< The Voynich Manuscript
Transcription, comments, theories, links to do with VMs page f5r to be added here... :-)
One plant, horizontally centered, reaching only 3/4 up the page.
- Root: five unbranched roots, mostly horizontal. Each root looks like an earthworm, light-colored with a few dark dots, with a short and fat swelling about 4/5 of the way to the tip.
- Stalk: straight, vertical, slightly tapered, uncolored(?).
- Leaves: a single ring of large, lance shaped leaves, closely spaced, attached mid-stem with no stalks. The leaves curl down in a semicircle, like an umbrella, until they almost touch the stem again; their thin tips curl further into hooks. Dark overpaint.
- Flowers: one, at tip of stem, pointing up.
- Stalk: medium, thin, uncolored(?); extension of stem.
- Chalix: thimble-shaped, partial dark overpaint.
- Petals: long, hair like, drooping.
- Core: hemispherical, like a bubble.
Two paragraphs (with 3.6 and 2.5 lines), both above the plant, left- and right-justified.
The plant looks very strange but not impossible. The oddest details are the position of the tubers, the shape and disposition of the leaves, their curled tips, the "shaggy dog" flower.
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