The Ring language comes with the next features
.. tip:: One of the main goals behind the first release is creating a useful language ready for production!
- Free Open Source (MIT License)
- Interpreter - Hybrid Implementation (Compiler+VM)
- Declarative programming on the top of Object-Oriented programming
- No explicit end for statements (No ; or ENTER is required)
- A small language (Around 100,000 lines of code)
* The compiler + The Virtual Machine are 15,000 lines of C code * The other 85,000 lines of code are related to libraries! * 10,000 lines of C code * 50,000 lines of C++ code * 25,000 lines of Ring code
- Written in ANSI C (The code is generated)
- Developed using Visual Programming (PWCT)
- Optional Printing for Tokens/Grammar/Byte-Code during execution
- Portable (Windows, Linux & Mac OS X)
- Comments (One line & Multi-lines)
- Not Case-Sensitive
- Dynamic Typing
- Weakly typed
- Lexical Scoping (Global, Local & Object State)
- Default scope for variables inside functions (Local)
- Default scope for variables outside functions (global)
- Garbage Collector - Automatic Memory Management (Escape Analysis and Reference Counting)
- Structure Programming
- Rich control structures & Operators
- For in get item by reference not value, you can read/edit the item
- Use exit to go outside from more than one loop
- Procedures/Functions
- Main Function (optional)
- Call Function before the definition
- Recursion
- Multi-line literals
- Access (read/write) string letter by index
- The list index start by 1
- No keyword to end Functions/Classes/Packages
- Range operator ex: 1:10 and "a":"z"
- First Class Variables, Lists, Objects and Functions
- Store/Copy Lists/Objects by value (Deep Copy)
- Pass Lists/Objects by reference
- Native Object-Oriented Support
* Encapsulation * Setter/Getter (optional) * private state (optional) * Instantiation * Polymorphism * Composition * Inheritance (Single Inheritance) * Operator Overloading * Packages
- using { } to access objects and use attributes/methods as variables/functions
- Reflection and Meta-programming
- Clear program structure (Statements then functions then packages & classes)
- Exception Handling
- Eval() to execute code during run-time
- 8-bit clean, work on binary data directly
- I/O commands
- Math functions
- String functions
- List functions
- File processing functions
- Database support (ODBC & MySQL)
- Security Functions (OpenSSL)
- Internet Functions (LibCurl)
- CGI Library (Written in Ring)
* HTTP Get * HTTP Post * File upload * Cookies * URL Encode * HTML Templates * HTML Special Characters * HTML Generation using Functions * HTML Generation using Classes * CRUD Example (using MVC) * Users Example (Register, Login and Check)
- Extension using C/C++ (Simple API)
- Embedding the language in C/C++ programs
- Comes with code generator (Written in Ring) to quickly wrap C/C++ Libraries
* Used to Support Allegro by creating RingAllegro * Used to Support Qt by creating RingQt
- Create 2D Games (Using the Allegro Library)
- Create GUI Applications for Desktop and Mobile (Using the Qt Framework)