< Tok Pisin

This is an English/Tok Pisin dictionary, as spoken in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.


a, an - wanpela

abandon - lusim

abort, have abortion - rausim bel, kilim pikinini long bel

about, approximately - samting

(round) about (a place) - nabaut (long)

above - antap long

accelerator - akselareta

accident - birua, tupela i bam, bagarap

accuse (someone) - sutim long tok

the accused - man i gat kot

acquaintance - poro, poroman

acquitted - winim kot

address - adres

address (letter) - adresim

adhesive/sticking plaster - plasta

adult - bikpela man

advertisement - toksave

aerogramme - leta pas

aeroplane, airplane - balus

affines - tambu

afraid - pret

after, afterwards - bihain, bihain long

afternoon - apinun

again - gen

against - i go long

against - i go long

aggressive person - man bilong pait

agree - yesa

agreement - wanbel

agricultural officer - didiman

air (n) - win

air conditioner - win masin
air mail - mel long balus

airplane, aeroplane - balus

airport - ples balus, epot

alive - i gat laip

all - olgeta

all sorts of - kainkain
all right - orait

allow - larim

almost - klostu

alone - wanpela tasol

along - long

already - yet

also - tu

altar - alta, tebol tambu

altar cloth - laplap bilong alta

although - maski

always - oltaim

ambiguous (be) - karamapim tok

among - namel long

ancestors - tumbuna

anchor - anka

and - na

angel - ensel

angry - kros

angry with, be - krosim

animal - abus

annoy - hambak

annoying person - hambakman, sikibaga

annul a marriage - katim marit

another one (different) - narakain

another one (more) - narapela

answer - ansaim, bekim tok

antiseptic - marasin bilong kilim jem, marasin bilong klinim sua

anus - as

apart from - abrus long; longwe liklik long

apartment - rum

appear in court - sanap long kot

approximately - samting, samting olsem

April - Epril

area, place - hap

areca palm - limbum, limbung

areca nut - buai, bilinat, bitolnat

arm - han

arm, upper - han antap
armpit - sangana

army - ami

around - nabaut

arrive - kamap, kamap long

arrow - supia bilong banara

arrow or spear, barbed - supia i gat huk

arrow, pronged - supsup bilongbanara

art - samting tumbuna

art gallery - haus tambaran

artery - mambu bilong blut

art - samting tumbuna

art gallery - haus tambaran

artificial - man i wokim

as long as - longpela olsem

as soon as - stret long taim

ascend - go antap

ash(es) - sit bilong paia

ask - askim

at - long

attempt - traim

August - Ogas

aunt, paternal - bikmama, smolmama, kandere

Australia - Austrelia

avoid - abrusim

axe - akis

awake - i na slip


baby - pikinini

baby not yet weaned - pikinini i dring susu yet

back - baksait; bek

back (rear) - baksait
back (again) - bek

backbone - bekbun

backwards - long bek

bad - nogut

bad place - ples nogut

bag (n) - bek

baggage - kago

bail up, hold up - hansapim

ballpoint - pen bolpoin or biro

bake - kukim

bake bread - kukim bret

bamboo - mambu

bamboo pipe - mambu
bamboo shoots - ol pikinini mambu

banana - banana

band - paspas

arm band - paspas bilong han
leg band - paspas bilong lek
stomach band, belt - paspas bilong bel

bandage a wound - pasim sua

bandicoot - mumut

bank - beng

bank (n) - haus mani

baptize - wasim, baptaisim

bar - ba

barbecue - kukim long paia

barbecue sauce - blakpela sos

bark - skin

barman, bartender - baman

base, basis - as

basket - basket

bathe - waswas

bathroom - ples waswas, rum bilong waswas

battery - bateri

be in a place - stap

beach - nambis

beads - bis

beans - bin, ol bin

beard - gras usket, mausgras

beat, beat up - paitim

beautiful - nais

be better than - winim

because - bilong wanem, long wanem, bikos

because of - long

become - kamap

bed - bet

bedroom - rum slip

beef - bulmakau, kau, abus bulmakau

beer - bia

before - bipo

before (time) - bipo long taim

begin - kirapim

behave oneself - stap isi , stap gut

behaviour, manner - pasin

behind - bihain long

believe - bilip, bilipim

bell - belo

belly - bel

belt - let, paspas bilong bel

bend (something) - krungutim

beside - arere long

best - nambawan

betelnut - buai , bilinat, bitolnat

betel pepper - daka

better - mobeta

Bible - Baibel

bicycle - wilwil

big - bikpela

bill - bil

binoculars - glas bilong kapten

bird - pisin

Bird of Paradise - kumul

biscuit - bisket

bite - kaikaim

bite off - brukim/katim lo

bitter, strong - em i pait

black - blakpela

black palm - wailimbung,


blanket - blanket

bleed - blut i kamap

blind - aipas

blind in one eye - matakiau

blood - blut

blood relative - wanblut

blow - winim

blow bugle - winim bugol

blow out a match - mekim i masis

bludger - pasindia

blue - blu

board (a vehicle) - kalap

board a PMV - kalap long PM

boat - bot

boat's crew - boskru

body - bodi, skin

boil, swelling, lump - buk

boil (something) - boilim

boiling, be - boil
boiled - i bin boilim

bone - bun

book - buk

bookshop - buksop

boot (n) - bikpela su

border - arere

born - mama i karim

borrow - dinau

boss - masta, bos

both - tupela

bottle - botol

bottle opener - op tin

bottom - ananit

bow - banara

bowstring - rop bilong banara

box (n) - bokis

boy - boi; manki, pikinini man

boyfriend - boipren

brain - kru bilong het

brake(s) - brek

branch of tree - han bilong diwai

brassiere, bra - banis bilong susu

brave - i no save pret

bread - bret

breadfruit - kapiak

break - brukim

break a promise, go back on one's
break word - brukim promis/tok
break down - bagarap
break in halves, divide in two - brukim namel
break the law - brukim lo

breakfast - kaikai long moning

breast - susu

breath - win

out of breath - sotwin

breathe - pulim win

bridge - bris

bright - lait

very bright - tulait

bring - bringim, kisim . . . i kam

brooch - bros

broken - bruk

brothel - haus pamuk

brother - brata

brothers and sisters - bratasusa

brown - braun, braunpela

brush - bras, brus

bubble gum - abababa

build (something) - wokim

building - haus

bulb, light globe - kiau

bullybeef - skweamit, pokona

bump - bamim

bundle - karamap

burn - kukim, paia

Burns Philp - Bipi

bury - planim

bus - bas, PMV

bush - bus

bush knife - busnaip
bush Pig, wild pig - welpig

businessman - man bisnis

busy - i gat wok

busy (doing something) - wok long

but - tasol

butter - bata

buttock - as

button - baten

buttress root - kil bilong diwai

buy - baim


cabbage - kabis

cake - kek

calendar - kalenda

calf of leg - baksait bilong lek

call out - singaut

call (telephone) - ring long telipon
called, is - nem bilong . . . i
call out to - singaut long
call (something or someone) - singautim
to be called or named - ol i kolim

