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Next Steps and Closing

This script is used to identify next steps and close the group model building session.


Best practices

Primary nature of group task:



Preparation time: 10 minutes

Time required during session: 15 minutes

Follow-up time: 0 minutes




  • Deliverables from session (e.g., printouts of model)




  • Facilitator who is familiar with the system dynamics modeling process and the next steps of the project
  • Modeler/reflector who is usually the person on the team with the most expertise in system dynamics modeling
  • Convener/closer who has status in the room and can begin and end the meeting
  • Recorder to take notes on any questions, create a list of next steps, and execute the next steps


  1. The facilitator thanks participants for their contributions during the session and states that the team is going to tell them what’s going to happen next. This can include:
    • Model cleanup and review: Tell participants that the model will be cleaned up by comparing what is currently included in the model to the notes, and everything that was said will be incorporated into the model. State that the next model review session is scheduled for “____,” and all are invited to attend.
      • If the session is out of town, describe ways that they can join via Go To Meeting, etc.
    • Updates: If participants cannot join the model review or do not wish to be involved but would like updates on the project, state that they can put their name and email on a sign-up sheet and updates will be sent about project progress. Copies of the model may also be sent to participants.
    • Involvement: Depending on the project, emphasize that it is ideal for participants to remain involved if they would like. This can be done by joining a planning committee if there is one within the project, coming to dissemination meetings, or even co-facilitating future sessions.
    • Model ownership: If during the session a model has been created, state that the model is owned by the participants because they have created the structure and have full rights to use it in any way. State that in the past, participants have used models by presenting them to their school boards and incorporating them into grants. Models can also be used as a talking point in which to generate a discussion with other folks about an issue.
  2. The facilitator asks if there are any questions.
  3. The facilitator asks the modeler/reflector if they have any reflections, thoughts, or observations they would like to share. The modeler/reflector may share a few brief comments or overall impressions.
  4. The facilitator then summarizes the list of next steps and who is responsible and indicates where participants can pick up deliverables from the session.
  5. The convener/closer thanks participants for coming and states that s/he can be available for additional questions or comments in the future.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Everyone in the room knows the next steps


Krista Chalise, Timothy Hower, Peter Hovmand, 2010


Originally based on activities conducted by Timothy Hower and Peter Hovmand during St. Louis Federal Reserve in October, 2010.


Revised by Peter Hovmand in 2013 to reflect current practices.





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