< Software Engineers Handbook < Language Dictionary
Rather than duplicating information that'll likely get out of date or overlooked, it's best that we simply refer you to:
- the companion Perl Wikibook (a full detailed tutorial)
- the Perl Wikipedia entry (a one-page summary of Perl)
- Perl.com (from O'Reilly Media)
- The Perl Beginner's site (with lots of good links)
- Perl Mongers, the global organization of Perl user groups
- PerlMonks, an online discussion forum devoted to Perl
- Use.perl, a Perl news site (much like Slashdot)
- The Australian Perl Community's "new to Perl" wiki page
- The Perl Foundation, which supports the current development of perl, including work on Perl 6 and parrot.
- The Perl Journal, an online Perl magazine
- , the print magazine about Perl
This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.