< Turkish


The plural suffixes are -lar and -ler.
-lar if the last vowel of the noun is a back vowel (a, ı, o, u)
-ler if the last vowel of the noun is a front vowel (e, i, ö, ü)

araba => arabalar (car, cars)
insan => insanlar (man, people)
kitap => kitaplar (book, books)
yazar => yazarlar (writer, writers)
halı => halılar (carpet, carpets)
kız => kızlar (girl, girls)
yıldız => yıldızlar (star, stars)
şarkı => şarkılar (song, songs)
palto => paltolar (coat, coats)
çocuk => çocuklar (child, children)
memur => memurlar (officer, officers)

meyve => meyveler (fruit, fruits)
kent => kentler (city, cities)
gazete => gazeteler (newspaper, newspapers)
resim => resimler (photo, photos)
mühendis => mühendisler (engineer, engineers)
gazeteci => gazeteciler (journalist, journalists)
göz => gözler (eye, eyes)
söz => sözler (word, words)
gün => günler (day, days)
gül => güller (rose, roses)
bal => ballar (honey, honeys)

When a number other than one(two, three, etc.) precedes a noun, the noun remains in singular.

room, two rooms ==> oda, iki oda
hour, three hours ==> saat, üç saat
day, four days ==> gün, dört gün

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