A first-generation programming language is a machine-level programming language. It consists of 1s and 0s.
Originally, no translator was used to compile or assemble the first-generation language. The first-generation programming instructions were entered through the front panel switches of the computer system.
The first generation was very technical and flexible, but it was not for those that had minimal computer knowledge. Machine language as it was called was not user friendly and it wasn't until the third generation of programming language come into use that it became easier for the average consumer to use
Machine Language refers to the "ones and zeroes" that digital processors use as instructions. Binary, 0 and 1's The Zero's symbolize off and the 1's symbolize as being on. Give it one pattern of bits (such as 11001001) and it will add two numbers, give it a different pattern (11001010) and it will instead subtract one from the other. A code such as 00101010 would symbolize the number 42, where the computer reads it as exponents such as 2^1.