< Spanish
English | Spanish | Literal |
The straw that broke the camel's back | La gota que derramó el vaso | The drop that caused the glass to spill over |
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree | De tal palo tal astilla | A splinter is like the wood it came from |
A chip off the old block | De tal palo tal astilla | A chip is like the stick it came from |
Making a mountain out of a molehill | Hacer una montaña de un grano de arena | Make a mountain out of a grain of sand |
Clothes don't make the man | El habito no hace al monje | The habit doesn't make the monk |
To cost an arm and a leg | Costar un ojo de la cara | To cost one eye of your face |
Call a spade a spade | Llamar al pan pan y al vino vino | Call bread bread and wine wine |
Something smells fishy | Huele a gato encerrado | It smells like a caged cat |
To be on the fence | Nadar entre dos aguas | Swim between two bodies of water |
To be in a jam | Estar metido en un lio | To be in a jam |
In a nutshell | En pocas palabras | In a few words |
It's raining cats and dogs | Llueve a cántaros | It is raining pitchers |
To be in the driver's seat | Llevar las riendas | Holding the reins |
Out of the horse's mouth | De muy buena fuente | From a very good source |
Day in, day out | De sol a sol | From sun to sun |
To butter up | Estar de barbero | To be a bootlicker |
Stick to one's guns | No dar el brazo a torcer | Not allow to have your arm twisted |
To be hard pressed | Estar en un aprieto | To be in a predicament |
If I only knew! | Quien lo supiera! | Who would know? |
To hit the road | Largarse | Leave or get lost |
Learn the ropes | Aprender el negocio | To learn the business |
Besides the point | No viene al caso | It doesn't come (touch) the case |
As if there were no tomorrow | Como si se fuera a acabar el mundo | As if the world was coming to an end |
Alive and Kicking | Vivo y Coleando | Alive and wagging |
Cool as a cucumber | Fresco como una lechuga | Fresh as a lettuce |
Fighting like cats and dogs | Llevarse como perro y gato | Fighting constantly |
My point is | A lo que me refiero | What I'm referring to |
Better late than never | Mas vale tarde que nunca | Now is better than never |
Stop the car | Para el coche | Stop the car/cart |
To each his own | Cada loco con su tema | Every lunatic has his own subject (theme) |
You make me crazy | Me vuelves loco(a) | You make me crazy |
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush | Más vale un pájaro en mano que cien volando | One bird in hand is worth more than a hundred flying |
A wild goose chase | Buscando la cuadratura de un circulo | Searching the square of a circle |
To know it like the back of one's hand | Conocerlo como la palma de la mano | I know it like the palm of my hand |
It is the early bird that gets the worm | A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda | God helps he who wakes up early |
Deliver the goods | Cumplir con lo prometido | Fulfill a promise |
Brain is better than brawn | Más vale maña que fuerza | Skill is worth more than power |
It goes without saying | Es cosa sabida | It's a known thing |
To spill the beans | Soltar la sopa | Spill the soup |
Rome was not built in a day | No se ganó Zamora en una hora | Zamora was not won in an hour |
Out of sight, out of mind | Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente | Eyes that do not see, heart that does not feel |
To throw in the towel | Darse por vencido | To consider oneself defeated |
The royal treatment | Trato a cuerpo de rey | Fit for the body of a king |
One man's meat is another man's poison | Lo que a uno cura, a otro mata | That that cures one, kills another |
To go down the drain | Irse por un tubo | Gone in a pipe |
Fat chance! | Ni lo sueñes | Don't even dream about it |
It is beyond me | No entiendo ni jota | I don't understand even the (letter) j |
You can't please everyone | Nunca llueve a gusto de todos | It never rains to everyone's liking |
Think before you speak | Antes de hablar, pensar | Before speaking, think |
Hold your horses! | Calma, no hay prisa! | Calm down, there is no rush |
To be daydreaming | Andar en la luna | To walk on the moon |
The best things in life are free | Lo que no cuesta dinero siempre es bueno | That which does not cost money is always good |
It doesn't ring a bell | No me suena | It doesn't resonate |
It's not a laughing matter | No es cosa de juego | This is not a matter of play |
We all make mistakes | El que tiene boca se equivoca | He who has a mouth makes mistakes |
To be mad as a hatter | Estar loco de remate | To be crazy at the top |
You reap what you sow | Se cosecha lo que se siembra | What one sows, one harvests |
To be caught red-handed | Con las manos en la masa | With the hands in the dough |
They that live by the sword shall die by the sword | Quien a hierro mata, a hierro muere | He who kills by iron, dies by iron |
You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear | Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda | Even if the monkey dresses in silk, she' is still be a monkey |
Give the lowdown | Poner al corriente | Bring up to speed |
At the drop of a hat | Al instante | Instantly |
You never know what you have until it's gone | Nadie sabe lo que vale el agua hasta que falta | Nobody knows how valuable water is until it's missing |
A friend in need is a friend indeed | En el peligro se conoce el amigo | In danger the friend is known |
To be in seventh heaven | Estar en la gloria | To be in the glory |
If you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it | En bocas cerradas no entran moscas | In closed mouths flies don't enter |
If you buy cheaply, you pay dearly | Lo barato sale caro | What's cheap ends up expensive |
Cross the t's and dot the i's | Sin faltar una coma | Without missing one comma |
For the hell of it | Por puro gusto | For pure pleasure (whim) |
Necessity is the mother of invention | La necesidad agudiza el ingenio | Necessity sharpens ingenuity |
Water under the bridge | Es agua pasada | It's water that passed |
To look the other way | Hacerse la vista gorda | To make oneself a fat sight |
Let sleeping dogs lie | Al perro que duerme, no lo despiertes | Don't wake the dog that sleeps |
You can't teach an old dog new tricks | El loro viejo no aprende a hablar | The old parrot doesn't learn to talk |
Look before you leap | Antes que te cases, mira lo que haces | Before you marry, look what you do |
Uncharted waters | Abrir brecha | To open (break) a gap |
It serves him right | Se lo merece | She (or he or it) deserves it |
To be on cloud nine | Andar en las nubes | Walk in the clouds |
You're pulling my leg | A otro perro con ese hueso | To another dog with that bone |
Flesh and blood | De carne y hueso | Of flesh and bone |
Is the coast clear? | ¿Hay moros en la costa? | Are there Moors (Arabs) on the coast? |
To ruffle someone's feathers | Fastidiar a alguien | To annoy someone |
Don't pull my leg | No me tomes el pelo | Don't pull my hair |
Pedal to the metal | A la carrera | At a race pace |
To walk on air | Rebozar de felicidad | To be enveloped by happiness |
Birds of a feather flock together | Dime con quien andas y te diré quien eres | Tell me with whom you walk and I'll tell you who you are |
Go to pieces | Desmoronarse | To crumble apart |
Hit it off | Hacer migas | Make breadcrumbs |
To have sticky fingers | Tener inclinación a robar | To be inclined to steal |
To let off steam | Desahogarse | To vent |
It is nothing to brag about | No es nada de otro mundo | It nothing of another world |
All is quiet on the Potomac | La paz reina en Varsovia | Peace reigns in Warsaw |
Talking a mile a minute | Hablar a mil por hora | To speak a thousand (words) an hour |
To sleep on it | Consultar la almohada | To consult the pillow |
Not beat around the bush | Ir al grano | To go to the grain |
To be fit as a fiddle | Estar más sano que una pera | To be healthier than a pear |
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