< The Computer Revolution < Computer Graphics

Graphics shown on the computer screen in 3-dimensional space, for example, location of points, lines, and, typically, faces. Makes the graphic more clear and more close to the real live.

Modeling of 3D graphics

With the help of digital computers and special 3D software, graphic works of art can be created called 3D computer graphics. To perform calculations and render 2D images. a three-dimensional representation of geometric data is stored in the computer.

The art of 3D modeling is somewhat like sculpting or photography, as it prepares geometric data for 3D computer graphics.

There are three phases to creating 3D graphics:

  1. Content creation (this includes 3d modeling, texturing, and animation).
  2. Scene layout set-up
  3. Rendering

In the modeling stage, individual objects are shaped and later used in a scene. The modeling process could also include adjusting object surface or material properties (such as luminosity, shading components, reflection characteristics, transparency, etc), adding textures, bump-maps and other features.

Modeling could also include numerous activities related to preparing a 3D model for animation. In this process, objects might be fitted with a central framework that has the capability of affecting its' shape or movements.

Dedicated programs can perform the modeling process (e.g. Rhinoceros 3D). Modeling can also be performed by an application component (e.g. Shaper) or some scene description language (e.g. Povray).


Scene Layout Setup

Virtual objects as well as cameras and lighting are used to create a scene layout setup for 3D computer graphics.  This enables you to make a still image or an animation.

3D Animation is exactly that – animated objects that appear in a three-dimensional space. You can rotate them or move them like real objects. You will see a lot of 3D animation in things like games and virtual reality but they can also be used in graphics for designing nice presentations.

Keyframe animation determines a path or direction for the animation to proceed.

We all know how important lighting is to photographers and stage sets. Lighting is also very important to the effectiveness of 3D computer graphics. The easiest type of light to simulate is “ambient” light. It produces a constant illumination on all surfaces of a 3D object, regardless of their orientation. There is also directional and positional light to be considered when creating 3D graphics.

Color is also very important when creating 3D graphics. Red, green and blue lights are the primary colors. Other colors are produced by combining these colors together.



3D in Movies and Television

An example of a movie theater that shows movies that are in 3D. They are very rapidly becoming the norm.

The use of 3D technology has increased rapidly over the last several years. Most major movie titles are now filmed in 3D and shown in IMAX 3D in theaters because it gives the audience a better quality of entertainment by making them feel as though they are actually in the movie. 3D movies are so popular that some of the biggest movie titles from the 90s, such as Titanic, are being reproduced using 3D technology and show in theaters again. Many television making companies, such as Sony and Sharp, started making televisions that use 3D technology and allow consumers to enjoy 3D entertainment right in their homes.

Television companies have come out with a variety of ways to experience the 3D technology that has become a widespread phenomenon in the past decade. They have come out with televisions that you need the 3D glasses for, which is nice because you are able to watch regular channels without the glasses and now instead of just having that option there are 3D channels where you just put the glasses on and you have the 3D experience. Now technology has further advanced and there are televisions that have 3D channels and there is special technology in the screens where there is no longer a need for the special 3D glasses.

Business 3D Worlds

Business 3D Worlds

Some businesses are opting for the use of 3D business worlds for business meetings and other business applications. 3D virtual business world is where employees meet in a virtual world for business meetings. Virtual meetings can save companies the cost of travel, and also employees are more likely to be distributed throughout the country. So, instead of face-to-face meetings, meetings are held in a 3D world with avatar representation. They can also be more engaging and interacting than regular online meetings. Some of the 3D business worlds allow the members to exchange documents. According to Inside the Industry, “a recent 3D virtual world development that opens up even more possibilities for the future is an experiment by IBM and Linden Lab in which research teams from these companies successfully teleported avatars from the Second Life Preview Grid to an OpenSim virtual world-the first time an avatar has moved from one virtual world to another (P. 399).” Business 3D worlds can possibly change the way business meetings are held.

Sources: Understanding Computers Today and Tomorrow

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