead of C-t n to move to the next program. If you want to do a quick alt tab-like (that is, switch to last program accessed) command, C-t C-t will do that.

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