looking for the story of C here
C is a full, procedural language.
Execution Entry Point
An executable starts with the main() method.
General Syntax
The typical statement is completed by a semi-colon. For the assignment of b to a use:
a = b;
Block comments are specified by a starting /* and ending */ They can span multiple lines.
* this is a block comment
Variable Declarations
Declarations need to appear at the top of the scope.
Declare i as an integer:
int i;
Declare i as an integer and give it an initial value of 0:
int i = 0;
Method Declaration/Implementation
Methods are declared by specifying the interface for the method.
return_type function_name(argument_1_type arg_1_name,
argument_2_type arg_2_name);
Method implementation repeats much of the same information
return_type function_name(argument_1_type arg_1_name,
argument_2_type arg_2_name)
// work with arg_1_name, arg_2_name, and default_arg_name
// depending on the argument types the variables are passed by
// value, reference, or are constant
// don't forget to return something of the return type
return 36;
Scope is defined by curly braces.
{ // this the beginning of a scope
// the scope is about to end
Conditional Statements
If and only if A is equal to B assign C to D, otherwise, assign E to F.
if (A == B)
D = C;
// more code can be added here. It is used if and only if A is equal to B
F = E;
// more code can be added here. It is used if and only if A is not equal to B
if (A == B)
D = C; //more lines of code are not permitted after this statement
F = E;
Alternatively, a switch statement can be used for multiple choice operations. This sample converts a number input to text.
switch (number_value)
case 37:
text = "thirty-seven";
break; // this line prevents the program from writing over this value with the
// following code
case 23:
text = "twenty-three";
default: // this is used if none of the previous cases contain the value
text = "unknown number";
Looping Statements
This code counts from 0 to 9, adding up the contents of the array.
int i = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < 10; index = index + 1)
i = array[index];
This code repeats until the number 4 is found. If this runs off of the end of the array, there could be a problem.
int index = 0;
while (4 != array[index])
index = index + 1;
This code increments the counter before the check is made, so that it starts with element 1.
int index = 0;
index = index + 1;
while (4 != array[index]);
Output Statements
printf ("%s","Hello world!\n");
Implement your own, or find a library.
Garbage collection
Garbage collection is manual.
Physical Structure
Generally, the interfaces are defined before the implementation in header files (often *.h) or above the implementation. The implementation files are often named *.c. Useful collections of classes can be compiled into libraries, often *.dll, *.a, or *.so, which can be compiled into executables (statically linked) or used on the fly (dynamically linked).
Don't confuse these two:
= // assignment == // comparison, is equal to
Often using the one you don't want will compile, and will produce results you did not expect.
A good practice is to write; if(CONSTANT == variable) rather than if(variable == CONSTANT) since the compiler will catch; if(CONSTANT = variable) but not if(variable = CONSTANT).
Use a compiler that generates lots of helpful warnings, even if the code is valid. You could also / instead use a program such as 'lint'. This will help you avoid simple bugs such as the above-mentioned bug "if ( x = 1 )" instead of "if ( x == 1 )".
Arrays start with index 0.
Web References
List additional references on the web. Please include for what level reader the references are appropriate. (beginner/intermediate/advanced)
Books and Articles
need references
The C programming language: (sample link: http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cbook/ )