Verbele - Verbs
- a citi - to read
- a scrie - to write
- a rescrie - to rewrite
- a povesti - to tell a story
- a asculta - to listen
- a minţi - to lie
- a înţelege - to understand
- a vedea - to see
- a auzi - to hear
- a crea - to create
- a simţi - to feel
- a atinge - to touch
- a iubi - to (make) love
- a urî - to hate
- a vorbi - to talk
- a striga - to shout
- a râde - to laugh
- a zâmbi - to smile
- a plânge - to cry
- a uita - to forget
- a-şi aminti - to remember
- a merge - to walk, to go
- a urca - to climb
- a coborî - to descend
- a se aşeza - to sit down
- a se ridica - to stand up
- a se culca - to go to sleep
- a dormi - to sleep
- a se trezi - to wake up
- a cădea - to fall
- a fugi - to run
- a încetini - to slow down
- a accelera - to speed up
- a sări - to jump
- a mânca - to eat
- a bea - to drink
- a face - to make
- a face un duş - to take a shower
- a face de mâncare - to cook
- a face patul - to make the bed
- a spăla (ceva) - to wash (something)
- a se spăla - to wash (himself/herself)
- a curăţa - to clean/to scrub
- a şterge - to clean up/to wipe/to erase
- a păta - to stain/to soil
- a murdări -to get dirty (something)
- a fi - to be
- a avea - to have
A fi and a avea are used as auxiliary verbs ("a avea" is conjugated a bit differently when used this way)
Se - is used as compound for transitive verbs
Four conjugations, according to the different terminations of the verbs:
First conjugation, with "-a" as a termination in the infinitive: There are two ways of conjugating verbs of this type, and there is no way of telling by looking at the infinitive which one it will be (it just needs to be memorized).
first way (shorter conjugation)
- a cânta - to sing
- eu cânt - I sing
- tu cânţi - you sing
- el/ea cântă - he/she/it sings
- noi cântăm - we sing
- voi cântaţi - you (pl) sing
- ei/ele cântă - they sing
second way (longer conjugation)
- a lucra - to work
- eu lucrez - I work
- tu lucrezi - you work
- el/ea lucrează - he/she/it works
- noi lucrăm - we work
- voi lucraţi - you work
- ei/ele lucrează - they work
Second conjugation, with "-ea" as a termination in the infinitive:
- a tăcea - to be silent
- eu tac - I am silent
- tu taci - you are silent
- el/ea tace - he/she/it is silent
- noi tăcem - we are silent
- voi tăceţi - you (pl) are silent
- ei/ele tac - they are silent
Third conjugation, with "-e" as a termination in the infinitive:
- a merge - to go
- eu merg - I go
- tu mergi - you go
- el/ea merge - he/she/it goes
- noi mergem - we go
- voi mergeţi - you go
- ei/ele merg - they go
Fourth conjugation, with "-i" as a termination in the infinitive: There are also two different ways to conjugate verbs of this type, and once again, there is no way to a priori tell which one to use. One must learn which pattern a particular verb uses (although one does get a "feel" for it after a while).
First way (shorter conjugation)
- a fugi - to run
- eu fug - I run
- tu fugi - you run
- el/ea fuge - he/she/it runs
- noi fugim - we run
- voi fugiţi - you (pl) run
- ei/ele fug - they run
second way (longer conjugation)
- a vorbi - to talk
- eu vorbesc - I talk
- tu vorbeşti - you talk
- el/ea vorbeşte - he/she/it talks
- noi vorbim - we talk
- voi vorbiţi - you talk
- ei/ele vorbesc - they talk
- a fi :
- eu sunt - I am
- tu eşti - you are
- el/ea este - he/she/it is
- noi suntem - we are
- voi sunteţi - you are
- ei/ele sunt - they are
- a avea:
- eu am - I have
- tu ai - you have
- el/ea are - he/she/it has
- noi avem - we have
- voi aveţi - you have
- ei/ele au - they have