Inspirational introductions to teaching methods.
Teachers' Toolbox is an open source Wiki book on teaching methods and ways to improve teaching. The toolbox is intended to give you an overview of methods you can use when teaching in general (applies to all schools, universities...). We hope it will help you to find new ways to activate students and improve their learning. It's *not* intended to be a long theoretical analysis of pedagogical methods, rather emphazises brief inspirational introductions to different ways to teach - and hopefully people will contribute with case stories and examples of teaching material you can develop further. You are very welcome to add to the book!!
If you read in this book please leave us a comment on the discussion page, and that's also the place to write suggestions for new material. Help improving this resource! You are very welcome to add and edit!
Why this book? - How YOU can contribute to the book - The Teachers Toolbox History - Other resources
Zen and the art of keeping students interested - Shorter group work in class sessions
Stage performance and large audiences - Helpful Hints - Background Info: The attention of a listener - The plot - Your hands and motion - Your voice and speech - PowerPoint - The black board - Different ways to break up long lectures - Make an audience work in groups
The goal of teaching: Learning Objectives - Pre-Assesment - Lections - Continuous evaluation - Examination - Post evaluation
Different types of supervision - Starting a new project for a student - Planing a project step by step - Mindmaps - Strategy -the project plan - Starting supervision of a new student - The supervisor meeting - EXAMPLE: An agenda for the supervisor meeting - Some typical problems and hints to solutions - Where am I heading - The writers block - The disposition - Whats going to happen after my study - The self-imposed high-achiever block - A typical course of a student project - Coaching
Group Work - A list of good advice - Feeling stuck - Writing Reports/Papers/Thesis - Report writing - Thesis writing - Writing articles - Making posters - Making presentations - The scientific method - Project Management
Written exams - multiple choice - Peer assessment - Reports - Presentations - Project work
Peer coaching - Feedback to other teachers - Student evaluations - Feedback to the supervisor - EXAMPLE: Feedback questionnaire - Teaching portfolio - Video feedback
Wikibooks can be used in teaching, both as a resource, but also for students to write sections in books to improve them, rather than just writing reports that will not really be used by anyone else.