calm (person) - belisi

camera- kamera

can, could - inap; ken

can, tin - tin

candle - kandel

cane - kanda

canoe - kanu

canoe paddle - pul bilong kanu

canvas stretcher - bet sel

cap - hat

captain (of ship) - kapten

car - kar, ka

carburetor - kabureta

cards - kas

careful of, be - lukaut long

carefully - isi isi

cargo - kago

carpet - mat or tepik

carpet snake - moran

carrot - karet

carry - karim

carton - katen

carve (canoe) - sapim

case, suitcase - kes, sutkes, bokis

cassava - kasava, tapiok

cassette - kaset

cassowary - muruk

castor oil - kaswel

cat - pusi

catch a bus - baim bas

catch fish - hukim pis

catfish - mausgras

Catholic - Katolik

cattle - bulmakau, kau

cause - as

celebrate Mass - mekim Misa

cement - simen

centimetre - sentimita

century - handet yia

certainly - orait orait

chain - sen

chair - sea, sia

chance - sans

change (small money) - senis

change money (from notes to coins) - senisim

change money (from one currency to another) - tanim mani

change (transport) - senisim

charge - sas, sasim

chase - ranim

chatter - sikirapim tok

cheap - i no dia

check - sekim

cheeky person - hambakman, sikibaga

cheerio - lukim yu

cheese - sis

cherry - sirsen

chest - bros

chewing gum - pike

chicken - kakaruk

chief - luluai

child - pikinini

chill - skin i kol

chin - usket, asket

chips (Potato) - sips

chocolate - soklet

chocolate (candy) - braunpela loli

chook, fowl - kakaruk

choose - kisim long laik

chop - katim long akis/tamiok

chops - sops

chopsticks - sopstik

Christian - kristen

Christmas - krismas

church - lotu, haus lotu, sios

churchgoer - man bilong lotu
church members - Ekelesia

cigarettes - sigaret

cinema - haus piksa

circulatory system - rot bilong blut

city - biktaun

clan - bisnis, lain, famili

clay - graun, graun malomalo, graun bilong wokim sospen

clay pot - sospen, sospen graun

clean - klin, klinpela

clean (vb) - klinim

clear - klia

clearing - ples klia

clear the table - klirim tebol

make clear, explain - klirim

clerk - kuskus

clever person - man bilong save

clock - klok, kilok

clock's alarm - belo bilong klok

close - pasim

closed - i pas

cloth - laplap

clothes - klos

cloud - klaut

club - klab; stik bilong pait

clutch - klats

coast (n) - nambis

coastal man - man bilong nambis

coat - kot

Coca-Cola - kouk, kokakola

cockatoo - koki

cocoa - kakao

coconut - kokonas

coconut frond - bombom, bumbum
coconut milk, coconut water - wara bilong kokonas
coconut cream - susu o gris bilong kokonas
coconut shell - sel bilong kokonas

coffee - kopi

coin - mani ain

cold - kol , kolpela

cold, have a - kus
cold season (winter) - taim bilong kol

colour - kala

comb - kom

comb of chicken/rooster - plaua bilong kakaruk

come - kam

come back - kambek, kam bek
come out - kamaut
come quickly - kam hariap
come up - kamap

comfortable - gut moa

commercial - bilong bisnis

company (firm) - kampani

competition - resis

complain - kotim

completely - olgeta

computer - komputa

conceal - haitim

conceive (a child) - kisim bel

concert - singsing

concrete - simen

condensed milk - strongpela susu

condom, contraceptive for males - gumi bilong kok

confess - tokautim sin

confession - konpesen

conscience - tok insait

constipated - bel i pas

consul - tultul

contain - holim . . . i stap

continue - skruim . . . i go

contraceptive for females - samting bilong pasim bel

contraceptive for males - gumi bilong kok

control, be in charge of - bosim

controversy - tok pait

convenient - i mekim isi

conversation - toktok

converse with - toktok wantaim

convert - tanim tingting, tanim bel

cook - kuk, kukim

cookie - switbiskit

cooking pit, ground oven - mumu

copra - kopra

copy - bihainim

cordyline plant - tanget

corkscrew - skru tuptup

corn - kon

corned beef - solmit, mit

corner - kona

correct - stret, stretpela

corridor, hallway - ples wokabaut insait long haus

cost - kostim, kastim

cotton - katen

cotton-wool - kapuk, koten

count (vb) - kaunim

country (nation) - kantri

countryside - bus

councillor - kaunsila

course - kos

court - kot

courthouse - kothaus

take to court - kotim

courtyard - kot

cousin - kasen

cover, lid of something - tuptup

cover (vb) - karamapim

covet, be jealous of - mangalim

coward - pretman, man bilong pret

crab - kuka

cracker - draibisket

crayfish - kindam

crazy - longlong; waia i lus

cream - strongpela susu

crew of plane/ship - boskru bilong balus/sip

criminal - man nogut, raskol

crocodile - pukpuk

cross - diwai kros

cross (vb) - go long hap long
cross, angry - kros
cross out - autim

crowd - planti man na meri

crown of tree - het bilong diwai

crumple (something) - krungutim

cry - krai

cucumber - kukamba

cup - kap

cup of tea - kapti

cupboard - kapet

curry - kari

curtain - laplap bilong windo

cuscus - kapul

cushion - pilo

custard - kastet

custom (way) - pasin

customs (n) - kastam

cut - kat, katim

cut down - katim i pundaun, pundaunim
cut grass - katim gras
cut grass with sarip - saripim


daddy - papa

dance and/or sing - singsing

dance (modern style) - danis

dangerous place - ples nogut, i gat samting nogut

dark (colour) - tudak

dark (no light) - tudak

darkness - tudak

dates - prut det

daughter - pikinini meri (bilong em)

day - de

day after tomorrow - haptumora
day before yesterday - hapasde
day off - de bilong malolo

daytime - taim long san

dead - i dai pinis

dead person, the dead - daiman

deaf - yaupas

dear (expensive) - dia

debt - dinau

deceive - karamapim tok

deceiver - kusaiman, man bilong karamapim tok

December - Desemba

decide - pasim tingting

decorate - bilasim

decoration - bilas

deep - godaun tru

defecate - pekpek

demand (vb) - singaut long

denigrate, make fun of - rabisim

dense bush - bikbus

dentist - dentis, dokta bilong tit, dokta lukautim tit

desert (n) -ples wesan

desert (vb) - lusim

dessert - switpela kaikai

develop - kamapim

devil - satan, setan

dialect - nek

diamond - daimen

diarrhea - pekpek wara

dictionary - buk bilong painim mining

die - dai pinis

did - bin

different - narakain, narapela kain

difficult - i hatwok

difficulty - asua, hevi

dig - digim

digestive system - rot bilong kaikai

dinner - kaikai long belo

direction - i makim rot

dirty - doti

disciple - disaipel

disciples - lain bilong Jisas

discover - painimautim

dish - dis

dish cloth - hap laplap bilong wasim plet
dish up, serve food - sutim kaikai

disobey - sakim tok

dispute - tok pait

district - distrik

disturb the peace - brukim sindaun

divorce - katim marit

dizzy - ai i raun

do - mekim

do something regularly - save

doctor - dokta

dog - dok

don't! - nogat!

