Dialogue 7: A present
1 | MAX | Good morning, Anna. |
2 | ANNA | Good morning, Max. |
3 | MAX | Anna... I’d like to apologise. Yesterday, I acted wrong. |
4 | ANNA | It’s OK. I forgot it. |
5 | ANNA | (Riiiiiing). Oh, the phone. Excuse me, just a second. Yes, tell me. That’s it. The dog’s food is in the kitchen cupboard. No, in the cupboard on the right. You know where we keep the bread? well, not that, on the other side. Did you find it? OK. Bye. |
6 | MAX | I see you have a dog |
7 | ANNA | Yes, I do. A small dog. Do you have a dog too? |
8 | MAX | No, I don't. I don't have any pets. I just take care of myself, which is quite a lot. |
9 | ANNA | So, it seems you do it quite well! |
10 | MAX | You too. You are so beautiful. This green skirt really suits you. |
11 | ANNA | Thanks, Max. You look very smart today, too. You must have an important meeting. |
12 | MAX | Well...Yes....Not exactly. Today is a special day. Today... is April the seventh. |
13 | ANNA | What are you hiding there? |
14 | MAX | Here you are. This is for you. I know today is your birthday. |
15 | ANNA | My God. What beautiful flowers!. They are so colourful and they have such a nice smell. How did you know it’s my birthday? |
16 | MAX | I saw it on your facebook. |
17 | ANNA | Wow, you surprised me. I don’t know what to say. I really didn’t expect this. |
18 | MAX | You don’t have to say anything. Take this. Open the present! |
19 | NARRATOR | Anna opens the present slowly. |
20 | ANNA | Wow, what a beautiful ring. But, Max, this is too much. This ring must have been very expensive. Max, I can’t accept it. We have to talk. |
21 | MAX | Accept it, please. It’s just a present. It’s nothing. |
22 | ANNA | We must talk. |
23 | MAX | Ok, actually I would like to invite you to have lunch today. We can meet at a quarter to three in the restaurant next to the bank. What do you say? |
24 | ANNA | Fine. See you later. |
25 | ANNA | Please, keep the ring until we have talked. I beg you. |
Max feels embarrassed because yesterday he acted wrong. He apologises and Anna accepts his apologies. He wants to surprise Anna and he gives her a buquet of flowers. Besides, he has also bought her a ring. He wants to impress her. |
Anna receives a phone call while she is talking to Max. It's her son, he can't find the dog's food. Today is Anna's birthday. Anna gets a present she didn't expect. She is surprised and worried at the same time. What does Max want from her? |
The Olympic rings stand for the different continents. The black one for Africa, the red for America, the blue for Europe, the yellow for Asia and the green ring stands for Oceania. |
What things do you like? Sport? Do you like music? Theatre? What hobbies do you have? |
We women like presents very much and if they are a surprise, much better. |
Women like neat, handsome, intelligent, sensitive, funny and tall men, oh yes, and they must open us the door. |
What about men? How do they like women? |
Artist: John Lennon
Title: Imagine
Link: Song
Lyrics: Interesting words are highlighted with bold letters
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today... Aha-ah...
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace... You...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world... You...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one