Reader's Intro
Welcome to another Wikibook. As you most likely know, Wikibooks are a division of the Wikimedia foundation (a free open-source media project), and they are generated, edited, proofed, and read by online contributors, fans, and scholars. Each book is a labor of love on the part of its many creators because no contributor is paid for their works and no person is held in higher regard than his peers. All wiki products are made for the advancement of knowledge and the spread of intellect. They are free to every person who can access them. Every book is edited to perfection by all the thousands of volunteers who process the ideas contained within them. Now we, the creators, wish to invite you inside this wikibook and to learn about the written word.
Where would we be without the classical science that has evolved to be language and writing? Would we be bone-toting barbarians living in caves and wearing furs? Would we be using sign language? What would we do without the words that are written within this book? The written word has created and destroyed life, instigated wars and the sought peace after, the word has been the epoch of love and the credulity of hate, and the written word has shaped the age we now live in. What happened to create the alphabets of today, and what place will our words take us tomorrow? If you wish to read more, just "open" this wikibook.
Writer's Manual
Thanks for your interest in contributing to this wikibook, this manuscript is in desperate need of additional content. Please add all content and pictures you can. Thank you.