door - dua

double - dabolim

doubt - tubel

down - daun, tamblo, tambolo

drain, trench - baret

draw on a smoke - pulim smok

dress (woman,s) - klos meri

dress (vb. as in a wound) - klinim sua

drilling machine - boamasin

drink (n) - dring

drink (vb) - dringim

dripping - gris bilong bulmakau

drive (vb) - draivim

driver - draiva

drum - kundu, garamut

drunk - spak

drunkard - spakman

dry - drai, draipela

dry biscuit - draibisket
dry season - taim bilong san

duck - pato

dumb - mauspas

during - long taim bilong

dust - das

dusty - i gat dus

duty (obligation) - wok

dysentery - pekpek blut


each - wanpela wanpela

each other - wanpela narapela

ear - yau, ia

early (before time) - bipotaim

earrings - ol bilas bilong ia

earth - graun

earthquake - guria

east - hap san i kamap, or es

Easter - Ista

easy - isi

eat - kaikaim

edge - arere

educate - edukeitim

eel - maleo

egg - kiau

eight - et, etpela

either/or - ating

elaculate (semen) - marasin capsait, marasin siut

electric - lektrik

electricity - elektrik, elektrisiti, pawa

elevator - lipt

embassy - haus luluai bilong longwe ples

empty - klia

empty space - ples nating, ples klia

enclose - banisim

enemy, opponent - birua

engine - ensin

English - Inglis

enjoy - hamamas tru

enormous - bikpela tru

enough - inap

envelope - skin pas

envy - mangal

epsom salts, laxative - solmarasin

equal - wankain

establish - kirapim

eucalyptus tree, gum tree - gamtri, kamarere

Europeans - mastamisis, ol waitman

evening (early)- apinun

evening (late) - nait

everybody - olgeta, olgeta man

everybody - olgeta man

everything - olgeta samting

everywhere - long olgeta ples

exactly - stret

example, for - wankain olsem

except - tasol i na gat

excite - sikrapim bel bilong

exert oneself - taitim bun

exhaust pipe - eksospaip

exhibition - so

exist - stap

exit (n) - dua i go ausait

expect - wetim

expensive - dia

explain - toksave, tok save long

extremely - tumas, mo, tru

eve - ai

eyebrow, eyelash - gras bilong ai


fable, myth - tok bilong bipo yet

face - pes, pes olgeta

fact, in - em i tru

fail - pelim, no inap mekim

fall down - pundaun

false - giaman

family - lain, famili

famous - i gat biknem

fan - brum bilong winim pes

fan belt - let bilong karapela

far - longwe

far side - arasait

fare - fe

farmer - man bilong wokim gaden

fast - kwik

fasten - pasim

fasten seatbelt - pasim let

fat (for greasing body) , oil - wel

fat - gris
fat, large - traipela, patpela

father - papa

fault - asua; rong

feather - gras bilong pisin

February - Februeri

feel - filim, pilim

fell a tree - katim diwai i pundaun

fellow worker - wanwok

female - meri

female genitals - bokis, kan, sem bilong meri

fence - banis

fence in - banisim

festered (stinking) wound - sua i sting

festival - singsing

fetch - kisim . . . i kam

fever - skin i hat; fiva

few - wan wan or lik lik

field - ples kunai

fifty-five - fiftifaiv

fight (vb) - pait

file - fail

fill - pulapim

film (camera) - pilum

film (movie show) - piksa

filter - pilta

finally - pinis tru

find - painim pinis

find out - painim aut

finery - bilas

finger - pinga

fingernail - kapa bilong pinga

finish - pinis, pinisim

fin of fish - pul bilong pis

fire - paia

firewood - paiawut

first, firstly - pastaim

first - namba wan
first rate - nambawan

fish - pis

fish spear - supsup

five - faiv, faipela

fix - fiksim, piksim

fix up - oraitim

flat - stret

flat (tyre/tire) - taia i plat

flat (of battery) - kol pinis

flatter - tok grisim

flatulate, fart - piak, kapupu

floor - plua, purpur

flour - plaua

flower - plaua

fly (insect) - lang

fly (vb) - plai

(bird) flies - plai
fly a plane - ranim balus

flying fox - blakbokis

fog - sno

fold paper/clothes - brukim pepa/klos

follow - bihainim

food - kaikai

foot - lek, fut

football - kikbal

footprint - mak bilong fut

for - long

forbidden - i tambu

forbidden place - ples tambu

forearm, lower arm - han tambolo, han daunbilo

foreign - bilong longwe ples

foreleg (of pig) - han (bilong pik)

forest - bus

forget - lusim, lusim tingting

forget about, ignore - maski

forgive - lusim, lusim tingting long

fork - pok

former - bipo

formerly - bipo

fornicate - sikrapim bel bilong

for no reason - nating

fortnight - fotnait

forwards - poret

found, establish - kirapim

four - fo, foa, fopela

four-wheel drive - fowil draiv

fowl - kakaruk

fracture, broken bone - bun i bruk

free (vacant) - i no gat man o meri

free time - taim bilong malolo, wiken

fresh - nupela

Friday - Fraide

fried - i bin praim

fried rice - prairais

friend - poro, poroman, pren, wantok

frightened - pret

frog - rokrok

from - bilong

frond - panggal

front - fran

front of, in - ai bilong

frontier - arere bilong kantri

frosted glass - grileglas

frozen - i ais pinis

fruit - pikinini bilong diwai; prut

fry - praim

frying pan - praipan

full, full up - pulap

funnyman, clown - paniman

fur - gras

fur (of dog) - gras bilong dok

fuzz, fine hair - mosong


gallon - galen

game, meat - abus

garden - gaden

garden house, summer house - haus win

garnish - abus

gasoline - bensin

gearbox - giabokis

gee! - oloboi , oloman

genitals - bokis, kan, sem (bilong meri) ; bol, kok (bilong man)

