Why this book?
Standing in front of a class in a class room or auditorium, you often end up doing what you're used to do, because you know it works to some extent, and for many that means starting doing the good old fashioned lecture. This can often be very good, at times wonderfully inspiring but sadly very often disastrously boring, depending on both the teacher and the students. Some people are trying out new ways of teaching, and often with very good results.
As always with new and evolving things, it's difficult to communicate the experiences with new methods to other teachers. Thick books are being written on ways to facilitate learning, but they often have a rather theoretical scope -where the teacher often simply needs a quick overview of methods and tools that could be used in class, and what people have experienced with these, so it's easy to find a suitable method that they can adapt to their specific needs.
This wiki book 'The Teachers' Toolbox' tries to provide a forum where we can get an overview of new teaching methods. Here you can write about ways of teaching you have tried out and you can read about others experiences too.
How YOU can contribute to the book
Feel free to contribute and edit the book - thats why its in the wiki system. It can be a good idea to practice before doing serious changes - and do use the preview function before submitting :-)
The Teachers Toolbox History
The Teachers Toolbox wiki book was started by Kristian Molhave (wiki user page) 4. Apr. 2006. In the coming time I'll begin adding more material to the book. I do hope others will begin to join the work too :-)