Juvenile hormone is a compound that is used to control the development of insects. Hence, it helps to prevent insect-borne diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, and West Nile virus.
Uses and Properties
Juvenile hormone or JH is produced by the male silk moth called Hyalophora cecropia L. Once insects are infected with JH, it will create metamorphosis in insects which prevents insects from producing eggs. Hence, JH can help to control the diseases. Scientists then have created synthetic and isolated natural JH. Substances of JH are then produced in the labs and it allows the production of a more stable and bioactive substances. Other synthetic compound such as methoprene also help to prevent insect-borne diseases. It is so much more bioactive than JH that it can attack mosquitoes, fleas, and ants. Methoprene does not kill the insects themselves, but the substance kills the insect's eggs before they reach their adulthood. Therefore, methoprene and JH are used to prevent insects from developing and spreading their diseases.
Vollhardt, Peter. Schore, Neil. Organic Chemistry 6th Edition. W.H Freeman and Company. New York. 2011