Germany - Jemeni

get - kisim

get into a PMV - kalap long PMV
get paid - kisim pe
get rid of, throw away - rausim, autim
get up - kirap, sanap
get someone up from bed - kirapim

ghost (of dead person) - dewel bilong man i dai

gigolo, male prostitute - pamukman

ginger - gorgor, kawawar

girl - gel, meri

give - givim

give up - larim

glass (container) - glas

glass (substance) - glas

globe, bulb - golo, lam

glove - soken bilong han

glutton - man bilong kaikai

gnat - natnat

go - igo

go ahead - go pas
go on! - koan!
go to school - go long skul
go down - go daun
go up - go antap

goanna - palai

goat - meme, me

God - God, Got

gold - gol

good - gut, gutpela

good afternoon - apinun
good day - gude, yu stap
good morning - moning
good night - gut nait
good worker - man bilong wok

goods - kago

gossip about - tok baksait

government - gavman

government officer - kiap

gram - giram

grandparent(s) - tumbuna

grapes - ol pikinini bilong rop wain

grass - gras

grassy patch - ples kunai

grave - hul (bilong planim man)

grease - wel, welim; gris, grisim

green - grin, grinpela

green coconut - kulau
greens - kumu, sayor, grins

greet - tok gude

grey - gre

grill - kukim (antap) long paia

groin - sangana

ground - graun

ground oven - mumu

group - lain

grow - gro

G-string - mal

guard (vb) - sambai long

guava - guava, yambo

guest - pasindia

guide - man i soim rot or gait

guidebook - buk em i soim rot

guilt - hevi, wari

gullet - mambu bilong nek

gun - masket, raifol, gan


hair - gras, gras bilong het

haircut - katim gras

hairdresser - man i save katim gras bilong het

half - hap

half-caste - hapkas
half past seven - hap pas seven

halve - hapim

ham - lek bilong pik

hammer - hama, hamarim

hand - han

handbag - hanpaus

handkerchief - hankisip

hang (something) up - hangamapim

happy - amamas, hamamas

harbour (n) - pasis

hard - hat, hatpela; strong, strongpela

harlot - pamuk meri

harvest (sweet potato) - kamautim (kaukau)

hat - hat

hate - no laikim tru, hetim

hatred - pasin birua

have - gat

have a cold - kus
have an accident - kisim asua, birua
have sexual intercourse with a woman - pilai wantaim meri, sutim meri, goapim meri, paulim meri,

hevim seks wantaim meri

he - em

head - het

headache - het i pen

heal (of sore) - drai

hear - harim

heart - klok, kilok, pam, hat

heat - hotim

heathen - hiden

heaven - heven

heavy - hevi

height - longpela bilong em

hell - hel

helmet - hat ain

help - halivim, helpim

her - bilong em

here - hia

hide - haitim

high - antap

highlands - hallans, hailens
high school - haiskul
high tide - haiwara

highway - haiwe

hill - maunten

hind leg (of Pig) - lek (bilong pik)

his - bilong em

hit - paitim

hoarse - nek i pas

hoist, lift up - haisapim, apim, winsim

hold - holim

holy - tambu, holi

home - haus, long haus

home town, my - asples bilong mi

honest - stret, stretpela

honey - hani

hook - huk

hope - hop

horn - hon

hornbill - kokomo

horse - hos

hospital - haus sik

host - bos bilong haus

hostess - hostes, e hostes

hostility - pasin binua

hot - hat, hot, hotpela

hot - hat

hot season (summer) - taim bilong san

hotel - hotel

hour - aua

house - haus

house/flat mate - wanhaus
house keeper - Haus Mari
House of Parliament - Haus Palamen

how - olsem wanem

how much/many - hamas

however - tasol

humility - daunpasin

hundred - wan handet

hungry - hangre

hurry, hurry up - hariap

hurt - pen

husband - maritman

hut - haus

hypocrite - tubel, tumaus, man i gat tupela maus


I - mi

I alone - mi wanpela
I myself - mi yet
I think (so) - ating

ice - ais

iceblock - aisblok
ice chest, refrigerator - bokis ais

ice-cream - aiskrim

if - sapos

ill - sik

illegitimate child - pikinini bilong rot

ill-will - pasin birua

imitate - bihainim

immediately - stret nau

important - i bikpela samting

impossible - i hat moa

imprison - kalabusim

improve - kamapim

in - insait long

increase (price) - antapim

independence - independens

indigenous person - kanaka

industrious person - man bilong wok

information - toksave

injection - sut

injure - kilim

in-laws - tambu

inner tube - gumi

in order to - bilong

insect - binatang

inside - insait

inside of - insait long

instead of - long halivim

insult - nogutim, tok nogutim

intercourse - puspus, kuap

interesting - i laikim tru

interfere - paulim

interpreter - man i tanim tok ples

interrupt - katim tok

interviewer - intaviua

intestines - liva

in the middle of - namel long

iron - ain; ainim, ainim klos

is - stap

island - ailan

isn't it? - laka?

it - em

it would be better if - mobeta sapos


jack - jek

jam - jem

January - Janueri

jaw's harp - susap

jet plane - smokbalus

jewelry - bilas

jew's harp - susap

joint - skru

joke - giaman

journey - wokabaut

judge - jas

July - Julai

jump (vb) - kalap

June - Jun

jungle - bus, bikbus

just - tasol

just when - stret long taim


keep, detain - holim pas

kick - kik

kid, joke - glaman

kill - kilim i dai pinis

kilogram - kilogiram

kilometer - kilomita

kina (monetary unit 100 toea) - kina

kind, sort - kain

kind (friendly) - gut

king - king

kiss (vb) - givim kis

kitchen - haus kuk, hauskuk, kisen

knead bread - wokim, paitim bret

kneel - nildaun

knife - naip

knock at door - paitim dua

know - save

know (someone/something) - save long
know how to (do something) - save mekim/wokim


label - namba

lake - raunwara

lamb -pikinini bilong sipsip

lamp - lam

lance a boil - katim buk

laplap - laplap

lard - gris bilong pik

large - traipela

last - bihain tru

late (behind time) - bihaintaim or taim i lus

later - bai

later on - bihain

laugh - lap

laundry - haus bilong wasim klos

laundry (clothes) - klos was

law - lo

lawnmower - mowa

lawyer - loia, loya, loman, saveman long lo

laxative - solmarasin

lay (something) down - slipim

lead (vb) - go pas long

leaf - lip, lip bilong diwai

learn - lainim

learn about - lain
learned person - man bilong save

least, at - liklik tru

leather shoes - su let

leave (place) - lusim

leave behind - larim

left - kais

left hand - han kais, lep han, lephan

leftovers - hap kaikai bilong asde

leg - lek

leg, lower - lek daunbilo, lek tamblo
leg, upper - lek antap

lemon - muli

lemonade - limonad, muliwara, loliwara

let, allow - larim

letter - pas, leta

letter (character) - rait

lettuce - letis

liar - man bilong giaman, giamanman

licence - laisens, pemit

lick - likim

lie (n) - giaman

lie down - slip

lie to - giamanim

lift (vb) - liptimupim

light - lait

light (colour) - tulait
light (weight) - i no hevi
light the lamp - kamapim lait
light (gas) - laita

