< Spanish < Translation Reference

counterfeit = falsificación, fraude
called = referida como, conocido como
came under = cayeron bajo
came up = surgió
can = ha logrado, logra
candid = cándido, franco, sincero
capability = capacidad
carefully = esmeradamente
carry out = llevar a cabo
cart = carreta
casting vote = voto de calidad
cater = proveer
causing = produciendo
charming = encantador
check = verificar
chief = superior
choice = elección
choked up = conmovido
clampdown = paralización, cese
claim = sostienen, sostener
clearly = inequívocamente
clumsy = torpe
cluster = conjunto
coined = acuñado
come = ha llegado
comes = proviene
comfort = consolar
compensations = compensaciones
compliment = alago
comprise = incluye
compromise = comprometer
compromise = conceder a convenio
concern = interés, preocupación
condemn = condenan
condemnation = reproche
containment = contención
constraint = restricción
controvesial = polémico
convenient = oportuno
cost = cobro
counterpart = correspondiente
countless = incontables
credible = creíble
creep = entra filtrándose lentamente
cross referencing = referencia mutua
currently = actualmente, existente, actuales
cursed = condenado
customized = configurable, personalizable

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