Proliferation is the growth or production of cells in an organism. Controlling proliferation, which is achieved by the genes of a cell, maintains the homeostasis of the body. Proliferative genes such as proto-oncogenes, that promote cell division, facilitate growth. Antiproliferative genes, on the other hand, inhibit proliferation and are important in limiting positive cell growth. Antiproliferative genes are categorized into three groups: tumor suppressor genes, genes that can kill a cell through loss of function, and genes that code for growth inhibitory proteins. Problems in either proliferative or antiproliferative genes may cause uncontrolled cell growth, leading to severe consequences.
J P Rouault, R Rimokh, C Tessa, G Paranhos, M Ffrench, L Duret, M Garoccio, D Germain, J Samarut, and J P Magaud: "BTG1, a member of a new family of antiproliferative genes."