lighter (flint) - ston masis

lighter (cigarette) - sigaret laita

lightning - klaut i lait

like, as - olsem, olsem long

like (doing something) - save laik
like - laikim

lime, lemon - muli

lime juice, lemon drink - muliwara

lime (powder) - kambang

lime spatula - stik kambang

line - lain

lipstick - pen bilong maus

listen - harim

litre - lita

little - liklik

live (reside) - stap

liver - lewa

living person - laipman

lizard - palai

loaf of bread - bret

loafer, lazy man - lesbaga

loan - lon

local language - tok ples

lock (n) - lok

lock (vb) - lokim

lock door - lokim dua
lock up, imprison - kalabusim

loincloth - laplap

lolly, candy - loli

long - long, longpela

long (size) - longpela
long (time) - longpela taim
long ago - bipo tru

longer than - longpela mo

longest - longpela long olgeta

longest of all - longpela winim olgeta

look - luk, lukluk

look after - lukautim
look-alike - wanpes
look at - lukim, lukluk, lukluk long
look for - painim
look out! - lukaut!

loose - lus, slek

loosen, slacken - slekim, lusim
lose - lusim
lost - lus

lot, a - planti

loud - strong

loudmouth - man bilong bikmaus

louse - laus

love - laikim

low - daun

low tide - tait i slek

lunch - liklik kaikai or belo

luck - kas

lucky (card game) - laki

lungs - wetliva, lang

Lutheran - luteran

lying down - slip


machine - masin

mad - longlong, het i pas

mad person - longlongman

magazine - niuspepa

magic - majik, puripuri, sanguma

magistrate - majestret

main - bikpela

main road - bikrot
main village - bikples

make - wokim

make a clenched fist - brukim han
make hole in ground - digim hul
make love to - holim skin
make magic against - mekim poisen long

malaria - malaria

Malay apple - laulau

male - man

man - man

manager - menaga

Manam Island - ailan Manam

mango - mango

many - planti

map - map

March - Mas

marihuana, marijuana - spak brus

market - bung, maket

married - marit

married couple - tupela marit
married man/woman - maritman/meri
married quarters - haus marit

marry - maritim

masturbate (male)- siginim kok, siginim buk

matches - masis

matches are wet, won't light - masis i kol

mate, close friend - wantok

may - me

meal - kaikai

meal time - taim bilong kaikai

mean - min

means, (it) - i min

measure (vb) - makim

meat - abus

mechanic - mekenik

medical assistant, doctor - dokta

medicine - marasin

meet - bungim, painim

meeting - kibung, kivung, miting

melon - melen

men & women - manmeri , pipel

menstruating - mun i kilim, i lukim meri

menu - pas bilong ol kaikai

message - tok

messmate - wansospen, wantebol

metre - mita

middle - namel

midnight - biknait

milk - susu

millimetre - milimita

minibus - liklik bas

minute - minit

mirror - glas bilong lukluk

miserable - tarangu

mission - misin

missionary - misinare

mist - sno

mistake - i no stret

mix - miksim

mixed-race - hapkas

moiety - bisnis, lain, famili

moment - minit

monastery - haus pater

Monday - Mande

money - mani

month - mun

monument - makim

moon - mun

full moon - raunpela mun, bikpela mun
moon rises - mun i kamap
moon sets - mun i godaun
new moon - nupela mun

more - mo

morning - moningtaim

mosque - haus lotu bilong ol mahomet

mosquito - natnat, moskito

mosquito net - taunam

most - moa tru

mother - mama, mami

motor-bike - motobaik

mountain - maunten

mouse - liklik rat

moustache - mausgras

mouth - maus

movie camera - kamera piksa

much - planti

muddy place - ples malomalo

muffler - mafla

multicoloured - makmak

mummy - mama, mami

murderer - kilman

museum - haus bilong tumbuna pasin

mushroom - papai

music - musik or sing sing

must - mas

mutton, lamb - sipsip

mustard - mastet

my - . . . bilong mi

myth - tok bilong bipo yet


name - nem

namesake - wannem

nape of neck - baksait bilong nek

napkin - napkin

narrow - i no brait

native village - ples kanaka

natural - samting tru

nauseated - bel i tantanim

navel - hap bel

near, nearby - klosap, klostu, klostu long

neck - nek

need - nidim, laikim

needle (n) - nil bilong samap

nest - haus bilong pisin

never - i no gat wanpela taim

never mind - maski

new - nupela

newspaper - niuspepa

next (after) - bihain

next to, beside - arere

nice, attractive - naispela

night - nait

dead of night - biknait

nine - nain, nainpela

ninety - nainti, nainpela ten

ninety-five - naintifaiv

no - nogat

no smoking! - no ken smok!

nobody - i no gat man

noise - nois

noodles - ol nudal

noon - belo kaikai

north - not

nose - nus

nose pin - pin bilong nus

not - no

not at all - no . . . tasol

notepaper - pepa bilong raitim leta

nothing - i nogat samting, nogat

notice - toksave

nought - nating, not, siro

November - Novemba

now - nau

now and then - wanpela wanpela taim

nuisance - hambakman

number - namba

nurse (n) - nes

nut (of bolt) - nat

nuts - galip


obtain - kisim

occasionally - wanpela wanpela taim

occupied - pulap

October - Oktoba

offer - mekim ofa

office - opis, ofis

officer - ofisa

oil - wel

oil (something) - welim, grisim

ointment - gris

okay - oke, orait

old - lapun; olpela

old man - lapun
old (things) - olpela

olives -pikinini diwai oliv

on - antap long

once - wanpela taim

once more - wanpela taim mo

one - wan, wanpela

one way - wanwe

onion - anien

only - tasol

on top of - antap long

open - op, opim, i op i stap

open (vb) - opim

open (new business) - kirapim

opera - kain singsing na danis

opinion - tingting

opposite - arasait

or - no

orange - switmuli

order - oda, odaim

ordered - takim

ordinary - nating

origin - as

other - narapela

other side, opposite side - arasait

our - bilong mipela

outboard motor - autbotmota

outpost - stesin

outside - ausait

oven - aven

overcast - klaut i pas

overcoat - kotren

overcome - daunim

oversee - bosim

overseer on plantation - bosboi

over-there - hap, long hap

overtake a car - abrusim ka

owe - gat dinau

oyster - kina

oyster shell - skin bilong kina


pacify - kolim bel, mekim bel i kol

pack (vb) - bungim wantaim

paddle (canoe) - pul long kanu

pain - pen

paint - pen, penim

palace - haus bilong king

palm of hand - insait long han

pandanus fruit - marita

paper - pepa

parakeet - kalangal

parcel - karamap

parents - papamama

park (n) - gaden bilas

park (car) (vb) - pasim kar

parliament - palamen

parrot - koki; kalangal

part - pat

party - pati

pass (oncoming) car - mitim ka, bungim ka

pass, overtake - abarisim

passenger - pasindia

passport - paspot

past tense marker - bin

pastry - kek

patient - sikman, sikmeri

pawpaw, papaya - popo

pay (n) - pe

pay (vb) - balm, peim

pay admission - peim dua
pay bail - baim rum gat
payday - pede
pay for - baim
pay out, get rid of - tromwei, rausim
payweek - potnait

