Text & Translation
Meter - Hendecasyllabic
Line | Latin Text | English Translation |
1 | salve, nec minimo puella naso | Hello, girl without the smallest nose |
2 | nec bello pede nec nigris ocellis | Nor pretty feet nor dark eyes |
3 | nec longis digitis nec ore sicco | Nor elegant fingers nor dry mouth |
4 | nec sane nimis elegante lingua | Nor language in the least refined |
5 | decoctoris amica Formiani. | Girlfriend of that bankrupt from Formia. |
6 | ten provincia narrat esse bellam? | So country people call you beautiful?! |
7 | tecum Lesbia nostra comparatur? | Our Lesbia is compared with you?! |
8 | o saeclum insapiens et infacetum! | Oh, what a stupid and tasteless age this is! |
Connotations of The Text
This poem is in hendecasyllabic metre. It regards a girl who has been compared in beauty to Catullus's love, "Lesbia". As offensive as it sounds, it can be assumed that it was intended really as a compliment to Lesbia, rather than an insult to the girl adressed.
Line 2
- nigris ocellis - dark eyes
Dark eyes were considered a sign of beauty in Roman times.
- nec... nec... - nor... nor...
This poem uses liberal use of anaphora with phrases containing nec. This emphasises the negativity of the girl from Formia.
Line 5
- Formia
Formia was a city not far from Rome. It could also be a subtle reference to the word "formosa" which means beauty.
Lines 6-7
- provincia - country people
There is an air of snobbery here, sneering at country people who Catullus deems to be ignorant of what real beauty is.
- ...bellam? ....comparatur?
Ending these two lines with forceful questions shows the reader the passion that Catullus feels and clearly indicates his view on such a thing.
Line 8
- insapiens et infacetum - stupid and tasteless
The alliteration here emphasises his disgust at girls that people will label as 'beautiful' in the countryside.
- Oxford Latin Reader Maurice Balme and James Morwood (1997)
External Links
- Catullus 43 A Translation of Catullus 43
- Catullus 43 Another Translation of Catullus 43