< Spanish < Exercises

unit 1

The following table shows the Spanish words for the four basic arithmetics operations:

  +   más
  -   menos
  *   por
  /   entre
  =   es/son

For the equals sign (=) you use es if the answer is 1, otherwise you use son:

6-5:Seis menos cinco es uno.
2+2:Dos más dos son cuatro.

Problemas de matemáticas - Math Problems

Write out as words and then solve the following math problems:


2. 10 / 2: ______________________________________

3. 23 + 42: ________________________________________

4. 99 - 9: ________________________________________

5. 13 * 7: ________________________________________

6. 75 / 3: ______ __________________________________

7. 17 + 4: ________________________________________

8. 67 - 66: ________________________________________

9. 4 * 25: ________________________________________

10. 78 / 13: _______________________________________

Soluciones a los ejercicios Solutions to exercices

^Lesson 2^

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