peace - gutpela taim

peaceful (person) - belisi

peanut - kasang, kalip

pearl - kiau bilong golip

peas - hebsen, pi

pedestrian crossing - ples wokabaut

peeping Tom - lukstilman, man bilong luklukstil

pen - pen

pencil - pensil

penis - kok

people - manmeri, pipel

pepper - pepa, daka

perch, spiny fish - nilpis

perfume - sanda

perhaps - ating, nating

permit, licence - pemit

permit (vb) - larim

persistent offender - man i go i kam long kot

person - man, meri

person from same village - wanples
person of same (age, social) group - wanlain
person of same religion - wanlotu

petrol (gasoline) - bensin

petrol pipe - mambu bilong bensin

pharmacy - haus marasin

photo - foto, poto, piksa

photograph (n) - poto

picture - piksa

piece - hap

piece of bread - hap bret
piece of scone - hap skon

pie - pai

pig - pik

pigeon - pisin

pile up - hipim

pillow - pilo

pillow slip - skin pilo

pilot - pailat

pin - pin

pineapple - ananas, painap

pink - ret

pipe - paip

pistol - hangan

pity, mercy - marimari

place - hap

planet - liklik mun

plantation - plantesen, plantesin

plant - planim

plastic - plastik

plate - plet

platform (railway) - ples bilong wetim tren

play - pilai, pilaim

play flute or pipe - winim mambu
play guitar, piano - pilaim gita, piano

playmate - wanpilai

pleasant - switpela

please - plis

plenty - Planti

pliers - plais

PMV - piemvi

poison - poisen

point out - mekim long pinga long

pole - diwai

police - polis

police station - polis stesin

policeman - polisman

polish - polisim

politician - politisen

poor (needy) - nogat moni

poor man - rabisman

pork - pik, abus pik

porter - kagoboi

portion out - dilim

possible - i ken

possum - kaskas

posterior part - as

post - pos

post-box - letabokis

postcard - poskat

post office - pos opis, posopis, haus pos

potato - poteto, patete

potato, sweet potato - kaukau
potato, wild sweet potato - kumu

pound - memeim

pour - kapsaitim

powder - paura

power - pawa

practise - traim

prawn - kindam bilong solwara or liklik kindam

prayer book - buk beten

preacher - talatala

pregnant - i gat bel

prepare - redim

prepare food - redim/wokim kaikai

present (gift) - presen

president - presiden

press (clothes) - ainim

pressure-cook - mumuim

pressure lamp - lam bensin

pretty -nais

price - prais, pe

priest - pater

primary school - praimeri skul

Prime Minister - Prai Minista

prison - kalabus

prisoner - kalabusman

private - tambu long olgeta

probably - ating

problems - wari

prohibit - tambuim

promise - promisim

promote - strongim

propeller - koropela, propela

prophet - profet

prostitute - pamukmeri

proud of, be - amamasim

province - provins

provoke - sutim bel, sutim nus

public - bilong olgeta man na meri

public transport - PMV

pull - pulim, pulim . . . i kam

pulp - meme

pulverize - memeim

pumpkin - pamkin

puncture - taia i plat

punish - strafim

pure - klin

purple - hap ret

push - subim

put - putim

put on (clothing) - pasim

pyrethrum - pairitrum

python - moran


Qantas (airline) - Kwantas

quantity - hamas

queen - misis kwin

question - kwesten

queue - lain

quick - hariap

quickly - kwik, kwiktaim

quiet, quietly - kwait, i no gat nois, no ken mekim nois

quite (long) - (longpela) liklik

quotation, statement - hap tok


race (contest) - resis

radiator - redieita

radio - wailis

railway - tren

rain - ren

raincoat - kotren, kot ren

raining, it is - ren i kamdaun or pundaun

rainbow - renbo

rainy season - taim bilong ren

raise, increase - apim (pe)

raise money - kamapim mani
raise with block and tackle - blokim

rape - pulim, goapim

raskol, rascal - raskol

rat - rat

rather - liklik

rattle - ratol

razor - resa

read - ridim, ritim

reader - rida

ready - redi

really - tru

receipt - risit

receive - kisim

record (n) - rekot

record (vb) a song - katim singsing long teprikoda

red - ret, retpela

reeds - tiktik

reef - rip

refrigerator - bokis ais

register (letter) - rejistarim pas

regret - belhevi

release the brake - legoim brek

religion, worship - lotu

remember - holim long tingting or no lusim tingting

rent - baim

repair (vb) - wokim gut

repeat - mekim gen

replete - pulap

reply - bekim tok

report - givim stori, ripotim

research - rises

rest - malolo

to have a rest - kisim win, wiken, malolo

restaurant -

result - ansa

return - go bek, kambek, kam bek

ribs - banis

rice - rais

rich - i gat planti samting

ridicule - tok bilas

rifle - raifol, gan

right (correct)

right (hand) - raithan, han sut

ring (n) - ring

ring the bell - paitim belo

ringworm - grile, skin pukpuk

ripe - mau

rise - go antap

river - wara

road - rot

roast - i bin kukim long paia

roll a smoke - tanim smok

room - rum

round - raun

row, paddle - pul long kanu

rubbish - pipia, rabis

rubbish tin - tin pipia

rum - ram

rumour - tokwin

run - ran, ron

run away - ranawe, ronwe

rust - ros


sack, dismiss - autim long wok

sad - sore, sori

safe - i stap gut

sago, sago palm - saksak

sailor(s) - boskru

salt - sol

salt and pepper - sol na pepa
saltmeat - mit, solmit

same - wankain

sandals - sandal

sandwich - sanwis

Saturday - Sarere

sauce - sos

saucepan - sospen

sausage - sosis

saw - so, katim long so

say - tok

say (your) name - kolim nem (bilong yu)

