Torso, shoulders, and head
Both partners should try to keep their torso erect at all times. Imagine that you are resting on your hips. Your torso should be straight up at all times - do not arch your back or lean backwards. As should your head. Shoulders should be relaxed and loose. Keep your head straight up at all times, and looking slightly to the left of your partner. As to the position of your neck and head: imagine you are standing up against a wall. No matter where you move, that wall is still behind you, and you must not move your head in front of it or into it.
Your elbows should be up and to the side at all times.
In closed position, for both the lead and follow, the left and right foot should be locked together. The positioning of the feet depends upon the role.
- lead
- The left foot should be ahead of the right foot so that the heel of the left foot fits into the curvature of the right.
- follow
- The right foot should be ahead of the left foot so that the heel of the right foot fits into the curvature of the left.
Line of dance
Tango, like most other traveling ballroom dances, follows a large, oval-like path around the dance floor. Couples travel counterclockwise. Instead of always utilizing turns, a tango lead should apply a gradual curve to the couple's movement as necessary to follow line of dance. If you are just practicing a move, there is no need to apply this curve - it is only important when one is dancing around the dance floor.
- left forward (slow)
- right forward (slow)
- left forward (quick)
- right side (quick)
- tap close (no weight change) (slow).
- right back (slow)
- left back (slow)
- right back (quick)
- left side (quick)
- tap close (no weight change) (slow).
First Promenade
lead: after tap close (where left foot is free), turn both torsos to face lead's left, walk forward two steps as if beginning a basic, on the third turn follower in front of you, then, now aligned with your partner, forward side-close.
Second Promenade
Third Promenade
Fourth Promenade
Fifth Promenade
Lead: left foot back, replace right, forward, close.