< Shell Programming

Expansions are required to deliver a value to script. We will discuss arithmetic expansion and parameter expansion here. Placing '$' prior to a variable expands its value.

Arithmetic expressions

Arithmetic expansion is not part of portable shell syntax, but was added as a POSIX extension. Arithmetic expansion is achieved using a $((operation)) construct. Parameter expansion is achieved by using a ${parameter} construct.

Let's give an example of arithmetic expansion:


$(($one+1)) will have the value of 2.

String manipulation

Let's try to do some examples for parameter expansion. Let's say we want to remove a string 'Hello' from 'HelloBob'. The following will do the trick:


${string%Bob} portion cuts out 'Bob' from end of variable string, so we are left with Hello as its output.

If variable string had value of 'HelloBobBob', ${string%%Bob*} would do the same trick. The '%%' portion is required because it signifies to remove the longest pattern matching 'Bob*'. So, we are also left with 'Hello'.

If '%' is replaced with '#' and '%%' replaced with '##', this signifies the same meaning but this time from beginning of parameter, not from end. For example, the following code would remove 'Hello' from 'HelloBobBob':


Conditional variable values

Following subsections represent a syntax for handling of situations, where variable may be undefined.


Use 'value' if param's original value is null, otherwise value of param variable is taken.


Use param if defined, otherwise print value to output – it effectively aborts the command.


Use 'value' if param is defined (otherwise an empty string).


Use 'value' and set param to 'value' if param is undefined.

Besides the above-mentioned syntax, there is also a syntax with a colon preceding the -/?/+/=, eg.:

${param:?Parameter param must be set and non-empty}

Which for all four operators above causes that empty variables are handled in the same way as undefined ones in the above-mentioned definition.

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