< Sociology of Religion

Religious fundamentalism first appeared in the late 19th century in the USA. At that time, some of the more liberal protestants attempted to adapt their views to the modern world, while other, more conservative protestants, opposed this. They stood behind the belief that the Bible must be understood literally. They created a set of pamphlets named The Fundamentals.

We place all conservative doctrines, movements and groups which oppose the modern society, a modern way of life and science under fundamentalism. They differ from each other by the reason of their creation, their goals and the ways with which to achieve them (violence, conversation, bribery).

All of the above share some common points:

  • religious texts are perfect, without mistakes or misinterpretations - they must be read literally
  • they deny religious pluralism
  • modern society is fraught with negative influences (a society of consumers, hedonism and moral plurality)
  • they have firm beliefs in connection with their religion
  • opposition to feminism, homosexuals, abortion and birth regulation movements
  • their religion should become the foundation for the life of the society and each individual
  • all who disagree with their beliefs are considered enemies
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