Strength of Materials
Strength of Materials in Engineering Mechanics

This book is a first course in the analysis of structures. Although most of the material should be accessible to all students who have had a mechanics course, a previous exposure to Engineering Mechanics would be useful. There are no mathematical prerequisites, though some elementary calculus would be useful in certain sections which can be skipped without affecting the flow of the book.


  1. Introduction
  2. Introductory Concepts
  3. Axial Deformation of Bars
  4. Generalized Hooke's Law: Pressure Vessels
  5. Torsion
  6. Loading of Beams
  7. General State of Stress
  8. Yield and Fracture
  9. Elastic Stress Analysis
  10. Column
  11. Energy and Virtual Work
  12. Classical Energy Methods
  13. Elastic Analysis of Systems
  14. Plastic Limit Analysis
  15. Weakest link determination by use of three parameter Weibull statistics

To do

  • Create appropriate chapters for Unsorted topics
  • General cleanup
  • Move images to Commons and create SVGs

Author Resources

The following are free resources available online that may be helpful in completing the writing of this text. Of course each source must be evaluated for accuracy and copyrights must be respected.

Strength of Material Textbooks

John P. Kottcamp (1919) Strength of Materials

James E. Boyd (1911) Strength of Materials

Arthur Morely (1913) Strength of Materials

Open Courseware

MIT Opencourseware 3.11 Mechanics of Materials Graduate level course. Includes multiple pdfs with over 300 pages of content.

Video Lectures

Prof. S.P. Harsha. Strength of Materials Lectures. NPTEL Indian Institute of Technology, Roorke This includes 40 lectures averaging between 50 and 60 minutes long.

Prof. S.K. Bhattacharyya (2005) Strength of Materials Lectures. NPTEL Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur This includes 40 lectures averaging between 50 and 60 minutes long taught in the civil engineering department.


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