Gustar only uses the third person singular and plural forms, along with a direct object pronoun: me, te, le, nos, os, les. For example:
Me gusta el perro. I like the dog.
Me gustan los perros. I like the dogs.
Te gusta el perro. You like the dog.
Te gustan los perros. You like the dogs.
Le gusta el perro. She like the dog.
Le gustan los perros. She like the dogs.
Nos gusta el perro. We like the dog.
Nos gustan los perros. We like the dogs.
Vos gusta el perro. You like the dog.
Vos gustan los perros. You like the dogs.
Les gusta el perro. They like the dog.
Les gustan los perros. They like the dogs.
There are several verbs like this, such as encantar, fascinar, importar, chocar, and flipar, and are referred to as gustar-type verbs
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