Video Surveillance
Surveillance systems are becoming a popular security feature in public places, schools, businesses and even at home. Simply having a video surveillance system that is visible to the public can act as a deterrent. Commonly seen video surveillance systems are in gas stations, fast food restaurants and banks. There are a wide range of video surveillance systems with an array of features and they vary drastically in cost. These systems typically record “real-time” or for review at a later time, some also have the ability to record audio. Video surveillance is a rapidly growing area of technology and there is a type of surveillance system to meet the needs of almost everyone.
Video surveillance is used at many stores, buildings and facilities where they need extra security. Video surveillance is also been added to subways, streets, airports, etc. The cameras are located and attached to posts, or a building and can used to identify criminals, and crime. Camera phones are also becoming extremely popular in being used as a security feature. Cell phones are also being used in a negative way, which is why many facilities, ban the use of cell phones all together. Many facilities like to protect the privacy of their customers and client’s privacy by not allowing cell phones, video usage, or pictures to be taken. Camera phones are also being banned in schools to prevent cheating. Understanding Computers Today and Tomorrow 13th Edition.
These Video Surveillance cameras are basically located outside and attached to or built to the wall unit; just as the lamp posts or they are sometimes even attached to buildings. Nowadays, video surveillance cameras are used in schools so that administrators can monitor the activities of both teachers and students and have to record any disturbing incidents that can happen between students. On the other hand, when Video Surveillance cameras are attached in public places they even have face recognition technology to try to identify any known culprits or suspicious person or even to identify the criminals if any crime has been caught on tape, and furthermore to prevent any crimes from occurring.

Closed-Circuit Television

Closed-Circuit Television or CCTV is the use of a video camera or multiple video cameras which broadcast their feed to a specific location and that feed is not accessible by anyone outside that specific location. CCTV can be found in most stores and most public public buildings, such as schools and hospitals. There are CCTV products for sale that allows an individual to purchase them and set them up around their property and then they can log onto the internet and log onto their cameras and view the feed from anywhere in the world. Some of the cameras are even capable of being controlled online so that you can move them around while being thousands of miles away.
Employee Monitoring
Some or most employers are using monitoring software to see what their employees are doing throughout the day or week. Some companies state in their company handout that they may choose to monitor the activity of employees of theirs. They do own the equipment. This practice has been going on for quite some time. They can listen to your phones calls, private or business. They can check to see where you have been on the internet. Some companies block certain websites such as: gaming, social networks, porn and personal e-mailing. This to me seems that they want to eleviate too much socializing on computers during our work day. They also have software that can tell you how many keystrokes a person is using, people who do a lot of data entry or preforming a high amount of keystrokes. They could also tell how long your computer has been idle; meaning you may be away from your desk for long periods of time. They will just keep monitoring you and say nothing until it is time for your performance review. We all know the we shouldn't be using computers at work for our own enjoyment but how many people do it? Is anyone monitoring the monitors. I think if you don't use it to the extreme it should be ok, but that is company time unless you are on lunch.
People that work for the government or company that provides cell phones have a right to monitor the usage of those devices. These devices are given to workers to help them perform your duties. There are also tracking devices which some employees use to keep up with their drivers. I bet you didn't know that companies can also monitor and even open your mail even if it's against the law. We are constantly being monitored in some way, either at work or outside. Survelliance and monitoring are used intensively in retail and marketing stores to deter theft. Currently there are few laws regulating employee monitoring. There are several groups that are actively involved in workplace monitoring issues and that advocate stronger government regulation of employee monitoring activities.