Technology Enhanced Instruction Technology Enhanced Instruction (TEI) Revisited 2007
Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
In 1987 Chickering & Gamson published the now famous “Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education.” These principles are based on the perspective that the goal of a proper undergraduate education should be active, cooperative, and challenging.
- encourage student-faculty contact
- encourage cooperation among students
- encourage active/engaged learning
- give prompt feedback
- emphasize time on task
- communicate high expectations
- respect diverse talents and ways of learning
The TSLR course is structured to apply these good practices to technology enhanced instruction using the Catalyst / Moodle course management system.
- apply the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education to a specific course
- evaluate instructional technology functions provided within the Catalyst course management system for current and improved curriculum delivery and learning activities
- review assistive technology implications
- use the Catalyst technology to enhance instruction
- discover open source / open course resources for enhancing instructional practices
- build a community of technology using educators within the DeAnza CIS/Business Division (some revision required for public course offering)
This course has been developed to serve a range of faculty course development needs and learning schedules
- facilitated cohort - online (Summer 2007) or hybrid (Fall 2007)
- instructor lead - classroom or hybrid
- self-paced / self-study
- reference / resource
The course draws on the rich and varied resources available via the web. Our goal is to introduce these to support course development and implementation activities, as well as ongoing instruction enhancement. Course resources include
- TSLR notes, assignments, discussions, quizzes, collaborative writing activities
- Catalyst resources for faculty on the DeAnza Catalyst server ( - Catalyst Up-And-Running for Faculty at De Anza College, Catalyst Student Guide = For Faculty Viewing
- Catalyst resources for DeAnza students ( - Catalyst Student Guide
- Moodle resources - (
- Technology Enhanced Instruction (TEI) project 2002
- general online teaching and learning resources
The course is evolving as we discover more about making online teaching and learning better. If you have questions or comments about the objectives or the implementation, please let me know. I appreciate your feedback.
1. Student-faculty contact - discussions, assignments, quizzes, resources
- Learn - participate in all forms of student-faculty contact offered through Catalyst, discuss applicability of functions to traditional expectations for student-faculty contact, identify differences, and suggest new learning activities
- Explore - discussion - introductions, experience with enhancing instruction with technology, expectations
- Apply - as a student, work through each activity as described in the module notes, participate in facilitated discussion of practices, explore own course shell, populate a resource and an assignment
- Evaluate - discuss grading, feedback from instructor
2. Cooperation among students - discussions, wiki, collaborative learning
- Learn - participate in activities as students that require cooperation, assess the challenges and benefits of technology in student cooperation
- Explore - discuss role of group projects learning in higher education
- Apply - choice for group selection, group projects - small group discussions, introduction to the wiki for collaborative writing, introduction to the Online Writing Center
- Evaluate - discuss peer review process and applicability
3. Active/ engaged learning - project based learning, application to specific course objectives and outcomes
- Learn - develop activities for inclusion in own course
- Explore - discuss problem-based learning in higher education
- Apply - discuss implementation of one activity that requires new approach to instruction of curriculum content, add activity to own course
- Evaluate - discuss assessing student performance
4. Prompt feedback - quizzes, assignments, chat
- Learn - review issues of plagiarism, intellectual property, cheating, investigate tools for assessing student learning
- Explore - discuss cheating and plagiarism
- Apply - complete quizzes, develop quiz questions and quizzes in own course, complete assignments with feedback, add activity with feedback to own course
- Evaluate - discuss appropriate level of control and feedback response for learning being assessed
5. Time on task - research, collaboration, presentation
- Learn - review types of media
- Explore - discuss use of media in course work
- Apply - access media types, locate and include media appropriate for own course, explore other activity types and suggest suitability - books, workshop, etc.
- Evaluate - discuss accessibility issues, adaptive and assistive technologies
6. High expectations - evaluation, communication, modeling
- Learn - review communication tools, understand grading options and displays, review tracking features
- Explore - discuss student expectations and instructor's role in setting course expectations
- Apply - participate in communication activities - asynchronous and real-time, explore grading options and setting in own course
- Evaluate - discuss student participation and performance
7. Diverse talents and ways of learning - learning styles, modality, cultural influence
- Learn - review learning styles, learning modality, cultural differences
- Explore - discuss impact of technology and learning styles
- Apply - take learning styles quiz, plan and add activities to own course to address learning modality differences
- Evaluate - discuss implications for student / instructor learning style differences
Using this wikibook
Work through the lessons and activities in the order presented. Engage colleagues in discussion, review of course development. Available anytime. May request review for credit upon successful completion.
Facilitated online course
The cohort of enrolled students work through the modules together, with predefined deadlines for completing individual lessons. The cohort provides a significant interactive learning experience. The facilitator monitors the progress. The facilitator is available to moderate discussions that go off track and to answer questions as they arise.
Cohorts are scheduled. Registration is required. Participation in discussions is expected. Activity completion is self-paced, but there is considerable advantage to working within the cohort schedule.
- Introduction to Technology Enhanced Instruction (1/2 unit) - guided tour of Catalyst functions, discussions
- Enhanced Instruction (2 units) - Introduction, develop samples within own Catalyst course shell, emphasis on application of technology to support learning objectives .. each student has a Catalyst course shell on the development system for building course content activities
- Teaching and Learning (3 or 4 units) - Introduction, Enhanced Instruction, further development of own course to address broader needs of students in a hybrid and fully online learning environment, emphasis on course management and pedagogy, special topics - importing quizzes, content .. students must have previous experience with technology enhanced instruction
Other Technologies
- Photo formatting and editing (Photoshop, Irfanview)
- podcasting
- video preparation for youTube
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Technology Enhanced Instruction - Online Teaching and Learning
Technology Enhanced Instruction
Group projects$134
Wikis for knowledge$422
@ONE courses - podcasting