< Scribbling On Regardless

This project is about making Art Dice - roll the dice and decide which arty activity you should do! A fun way to get ideas, or get you through any artistic block. Your art ideas can go in the sketchbook you made in the first activity...

Materials you'll need for the art dice

  • Art Dice template (see below)
  • Colouring pens or pencils
  • Glue
  • Scissors


Watch our video for a step-by-step guide

  1. Print out / trace your art dice template
  2. Give you art dice some background colour - the more vibrant and bright the better!
  3. You've got 2 dice for a reason - one is for activity, and one is for subject.
  4. Decide which activities you want on the first one - drawing, painting, collage, stickers... and write one on each side of the dice
  5. Decide which subjects you want for the second one - out your window, animals, food... and write one on each side of the other dice
  6. Carefully cut out your dice
  7. Fold over the dotted lines, and glue together
  8. Now get rolling!

Art Dice templates - click to expand

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3 Colour Drawing

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