- Introduction (15-30 sec.)
- Attention Ladies and gentlemen, the motion thats for discussion today is '.......'
- Purpose ("I stand in affirmation/negation on the bill/resolution...")
- Preview ("for the following reasons")
- Body (2 Minutes)
- Clash!
- State issues on the floor
- State points in conflict
- Prove your point with evidence including the source and date of publication, add the credentials of the source
- logic- explain why this evidence reinforces your point and your side
- Tell the assembly the impact of your point and how it should affect their vote
- Present a Challenge to the Opposition.
- Clash!
- Conclusion (30 sec.)
- Summarize key points of clash.
- Summarize key points.
- Come full circle.
- Open yourself to questions. ("I now yield my time to the chair.")
Sample Speech
[Attention getter]
Fellow senators, I [rise to the affirmative/stand in negation] of this [bill/resolution] [because of/for] the following three contentions:
First shall be that, [contention #1]
Second shall be that, [contention #2]
[First, let me talk about/I will start off by saying that] [contention #1]. [reason, citations] Also, I [rise to the affirmative/stand in negation] of this legislature because [reason, citations]. Finally, this [can/cannot] work because [reason, citations].
So, in conclusion I urge your [affirmation/negation] of this [bill/resolution] because [summarize contention #], [summarize contention #1], and because [summarize contention #3] because, as stated, [restate contentions #1, #2, and #3].
I now yield my time to the chair.