< Ruby Programming

To us, a string such as "Hello world" looks like a series of letters with a space in the middle. To your computer, however, every String in fact, everything is a series of numbers.


In our example, each character of the String "Hello world" is represented by a number between 0 and 127. For example, to the computer, the capital letter "H" is encoded as the number 72, whereas the space is encoded as the number 32. The ASCII standard, originally developed for sending telegraphs, specifies what number is used to represent each character.

On most Unix-like operating systems, you can view the entire chart of ASCII codes by typing "man ascii" at the shell prompt. Wikipedia's page on ASCII also lists the ASCII codes. Using an ASCII chart, we discover that our string "Hello world" gets converted into the following series of ASCII codes.

H  e   l   l   o   space  w   o   r   l   d
72 101 108 108 111 32     119 111 114 108 100

You can also determine the ASCII code of a character by using the ? operator in Ruby 1.8.

puts ?H 
puts ?e
puts ?l
puts ?l
puts ?o

The question-mark syntax no longer works in Ruby 1.9. Instead, use the ord method.

puts "H".ord
puts "e".ord
puts "l".ord
puts "l".ord
puts "o".ord

Notice that the output (below) of this program matches the ASCII codes for the "Hello" part of "Hello world".

$ hello-ascii.rb

To get the ASCII value for a space, we need to use its escape sequence. In fact, we can use any escape sequence with the ? operator.

puts ?\s
puts ?\t
puts ?\b
puts ?\a

As above in Ruby >= 1.9 use

puts "\s".ord
puts "\t".ord
puts "\b".ord
puts "\a".ord


The result:


Terminal emulators

You may not realize it, but so far, you've been running your Ruby programs inside of a program called a terminal emulator such as the Microsoft Windows console, the Mac OS X Terminal application, a telnet client, rxvt, or X Window System programs such as xterm.

When your Ruby program prints out the letter "H", it sends the ASCII code for "H" (72) to the terminal emulator, which then draws an "H". When your Ruby program prints out a bell character, it sends a different ASCII code ASCII code 7 to the terminal emulator. In this case, the terminal emulator does not draw a symbol, but instead will typically beep or flash briefly. How each of the codes gets interpreted is largely determined by the ASCII standard.

Other character encodings

The ASCII standard is a type of character encoding. As mentioned above, ASCII only uses numbers 0 through 127 to define characters. There's a lot more characters than that in the world. Other character encoding systems such as Latin-1, Shift_JIS, and the Unicode Transformation Format (UTF) have been created to represent a wider variety of characters, including those found in languages such as Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, and Japanese.

ASCII chart

010 00000403220?
010 00010413321!
010 00100423422"
010 00110433523#
010 01000443624$
010 01010453725%
010 01100463826&
010 01110473927'
010 10000504028(
010 10010514129)
010 1010052422A*
010 1011053432B+
010 1100054442C,
010 1101055452D-
010 1110056462E.
010 1111057472F/
011 000006048300
011 000106149311
011 001006250322
011 001106351333
011 010006452344
011 010106553355
011 011006654366
011 011106755377
011 100007056388
011 100107157399
011 1010072583A:
011 1011073593B;
011 1100074603C<
011 1101075613D=
011 1110076623E>
011 1111077633F?
100 00001006440@
100 00011016541A
100 00101026642B
100 00111036743C
100 01001046844D
100 01011056945E
100 01101067046F
100 01111077147G
100 10001107248H
100 10011117349I
100 1010112744AJ
100 1011113754BK
100 1100114764CL
100 1101115774DM
100 1110116784EN
100 1111117794FO
101 00001208050P
101 00011218151Q
101 00101228252R
101 00111238353S
101 01001248454T
101 01011258555U
101 01101268656V
101 01111278757W
101 10001308858X
101 10011318959Y
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110 00011419761a
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110 00111439963c
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110 011014610266f
110 011114710367g
110 100015010468h
110 100115110569i
110 10101521066Aj
110 10111531076Bk
110 11001541086Cl
110 11011551096Dm
110 11101561106En
110 11111571116Fo
111 000016011270p
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111 001016211472r
111 001116311573s
111 010016411674t
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111 11001741247C|
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