< The Scientific Method

The scientific method is not without its criticisms. Science has limitations but most if not all are human in nature and not a fault in the process itself, if that was the case the methodology would simply be improved. The biggest fragility of the scientific process is its reliance in consensual acceptance of results, this in itself does not invalidate the process but can delay or hinder scientific advance, especially on areas that require complex, costly or a high degree of verification of data, making replication difficult. Other issues to consider is in regards to how scientific knowledge is prone to be adulterated, even subverted by the way it is disseminated, validated and funded.

Science Delusion

The concept of the scientific delusion is often proposed as a fault of science. The premise is that science includes a belief that it has a grasp (and the only possible grasp) over reality. While science can validate itself and so only consider the validity of its own conclusions the idea that science is the end all in regards to finding universal answers comes not from science itself (since if it had the ultimate word and a conclusive stage the continuation of the process would be broken), but from those that impart on science some of the characteristics of faith (belief without verifiability).

Since science is done by humans (and humans are intrinsically fallible), it, like in any other process will incur in error of judgment. This is not a fault of the scientific process (science) but of those that misapply it or impart on it characteristics that do not apply. Science is not a belief system, not even a perfect system, it is nevertheless the best process we have constructed to explore "reality".

Scientific Taboos

This proposal addresses the notion that science has partitioned areas where it does not function or is not applied. Since science is a process there may be areas that scientific tests are harder to perform, especially in fields on the border of the human knowledge but its failing is a human limitation an not of the process itself. Society also has an influence in determining (and even dictating) what areas get to be scientifically investigated and those that should be avoided, in this science itself has no blame it is humans that bring into it artificial limitations or simply are unable to properly devise or accept scientific experiences as to validate observations.

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