This wikibook is to become an online textbook on the kinematics and dynamics of robots. One of its purposes is to provide a more theoretical and in-depth look into the field of robotics mechanics.

Table of Contents

  1. Description of Position and Orientation
  2. Serial Manipulator Position Kinematics
  3. Serial Manipulator Differential Kinematics
  4. Serial Manipulator Statics
  5. Serial Manipulator Dynamics
  6. Parallel Manipulator Kinematics
  7. Parallel Manipulator Dynamics


The Robotics Toolbox is a public MATLAB library that can be downloaded for free from It would be nice if some example code would eventually be added to the different examples this wikibook is to contain.

Another free interesting robotics toolbox for MATLAB, released under GNU GPL license is DAMAROB: This toolbox evaluates kinematic and dynamic model of a manipulator in symbolic-math matrix form. (that is Jacobian, Inertia, coriolis-centrifugal, gravity matrices) It provides html documentation with examples and includes exclusive features as WRL model generation for 3D animations, closed loop inverse kinematics algorithms, robust and adaptive control algorithms.


  • Selig, J.M.: Introductory robotics, Englewood Cliffs (N.J.): Prentice Hall, 1992
  • Craig, J.J.: Introduction to robotics: mechanics and control, Reading (Mass.): Addison-Wesley, 1986
  • Sciavicco L., Siciliano B.: Modeling and control of robot manipulators, New York (N.Y.): McGraw-Hill, 1996
  • Asada H., Slotine J.-J. E.: Robot analysis and control, New York (N.Y.): John Wiley & Sons, 1986
  • Robotics: another wikibook which provides a more hands-on, practical approach.

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