Definition and Classification
II. External Characters β€” Integument - - 8
III. Coloration - - - - 29
IV. Skeleton - - - - - - 40
V. Dentition - - - - - -53
VI. Poison Apparatus β€” Different Kinds of
Poisons - - - - - 62
VII. Nervous System β€” Sense Organs - - 73
VIII. Viscera - - - - - -77
IX. Organs of Reproduction ; Pairing; Oviposi-
tion ; Development - - - 82
XI. Parasites - - - - - - 107
XII. Distribution - - - - - 118
XIII. Snakes in Relation to Man - - - 133
Genus TYPHLOPS, Rafinesque, 1815
1. Typhlops vermicularis, Merrem, 1820, The European Blind-Snake or Worm Snake
Family: Boidae Gray 1825
Genus: Eryx, Daudin 1803
2. Eryx jaculus, Linnaeus 1758, The Javelin Sand-Boa
Genus Natrix, Laurenti
3. Natrix natrix Linnaeus, The Grass-Snake, or Ring Snake
4. Natrix tesselata, Laurenti β€” The Tessellated Water-Snake - 160
5. Natrix maura, Latreille β€” The Viperine Water-Snake .... 165
Genus ZAMENIS, Wagler - - - - 170
6. Zamenis gemonensis, Laurenti β€” The European Whip-Snake - - - - - 170
7. Zamenis dahlii, Fitzinger β€” Dahl's Whip-Snake - 177
8. Zamenis hippocrepis, Linnaeus β€” The Horseshoe Whip-Snake \- - - - 179
Genus COLUBER, Linn^us - - - - 181
9. Coluber quatuorlineatus, Lacepedeβ€” Aldrovandi's Snake - 182
10. Coluber dione, Pallas β€” The Dione Snake - 185
11. Coluber longissimus, Laurenti β€” The ^Esculapian Snake - - - 187
12. Coluber leopardinus, Bonaparte β€” The Leopard Snake ------ 191
13. Coluber scalaris, Schinz β€” The Ladder Snake - 194
Genus CORONELLA, Laurenti - - - 196
14. Coronella austriaca, Laurenti β€” The Smooth Snake - - - - - - 197
15. Coronella girondica, Daudin β€” The Southern Smooth Snake - 202
Genus CONTIA, Baird and Girard - - - 205
16. Contia modesta, Martinβ€” The Dwarf Snake - 205
Genus CGELOPELTIS, Wagler - - - 207
17. Ccelopeltis monspessulana, Hermann β€” The Montpellier Snake ----- 208
Genus MACROPROTODON, Guichenot - - 212
18. MACROPROTODON CUCULLATUS, I. Geoffroy β€” The False Smooth Snake - - - - 213
Genus TARBOPHIS, Fleischmann - - - 216
19. Tarbophis fallax, Fleischmann β€” The Cat-Snake 217 20. Tarbophis iberus, Eichwald β€” The Caucasian Cat-Snake - - 219
= Fourth Family: VIPERIDAE
Genus VIPERA, Laurenti - - - - 221
21. Vipera ursinii, Bonaparteβ€” Orsini's Viper - 221
22. Vipera renardi, Christoph β€” Renard's Viper - 227
23. Vipera berus, Linnaeus β€” The Northern Viper, or Adder - 230
24. Vipera aspis, Linnaeusβ€” The Asp Viper - - 239
25. Vipera latastii, Bosca β€” Lataste's Viper - - 247
26. Vipera ammodytes, Linnaeus β€” The Sand-Viper, or Long-Nosed Viper ... - 249
27. Vipera lebetina, Linnaeus β€” The Blunt-Nosed Viper, or Kufi - - - - - 257
Macrovipera schweizeri, Werner, Milos viper
Genus ANCISTRODON, Palisot de Beauvois - 261
28. Ancistrodon halys, Pallasβ€” Pallas's Pit-Viper - 262
All other spp