Multi-jointed bosses are an efficient, but rarely used, technique to animate cool looking bosses. Unlike most bosses where the entire boss is one sprite, with multi-jointed bosses, every body part is an individual sprite that rotate around each other.
Here is how to program a simple robotic arm:
1) Draw the sprite for the shoulder, upper arm, elbow, lower arm and hand at 16 equally spaced angles.
2) Now you need to define 10 registers:
a) shoulder angle
b) elbow angle
c) shoulder angle key frame
d) elbow angle key frame
e) shoulder x
f) shoulder y
g) angle
h) amplitude
i) result x
j) result y
3) Write a routine that converts between polar coordiantes (angle,amplitude) to rectangular coordinates (x,y).
4) Write a routine that displays a sprite with the center being defined by resulting rectangular coordinates, with the angle being used to determing the sprite's attributes.
5) Write a routine that increments the shoulder and elbow angles towards their coorisponding key frame angles.
6) Now put all this together in one big routine:
- The bosses AI determines the key frame angles and shoulder coordinates.
- increment the shoulder and elbow angles towards their coorisponding key frame angles.
- copy shoulder coordinates to result coordinates
- copy shoulder angle to angle
- display 16x16 shoulder sprite
- set amplitude to 24 pixels
- convert between polar to rectangular cooridinates
- display 32x32 upper arm sprite
- convert between polar to rectangular cooridinates
- display 16x16 elbow sprite
- copy elbow angle to angle
- convert between polar to rectangular cooridinates
- display 32x32 lower arm sprite
- convert between polar to rectangular cooridinates
- display 16x16 hand sprite