Tcl and ADP Reference
This is a reference for using Tcl with ADP pages, for people setting up a site with the ArsDigita Community System (see OpenACS for details). The first half is just a Tcl overview; the second half deals with .adp pages, custom tags, and AOLServer resources and parameters.
Tcl Overview
Basic Tcl Language Features
; or newline statement separator
\ statement continuation if last character in line
# comment out rest of line (if 1st non−whitespace char)
var simple variable
var(index) associative array variable
var(i,j) multidimensional associative array variable
$var variable substitution (also ${var}xyz)
[expr 1+2] command substitution
\char backslash substitution
"hello $a" quoting with substitution
{hello $a} quoting with no subst (deferred substitution)
The only datatype in Tcl is a string. Some commands interpret arguments as numbers/booleans; those formats are:'
Integer: 12 0xff(hex) 0377(octal)
Floating Pt: 2.1 3. 6e4 7.91e+16
Boolean: true false 0 1 yes no
Backslash Substitutions
\a audible alert (0x7)
\b backspace (0x8)
\f form feed (0xC)
\n newline (0xA)
\r carriage return (0xD)
\t horizontal tab (0x9)
\v vertical tab (0xB)
\space space
\newline space
\ddd octal value (d=0−7)
\xdd hex value (d=0−9,a−f)
\c replace ’\c’ with ’c’
\\ backslash
Operators and Math Functions
The expr command recognizes these operators, in decreasing order of precedence:
− ~ ! unary minus, bitwise NOT, logical NOT * / % multiply, divide, remainder + − add, subtract << >> bitwise shift left, bitwise shift right < > <= >= boolean comparisons == != boolean equals, not equals & bitwise AND ^ bitwise exclusive OR | bitwise inclusive OR && logical AND || logical OR x ? y : z if x != 0, then y, else z
All operators support integers. All support floating point except :
~, %, <<, >>, %, ^, and |.
Boolean operators can also be used for string operands, in which
case string comparison will be used. This occurs if any of the
operands are not valid numbers. The following operators have
"lazy evaluation" as in C:
&&, ||, ?:
The expr command recognizes the following math functions:
abs hypot int double floor ceil fmod round
cos sin tan acos asin atan atan2 cosh sinh tanh
log log10 exp pow sqrt
Regular Expressions
regex | regex match either expression regex* match zero or more of regex regex+ match one or more of regex regex? Match zero or one of regex . any single character except newline ^ match beginning of string $ match end of string \c match character c c match character c [abc] match set of characters [^abc] match characters not in set [a−z] match range of characters [^a−z] match characters not in range ( ) group expressions
Pattern Globbing
? match any single character * match zero or more characters [abc] match set of characters [a−z] match range of characters \c match character c {a,b,...} match any of string a, b, etc. ~ home directory (for glob command) ~user match user’s home directory (for glob command) Note: for the glob command, a "." at the beginning of a file’s name or just after "/" must be matched explicitly and all "/" characters must be matched explicitly.
Control Flow
break Abort innermost containing loop command case Obsolete, see switch continue Skip to next iteration of innermost containing loop. exit[returnCode] Terminate the process, return returnCode (an integer which defaults to 0) to the system as the exit status. for start test next body Looping command where start, next, and body are Tcl command strings and test is an expression string to be passed to expr command. foreach varname list body The Tcl command string body is evaluated for each item in the string list where the variable varname is set to the item’s value. if expr1 [then] body1 [elseif expr2 [then] body2...] [[else] bodyN] If expression string expr1 evaluates true, Tcl command string body1 is evaluated. Otherwise if expr2 is true, body2 is evaluated, and so on. If none of the expressions evaluate to true, then bodyN is executed. return [−code code] [−errorinfo info] [−errorcode code] [string] Return immediately from current procedure with string as return value. switch [options] string pattern1 body1 [ pattern2 body2 ...] The string argument is matched against each of the pattern arguments in order. As soon as it finds a pattern that matches string, it evaluates the corresponding Tcl command string body. If no match is found and the last pattern is the keyword default, its command string is evaluated while test body Evaluates the Tcl command string body as long as expression string test evaluates to true.
Note: list indices start at 0 and the word end may be used to reference the last element in the list.
concat [arg arg ...] Returns concatenation of each string join list [joinString] Returns string created by joining all elements of list with joinString. lappend varName [value value ...] Appends each value to the end of the list stored in varName. lindex list index Returns value of element at index in list. linsert list index element [element ...] Returns new list formed by using each arg as an element. llength list Returns number of elements in list. lrange list first last Returns new list from slice of list at indices first through last inclusive. lsearch [mode] list pattern Returns index of first element in list that matches pattern (−1 for no match). Mode may be −exact, −glob(default) or −regexp. lsort [switches] list Returns new list formed by sorting list according to switches. These are: −ascii string comparison (default) −integer integer comparisons −real floating−point comparisons −increasing sort in increasing order (default) −decreasing sort in decreasing order −command cmd Use command which takes two arguments and returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero. split string [splitChars] Returns a list formed by splitting string at each character in splitChars.