scabies - kaskas

scavenge - mumutim

school - skul

schoolchild - sumatin

schoolmate - wanskul

science - save

scissors - sisis

scold - krosim

scone(s) - skon

scrape - sikirapim, sikrapim

scrape coconut - sikirapim kokonas

scraps - pipia

screw, bolt - skru

sea - solwara

seaside - nambis

seat - sit, sea, sia

seat of government - asples bilong gavman

second - namba tu

second (time) - sekon

secret - tok hait

secret language, parable - tok bokis

secretary - sekreteri

seduce - pulim

see - lukim

seems - ating

seldom - sampela taim

sell - salim, selim

semitrailer - semitrela

send - salim

Sepik River - wara Sepik, riva Sepik

September - Septemba

servant - hausboi, hausmeri

service station - sevis stesin

set free - lusim

set the table - stretim, lainim tebol

settle stomach - strongim bel

seven - seven, sevenpela

Seventh Day Adventist - seven de

several - sampela

sew - samapim

sew up - samap, samapim

shadow - dewel, dewel bilong man

shake - seksek, seksekim

shake hands - sekan

shallow - i no daun

shame - sem

shampoo - sop, sop i het gras

share out - skelim

shark - sak

sharp - sap, sappela

sharp (of time), exactly - stret

shave - sepim

she - em

sheep - sipsip

sheet - laplap bilong bet, bet sit, bet laplap

sheet metal - kapa

shell - kina

shell as penis covering - kam

shelter (n) - ples bilong hait

shield - plang bilong pait

ship - sip

shirt - siot

shivering - skin i guria

shoe(s) - su

one shoe - wanpela sait long su, wanpela su
both shoes - tupela su

shoot - sutim

shoot at/with - sut long

shop (n) - stua, stoa

short - sot, sotpela

shorthand - sothan

shorts - sotpela trausis

shoulder - sol , solda

shovel - savol

show (vb) - soim

shower (n) - waswas

shut - pasim

shut up/away - kalabusim
shut up (talking) - sarap

siblings - bratasusa

sick - sik

side - sait, hapsait

side-dish - abus
side track/road - hanrot
side stream - hanwara

sign, signal (n) - sain

sign (vb) - raitim nem long

silk - slika

silver - silva

similar - wankain

sin - pekato

since (time) - bihain long

sing - singsing

sister (nurse, nun) - sista

sister (kin) - susa

sit, sit down - sindaun

six - sikis, sikispela

Sixmile - Sikismail

skin - sigin

skirt, European type - sket, siket

man's bark type or G-string - mal
woman's - purpur, sket

skite, con man - bulsitman

sky - ples bilong klaut, heven, antap

slack - slek, lus

slacken - slekim, lusim

slap - solapim

sleep, be asleep - slip

sleepy - ai i hevi, ai x slip

sleeve - han bilong siot

slitgong - garamut

slow - isi isi

slow down - sloim ka

small - liklik

smoke - smok, simuk

snake - snek

sneakers - su gumi

snore - pulim nus

snow - ais

soap - sop

soccer - soka, futbol

sock(s) - sok, soken

long walk sock(s) - longsok

soda-water - sodawara

soft - . . . malmalum

softdrink - loliwara

soldier - soldia, solodia

sole of foot - ananit bilong lek

some - sampela

somebody - wanpela man o meri

something - samting

sometimes - sampela taim

somewhere - long sampela hap

son - pikinini man (bilong em)

soon - no longtaim, klosap, klostu, kwiktaim

sorcery - sanguma, puripuri

sore - sua

sore has pus in it - sua i gat susu

sorry - sori, sore

sort, kind - kain

soup - sup

sour - soua

soursoup - sausap

South - saut

soya sauce - blaksos, blakpela sos, soisos

space - spes

spade - spet

spare part(s) - spepat

spark - spak

spark plug - spak plag

speak - spik, tok, toktok

speak out, divulge - autim
speak the truth - tok tru

spear - spia, supia

spear (Something) - spirim

spectacles - aiglas

speed - spit

spell - kaunim, spelim

spend - lusim

spirit - masalai

spirit house - haus tambaran

spit, spittle - spet

spoil - bagarapim

spoon - spun

spoon out - spunim, savolim

sport - pilai

sprain - tanim skru

squatter - dripman, welman

stairs - lata, step

stamp (postage) - stem

stand up, erect (something) - sanapim

stand up, be erect - sanap

star - sta

station (government) - stesin

station (railway) - tren stesin

station (police) - polis stesin

stay - sindaun or stap

steak - mit

steal - stilim

Steamships - Stimsip

steel wool - stilwul

steep - i go daun tumas

steer - stia, stiaim

steer car - stirim ka
steering wheel - stia

steps - lata, step

stevedore - wok sip

still (adv) - yet

stockings - sokin

stone - ston

stop - dai (indai)i stop, stopim

store - stua, stoa

storekeeper - stuakipa

storey (floor) - plo

story - stori

stove - stov

straight - stretpela

straight on - stret

strainer - strena

strap - pasim

street - rot

strength, force, power - pawa

strike a match - slekim masis

string - string

string netbag - bilum

strip a bed - brukim bet

strong - strong, strongpela

stubborn, conceited - bikhet

stubby - stabi

stuck - pas

student - studen, sumatin

study - stadim, glasim

study (vb) - lainim

stupid - longlong, het i pas

substance - samting

suck finger - susuim pinga

suddenly - santu

sugar - suga

sugarcane - stik suga

suitcase - paus

summit - antap

sun - san

Sunday - Sande

sunglasses - sanglss

support - sapotim

supporter - sapota

suppose, if - sapos

surprised - kirap nogut

surveyor - masta mak

swamp - tais

sweat - tuhat

sweatshirt - kolsinglis

sweep - brumim

sweet - swit, switmoa

sweet biscuit - switbiskit
sweet potato - kaukau

swell up - solap

swim - suvim

sword grass - kunai


table - tebol

tail - tel

tailor (n) - man bilong samapim klos

take - kisim, bringim

take away - tekewe
take contraceptives - pasim bel
take off (plane) - kirap
take temperature - glasim
take to court - kotim

