< USMLE Step 1 Review
Clinical - Free Association
Proud Dead Guys and Other Diseases
- Addison’s Disease - primary adrenocortical deficiency
- Addisonian Anemia - pernicious anemia (antibodies to intrinsic factor or parietal cells - IF - Vit B12 - macrocytic non-megaloblastic anemia)
- Albright’s Syndrome - polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, precocious puberty, café au lait spots, short stature, young girls
- Alport’s Syndrome - hereditary nephritis with nerve deafness, Type 4 collagen defect (basement membranes)
- Alzheimer’s - progressive dementia; tau proteins, neurofibrillary tangles, apolipoprotein E4 allele, narrow gyri and wide sulci (atrophy), occipital sparing, hydrocephalus ex vacuo, plaques in hippocampus and cortex, Acetylcholine, Hiramo bodies (inrtacellular inclusion bodies in hippocampal cells)
- Argyll-Robertson Pupil - loss of light reflex constriction (contralateral or bilateral)
- “Prostitute’s Eye” - accommodates but does not react
- Pathognomonic for Tertiary Syphilis
- Arnold-Chiari Malformation - cerebellar tonsil herniation
- Barrett’s esophagus- columnar metaplasia of lower esophagus (* risk of adenocarcinoma)
- Bartter’s Syndrome - hyperreninemia
- Becker’s Muscular Dystrophy - similar to Duchenne, but less severe (deficiency in dystrophin protein)
- Bell’s Palsy - CNVII palsy (entire face; recall that UMN lesion only affects lower face)
- Berger’s Disease - IgA nephropathy
- Bernard-Soulier Disease - defect in platelet adhesion (abnormally large platelets & lack of von willenbrand factor receptor GP 1b platelet-surface glycoprotein)
- Berry Aneurysm - circle of Willis (subarachnoid bleed),often associated with ADPKD
- Bowen’s Disease - carcinoma in situ on shaft of penis (* risk of visceral ca)
- Briquet’s Syndrome - somatization disorder,psychological: multiple physical complaints without physical pathology
- Broca’s Aphasia - Motor Aphasia intact comprehension
Bronchiolitis RSV
- Brown-Sequard - hemisection of cord (contralateral loss of pain & temp / ipsilateral loss of fine touch, UMN)
- Bruton’s Disease - X-linked agammaglobinemia
- Budd-Chiari - post-hepatic venous thrombosis
- Buerger’s Disease - acute inflammation of small, medium arteries * painful ischemia * gangrene * Japan * smoking
- Burkitt’s Lymphoma - small noncleaved cell lymphoma,EBV,8:14 translocation
- Caisson Disease - gas emboli
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Median nerve entrapment in the Carpel tunnel
- Chagas’ Disease - Trypansoma infection sleeping disease, cardiomegaly with apical atrophy, achalasia
- Chediak-Higashi Disease - Phagocyte Deficiency: neutropenia, albinism, cranial & peripheral neuropathy• repeated infections
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 21-hydroxylase deficiency: virilism, no cortisol, salt loss, hypotension
- 11-hydroxylase deficiency: virilism, no cortisol, salt retention, hypertension
- Conn’s Syndrome - primary aldosteronism
- Cori’s Disease - glycogen storage disease (debranching enzyme deficiency)
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease - prion infection * cerebellar & cerebral degeneration
- Crigler-Najjar Syndrome - congenital hyperbilirubinemia (unconjugated),self mutilation,glucuronyl transferase deficiency
- Crohn’s • IBD; ileocecum, transmural, skip lesions, lymphocytic infiltrate, granulomas
(contrast to UC: limited to colon, mucosa & submucosa, crypt abscesses, pseudopolyps, * colon cancer risk)
- Croup - Parainfluenza
- Curling’s Ulcer - acute gastric ulcer associated with severe burns
- Cushing’s Disease - hypercorticism 2* to * ACTH from pituitary (basophilic adenoma)
- Cushing's Syndrome: hypercorticism of all other causes (1* adrenal or ectopic)
- Cushing’s Ulcer - acute gastric ulcer associated with CNS trauma
- de Quervain’s Thyroiditis - self-limiting focal destruction (subacute thyroiditis)
- DiGeorge’s Syndrome - thymic hypoplasia * T-cell deficiency,hypoparathyroidism
- Doll's Eyes - patient comatose with intact brain stem, eyes remain fixed and seem to move opposite the movement of the head
- Down’s Syndrome - trisomy 21 or translocation
- Dressler’s Syndrome - Post-MI Fibrinous Pericarditis autoimmune
- Dubin-Johnson Syndrome - congenital hyperbilirubinemia (conjugated),striking brown-to-black discoloration of the liver
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - deficiency of dystrophin protein, MD X-linked recessive
- Edwards’ Syndrome - trisomy 18,rocker-bottom feet, low ears, heart disease
- Ehler’s-Danlos - defective collagen
- Eisenmenger’s Complex - late cyanotic shunt (R to L) pulmonary HTN & RVH secondary to long-standing VSD, ASD, or PDA
- Erb-Duchenne Palsy - trauma to superior trunk of brachial plexus Waiter’s Tip
- Ewing Sarcoma - undifferentiated round cell tumor of bone. Translocation (11;22)
- Eyrthroplasia of Queyrat - carcinoma in situ on glans penis
- Fanconi Syndrome - impaired proximal tubular reabsorption secondary to lead poisoning or Tetracycline.
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