< Sustainable Business


It is useful to consider what is important to you in temrs of how you run your business to help you know how to spend your time and what to pay attention to.

Every day in the business, there will be decisions to make about how to do business. It will be helpful to have clarity over what is most important to you about how you run your business and what your bottom lines are to ensure you continuously make decisions in line with what is important to you.

Rank the following values from 1 to 8 with 1 being the most important value to you: (this needs work)

Making a living for myself and/or my family

Being the best and most well known at my business

Contributing toward a healthy, sustainable planet for future generations to inherit

Being a contribution to other people – both in my local community and elsewhere

Being a good employer – being committed to employees satisfaction, development and wellbeing and treating everyone fairly

Encouraging others to treat the environment and people with respect

Having a good balance between how much time I spend working vs other things that are important to me (family, hobbies etc)

Treating everyone I interact with fairly

All my decisions are honest and ethical

And to support me in operating this way, how do I ensure that those I work with know what is important to me and are able to integrate it into the way they do business?

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