append varName [value value ...] Appends each of the given values to the string stored in varName. format formatString [arg arg ...] Returns a formatted string generated in the ANSI C sprintf manner. regexp [switches] exp string [matchVar] [subMatchVar ...] Returns 1 if the regular expression exp matches part or all of string, 0 otherwise. If specified, matchVar will be wet to all the characters in the match and the following subMatchVar’s will be set to matched parenthesized subexpressions. The −nocase switch can be specified to ignore case in matching. The −indices switch can be specified so that matchVar and subMatchVar will be set to the start and ending indice3s in string of their corresponding match. regsub [switches] exp string subSpec varName Replaces the first portion of string that matches the regular expression exp with subSpec and places results in varName. Returns count of number of replacements made. The −nocase switch can be specified to ignore case in matching. The −all switch will cause all matches to be substituted for. scan string formatString varName [varName ...] Extracts values into given variables using ANSI C sscanf behavior. string compare string1 string2 Return −1, 0, or 1, depending on whether string1 is lexicographically less than, equal to, or greater than string2. string first string1 string2 Return index in string2 of first occurrence of string1 (−1 if not found). string index string charIndex Returns the charIndex’th character in string. string last string1 string2 Return index in string2 of last occurrence of string1 (−1 if not found). string length string Returns number of characters in string. string match pattern string Returns 1 if glob pattern matches string, 0 otherwise. string range string first last Returns characters from string at indices first through last inclusive. string tolower string Returns new string formed by converting all chars in string to lower case. string toupper string Returns new string formed by converting all chars in string to upper case. string trim string [chars] Returns new string formed by removing from string any leading or trailing characters present in the set chars. string trimleft string [chars] Same as string trim for leading characters only. string trimright string [chars] Same as string trim for trailing characters only. string wordend string index Returns index of character just after last one in word at index in string. string wordstart string index Returns index of first character of word at index in string. subst [−nobackslashes] [−nocommands] [−novariables] string Returns result of backslash, command, and variable substitutions on string. Each may be turned off by switch.
The Tcl <--> ADP interface
Including TCL code in ADP pages
Inline replacement: <%= tcl code that evaluates to the text you want embedded %>
State changing Code: <% tcl commands to change tcl environment (set vars, do db queries, etc) %>
Example: Two plus two is <%= [expr 2+2] %>
Defining custom tags
ns_register_adptag "codeexample" "/codeexample" tcl_adp_codeexample
proc tcl_adp_codeexample {string tagset} {
return "<blockquote>
Using AOLServer Parameters
[ad_parameter UsersCanCreateRoomsP chat]
Resourcing tcl in AOLserver
source−file.tcl − to source a particular file.
set_the_usual_form_variables ns_eval [list source $file] ns_return 200 text/html ok wget −O − "http://localhost:8000/source− file.tcl?file=/web/server1/tcl/myfile.tcl"
Note: this does not work for registered tag changes. To cause a reload of everything:
<% set dir [ns_info tcllib] set list [exec ls $dir] foreach file $list { source $dir/$file ns_puts "sourced: $file "}%>
Using ns_set
When one queries a database, the variable that is set is an ns_set:
# ask AOLserver to give us a database connection set db [ns_db gethandle] set sql_query "select first_names, last_name from users where user_id = $user_id" # actually send the query to the RDBMS; tell AOLserver we # expect exactly one row back set selection [ns_db 1row $db $sql_query] <pre> ''Getting information out of an ns_set:'' <pre> set first_names [ns_set get $selection "first_names"] set last_name [ns_set get $selection "last_name"] ns_return 200 text/plain "User #$user_id is $first_names $last_name"
Dealing with Form Variables
Importing form variables into a tcl or adp page set_the_usual_form_variables Manipulating Forms Directly: ns_getform
Do logic w/o breaking out of an ns_write. Just like SQL ! [util_decode unknown val1 res1 val2 res2 valN resN defaultresult]
Dealing With .ini file Parameters
ad_parameter ad_parameter name { subsection "" } { default "" }
Returns the value of a configuration parameter set in one of the .ini files in /web/yourdomain/parameters. If the parameter doesn’t exist, returns the default specified as the third argument (or empty string if not default is specified). Note that AOLserver reads these files when the server starts up and stores parameters in an in−memory hash table. The plus side of this is that there is no hit to the file system and no need to memoize a call to ad_parameter. The minus side is that you have to restart the server if you want to test a change made to the .ini file.
ad_parameter_section ad_parameter_section { subsection "" }
Returns all the vars in a parameter section as an ns_set. Relies on undocumented AOLserver Tcl API call ns_configsection (analogous C API call is documented). Differs from the API call in that it returns an empty ns_set if the parameter section does not exist.
Converting tcl to adp
inclusion of sub−files
# Source user−new.adp. We would redirect to it, but we don’t want # the password exposed! # source "[ns_url2file "/register/user−new.tcl"]" # return ns_adp_include user−new.adp ns_adp_break