talk - tok, toktok

talk about - toktok long
talkative person - man bilong toktok

tall - long

tall tale - tok gumi

tape (recording) - tep

tape-recorder - teprikoda

tapioca - tapiok, kasara

tap root - kil bilong diwai

taro - taro

taste (vb) - traiim

tax - takis

taxi - taksi

tea (in liquid form) - ti

cup of tea - kapti
tea leaves - lipti

tea-cup - kap bilong ti

teach - skulim

teacher - tisa

teapot - tipot

tease - hambakim

teeth - tit

telegram - wailis

telephone - telepon, telipon

television - bokis wailis wantem piksa

tell - tokim

tell lies to, fool - giamanim

temperature - makim hat o kol

temple - haus lotu

tempt - traim

ten - ten, tenpela

tenth - namba ten

terrible, tenth rate - nambaten

testicles - bol

than - long

thank you - tenkyu

that - olsem, dispela

that's all - em tasol

theatre - haus piksa

theft - stil

their - bilong ol

thief - stilman

then (at that time) - dispela taim

there - long hap

there is - i gat

they - ol

thick - strong

thigh - mit bilong lek

thin - bun nating

thing - samting

think - ting, tingting

third - namba tri

thirsty - hangre long dring

this - dispela, ya

those (two) - emtupela

those (three) - emtripela

thoughts - tingting

three - tri, tripela

thread (n) - tret

throat - nek

through - long namel long

throw - tromoi

throw away - rausim, troimweim

thunder - klaut i pairap

Thursday - Fonde

ticket - tiket

ticket-office - tiket ofis

tide - tait

tie (n) - nektait

tighten - taitim

tilapia (fish sp.) - makao

time - taim

timetable - taimtebol

tin - tin

tin opener - op tin
tinned fish - tinpis
tinned meat - tinmit

tinea - grile, skin pukpuk

tip - kapsaitim

tip-truck, dump-truck - tipa

tired - les, skin i les/slek, bun i slek

to - long

toast - tos; tostim (bret)

tobacco - brus, tabak, stik tabak, tobako

today - tede, tude

toea (monetary unit 1/100 Kina) - toea

toe - pinga bilong lek

together - wantaim

toilet - smol haus, liklik haus, haus pekpek, toilet

toilet (men) - haus pekpek man
toilet (women) - haus pekpek meri
toilet paper - pepa pekpek
toilet soap - sop i gat smel

tomahawk - tamiok

tomatoe(s) - tomato

tomato sauce - retsos, retpela sos, tomato sos

tomorrow - tumaro

tongue - tang

tonight - tunait

too - tumas, tu

tooth - tit

toothache - tit i pen

toothbrush - bros bilong tit

toothpaste - sop bilong tit

torch, headlamps - sutlam

totem, clan - pisin touch - pilim

tourist - turis, kam man

towel - taul

tower - taua

town - taun

town hall - kaunsel haus

track - liklik rot, hanrot

tracked vehicle - senka(r)

tradition of ancestors - tok bilong ol tumbuna

train - tren

translate - tanim tok ples

travel - wokabaut

traveling companion - wanwokabaut

tree - diwai

tree kangaroo - kapul

trench, drain - baret

tributary - hanwara

trip, tour - wokabaut

trouble - trabel, trabol

troublemaker - trabelman

trousers - trausis

truck - trak

true - tru

truth - tok tru

try, try on - traim

T-shirt - tisiot, T-siot

Tuesday - Tunde

tune - nek

turn - tanim

turn round - tantanim
turn (boat) - bautim
turn steering wheel - tanim stia

turtle - trosel, trausel

turtle's flipper - pul bilong trausel

twenty - twenti, tupela ten

twice - tupela taim

two - tu, tupela

type - taipim

typewriter - taipraita

typist - taipis

tyre - taia, gumi


ugly - i no naispela

umbrella - ambrela

unable to - no inap

uncle, maternal - kandere

paternal - smolpapa

under, underneath - ananit

understand - save

unemployed - stap nating

unfortunate(ly) - tarangu

unite - bung wantaim

university - yunivesiti, univesiti

unlock door - lusim dua

unmarried - no marit

until - inap long

up - antap

up to, until - inap long

upstairs - antap

urgently - kwiktaim

urinate - pispis

use - yusim

useless, no good - nogut

usually - save

utility - hapka


vagrant - dripman, welman

vague, be - karamapim tok

valley - ples i go daun, ples daun

valuable - i kastim planti mani

valve stem on inner tube - maus bilong gumi

various kinds of - kainkain

veal - mit bilong pikinini bulmakau

vegetables - kumu, sayor, grins, saior

vein - mambu bilong blut

veranda, patio - veranda

very - tumas, mo, tru

very good- namba wan
very much - tru, tumas, mo mo y

videorecorder - vidiorikoda

view (outlook) - ples lukluk

village - ples, viles

vine - rop, rop bilong diwai

visit - go lukim

voice - nek

vomit - traut

vote - vot

voyage (n) - wokabaut long sip


wages - pe

wait for - wetim

wait in vain - wet nating

waiter - weta

walk (vb) - wokabaut

wall - banis

wallaby - sikau

wanderer - welman, dripman

want - laik

war - pait

warrior - man bilong pait

was - bin

wash - wasim

wash, bathe - waswas

washbasin - dis bilong waswas

washer (on bolt) - ring

waste - westim

watch (n) - hanwas, klok

water - wara

water pipe - mambu bilong wara

way, choice - rot

we - mipela

we (two excl) - mitupela
we (two incl) - yumitupela
we (three excl) - mitripela
we (three incl) - yumitripela

weary - les, skin i les/slek, bun i slek

weather (n) - taim

Wednesday - Trinde

weed - klinim gaden, tekimaut gras nogut

weed(s) - gras nogut

week - wik

weekend - wiken

weigh - skel

weight out - skelim

well (adv) - gut

well (health) - i stap gut

west - wes

wet - i gat wara, wet

wet season - taim bilong ren

wharf - bris

what - wanem

what are you doing? - yu mekim wanem?
what for? - bilong wanem?

wheel (with tyre on) - wil , taia

when - wataim or wanem taim

where - we, westap

which - wanem

white - wait, waitpela

white man, European - waitman

who - usat

whore - pamuk meri

whose - bilong usat

why - bilong wanem, wasmara, watpo

wide - brait

wife - meri

wild - wel, welpela, wail, wailpela

wild black palm - wel limbum
wild pig - wel pik
wild sugarcane - tiktik

will - bai

win - winim

wind - win

windscreen - winskrin

windscreen wipers - waipa

window - windua

wind up a window - wokim glas i go antap

windpipe - mambu bilong nek

wine - wain

wing - han bilong pisin

wink - pasim ai

wireless - wailis

wise - i save tumas

witchcraft - sanguma

with - wantaim

withdraw - autim

without - i no gat

woman - meri

woman, wife (European) - misis

wonder - tingim . . .

wonderful - nais tumas

wood (timber) - diwai

wool - gras bilong sipsip

word - tok

work, job - wok

workday - de bilong wok

worker, workman - wokman

work for board and keep - wok kaikai
work hard - hatwok

workshop - woksop

world - graun

worn out - bakarap

worry, worries - wari

worse - moa nogut

worship (God) - lotuim, beten

worst - nambawan nogut

worth - kastim

wound - sua

wound heals - sua i drai

wreck - spoilim

write - raitim

wrong - kranki

wrong, offend - rongim


yam - mami, yam

year - yia

year (of age) - krismas

yeast - yis

yellow - yelo, yelopela

yes - ya, yes

yesterday - asde

yet - yet

you - yu, yupela

you (two) - yutupela
you (three) - yumitupela
you and I - yumitupela

young - yangpela

your - bilong yu


zero - siro, nating, not

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