< Ukrainian Dancing
This list of age-appropriate steps is based on Bohdan Zerebecky's Ukrainian Dance Curriculum and Teacher's Guide. A full citation may be found in the Other Resources chapter.
First Year - Age 5-6
Central Region
- Pokhid Skladnyi (triple step or 1-2-3) Also sometimes called trebushka.
- Bihunets (triple step or 1-2-3, travelling)
- Potriinyi Prytup (triple stamp)
- Prytup u Bik (step stamp)
- Tynok - Note that tynok is a very difficult step for children to learn, and should only be taught after they are comfortable performing pokhid skladnyi.
- Vykhyliasyk (toe-heel) first without and then incorporating Pokhid Skladnyi or Potriinyi Prytup
- Uhynannia Skladne (knee kick, 1-2-3)
- Vypad Skladnyi (stamp-kick, 1-2-3 or touch-point, 1-2-3)
Second Year - Age 6-7
Central Region
- Vidriyvanka Skladna (forward kicks, standing)
- Merezhka (1-2-side)
- Dorizhka (little side step)
- Pletenna or Dorizhka-nazad (backstep)
- Boys only
- Prysyadka Zvychayna
- Girls only
- Tynok with arms opening to 2nd position on the first beat and closing over beads on the second beat.
- Spotting while performing quarter-turns using pokhid skladnyi, kolomyikovyi pidskok or dorizhka.
- Kolomyikovyi Pidskok (hops)
Third Year - Age 7-8
Central Region
- Vykhyliasnyk and uhynannia in combination (toe-heel and knee-kick)
- Starting Dorizhka (little side step) with a hop on the first beat
- Tynok, travelling forward.
- Vidriyvanka Skladna moving backwards (forward kicks, travelling backwards)
- Pletenna moving backwards
- Boys only
- Prysyadka Roznizhka (Prysyadka-heels)
- Girls only
- Spotting while performing half-turns using pokhid skladnyi or kolomyikovyi pidskok. Half turns should only be attempted when the girls are comfortable performing quarter turns.
Fourth Year - Age 8-9
Central Region
- Cross-kick and Cross-kick, 1-2-3
- using triple-stamp at the end of a musical phrase (melody)
- travelling in couples while performing tynok, vidriyvanka skladna, bihunets, or pletenna
- merezhka while travelling backwards
- Boys only
- Prysiadka-kicks
- Pidsichka (coffee-grinders)
- Prysiadka pereskok (Prysiadka, cross-kick)
- quarter-turns using Prysiadka Roznizhka
- Girls only
- Quarter-turns and half-turns while travelling
- Quarter-turns while performing pletenna or tynok
- Combinations using a step and a turn.
- Full-turns while performing pokhid skladnye
Western Region
- Boys only
- Haiduk-Kruch
- Girls only
- Quarter-turns and half-turns using kolomyikovyi pidskok (hopping)
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