Find the main category of your problem and then see if one of the links within it narrows it down. If you get really stuck, consider following CW's Guide to a Stable Toppy.
Installation & Startup
Auto Scan (for channels): why is it so slow?
Duplicate Channels: can/should they be removed?
Main Menu: why do I get stuck in the Main Menu on startup?
Startup: does not start up properly
Firmware problems: why does my 5800 have problems that others don't?
EPG Data
Duplicate Channels: can/should they be removed?
Missing Channels: why doesn't my Toppy show a particular channel any more?
Missing EPG Data or Gaps: on certain channels
Wrong Data: why is the end (or beginning) of the programme missing from my recording?
Audio Dropouts: why do I lose audio momentarily, every minute or so?
Video Corruption: why do I get random glitches in the video, every 30 seconds or so?
Interruption (CYR): why does a recording interrupt my TV viewing with this daft prompt?
Recording From Standby: why did the Toppy not wakeup from standby for a timer recording?
Short Recordings: why is the end (or beginning) of the programme missing from my recording?
Standby When Recording: can I put the Toppy into Standby when it's recording?
why wont my PC recognise my Toppy?
why wont Altair etc connect to my Toppy?
Aspect Ratio: why does it keep changing, when nobody has adjusted that Setting in the Main Menu?
Audio Dropouts: why do I lose audio momentarily, every minute or so?
"Check Your Reservation" (or "CYR"): what on earth does that mean?
Front Display: why does it continue to show the time instead of the channel when not in standby?
Poor English: what do some of the badly worded or confusing options and prompts mean?
Standby When Recording: can I put the Toppy into Standby when it's recording?