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La şcoală / At School
Cuvinte generale / General words
- Profesor - Teacher (m)
- Profesoară - Teacher (f)
- Bursă - Scholarship
- Diplomă - Diploma
- Bac(alaureat) - High schoolexit exam
- Bibliotecă - Library
- Note - Grades (as on a test)
- Oră - Classe/Course
- Clasă - Grade (e.g. 6th Grade)
- În ora de [...] - In [...] class
În timpul orelor / During classes
- Tablă - Blackboard, chalkboard
- Cretă - Chalk
- Pupitru, bancă, masă, catedră - Desk (Student desk / student desk / table / teacher desk)
- Test - Test
- Temă - Homework
- Clasă - Classroom
- Pauză - Recess
- Curte - Courtyard
Şcoli şi studenţi / Schools and Students
- Şcoală - School
- Student - Student(m)
- Studentă - Student(f)
- Învăţământul primar (Clasele 1-4) - something like 1-5 grades
- Învăţământul gimnazial (Clasele 5-8) - something like jr. high school (grades 6-9)
- Şcolar - 1-8 grades student
- Liceu (9-12) - High school (10-12)
- Licean - High school student (9-12)
- Universitate - University
- Facultate - University
- Învăţământul superior - Higher education, graduate school
Bunurile şcolare - School supplies
- Cretă - Chalk
- Tablă - Blackborad, chalkboard
- Pix - Pen
- Creion - Pencil
- Calculator (de buzunar) - Calculator
- Carte - Book
- Caiet - Notebook
- Hârtie - Paper
- Foaie de hârtie, filă de hârtie - Sheet of paper
- Clasor - Three-ring binder
- Ghiozdan - Small backpack
- Rucsac - Big backpack
- Guma, Radieră - Eraser
- Riglă, liniar - Ruler
- Cariocă, marker - Marker
Clasele / Grades
12th Grade Clasa a XII-a 11th Grade Clasa a XI-a 10th Grade Clasa a X-a 9th Grade Clasa a IX-a
8th Grade Clasa a VIII-a 7th Grade Clasa a VII-a 6th Grade Clasa a VI-a 5th Grade Clasa a V-a
4th Grade Clasa a IV-a 3rd Grade Clasa a III-a 2th Grade Clasa a II-a 1st Grade Clasa I / Clasa întâi
- In Romania the grades are written with roman numerals
Grading system
In the primary school the grading is the following:
- Foarte Bine - Very Good
- Bine - Good
- Sufficient/Satisfăcător - Pass
- Insufficient/Nesatisfăcător - Fail
In the secondary school the grading is a bit different it simply ranges from 1-4 (Fail), 5 (the minimum pass grade), to 10 (Excellent).
Verbe / Verbs
- A da un test - To take a test
- A studia, a învăţa - To study
- A scrie - To write
- A ridica (mâna) - To raise (the hand)
- A pune o întrebare - To Ask a question
- A întreba - To ask
- A asculta - To listen
- A Auzi - To hear
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