< Sidux < Useable applications
FTP client is an application for connecting to ftp server and lets you manage your files on the server.


1. Installation:
apt-get install gftp
2. Run it from: Menu-> Network-> gFTP.
a. In "Host" field type your ftp server address you want to connect to.
b. In "User" field type your user name you got creating an account on a ftp hosting server.
c. In "Pass" field type your ftp password.
d. To make connection click on computers icon.
3. As you can see you have preview your files in left window and server files in right one.
a. To send out your file mark it in left window and prass -> arrow or drag a file and drop it off in right window.
b. To download a file fro server mark it in right window and prass <- arrow or drag it and drop it off
in left window.
c. From mouse menu there are many functions available such as: Rename, Delete, New folder (create), etc.
4. To disconnect click on computers icon again.

Home page: http://gftp.seul.org/
On Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GFTP


Next aplication from ftp department is FileZilla:
apt-get install filezilla
1. Menu-> Network-> FileZilla.
2. Connect cofiguration is the similar like for gFTP.
3. To make connection click on: Quickconnect.

The project home page: http://filezilla-project.org/
And on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FileZilla

Midnight Commander

Midnight Commander (mc) is not a file manager only but it works as ftp manager too:
1. From "Left" or "Right" tab choose-> FTP link.
2. Enter connection details such as: user_name@ftp_server_address
3. And type your password in second step.

Home page: http://www.midnight-commander.org/
And on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midnight_Commander


A good tool for ftp connection is Firefox add-on FireFtp.
1. Install it from: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/684/ and re-start Firefox.
2. Run the add-on from: Tools tab-> FireFTP.
3. Choose "Create an account" to do so.


a. Host: your hosting server address.
b. Login: user name
c. Password: I suggest leave the fild empty, the password will not be seved.
d. To make connection click on "Connect" -> then type your password.
e. To disconnect it click on: you know that.

FireFTP home page: http://fireftp.mozdev.org/
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