These lessons are more of a dictionary, and are to be used for general help. Lesson 1, Lesson 2, and Lesson 3 are recommended since these lessons prepare the learner for Level 2. The more advanced lessons are elective, as they contain extensive lessons based on a particular subject of interest.
Lesson 1 - The Alphabet/Азбука/Azbuka
Lesson 2 - Common Words/Уобичајене речи/Uobičajene reči
Lesson 3 - Question Words/Упитне речи/Upitne reči
Lesson 4 - Animals/Животиње/Životinje
Lesson 5 - Months/Месеци/Meseci
Lesson 6 - Colours/Боје/Boje
Lesson 7 - School/Школа/Škola
Lesson 8 - Family/Породица/Porodica
Lesson 9 - Seasons/Годишња доба/Godišnja doba
Lesson 10 - Money/Новац/Novac
Lesson 11 - Body/Тело/Telo
Lesson 12 - Food/Храна/Hrana
Lesson 13 - Plants/Биљке/Biljke
Lesson 14 - Adjectives/Придеви/Pridevi
Lesson 15 - Verbs/Глаголи/Glagoli
Lesson 16 - Expressions, Phrases/Изрази, фразе/Izrazi, fraze
Lesson 17 - Prepositions/Предлози/Predlozi
Lesson 18 - Numbers/Бројеви/Brojevi