< Ring < Lessons
Command Line Options
The ring interpreter takes source code file (*.ring) as input to execute, also the interpreter provide other options like
============ =======================================================
Option Description
============ =======================================================
-tokens Print a list of tokens in the source code file
-rules Print grammar rules applied on the tokens
-ic Print the intermediate byte code (before execution)
-icfinal Print the final byte code (after execution)
-cgi Print http response header before error messages
-norun Don't run the program after compiling
-ins Print instruction operation code before execution
-performance Print clock before and after program execution
============ =======================================================
Printing Tokens
Func Main
See "Hello World" + nl
for x = 1 to 10
see x + nl
func test
see "welcome" + nl
o1 = new point { x=10 y=20 z=30 }
see o1
class point x y z
ring test.ring -tokens -norun
Tokens - Generated by the Scanner
Keyword : FUNC
Identifier : main
Keyword : SEE
Literal : Hello World
Operator : +
Identifier : nl
Keyword : FOR
Identifier : x
Operator : =
Number : 1
Keyword : TO
Number : 10
Keyword : SEE
Identifier : x
Operator : +
Identifier : nl
Keyword : NEXT
Identifier : test
Operator : (
Operator : )
Keyword : FUNC
Identifier : test
Keyword : SEE
Literal : welcome
Operator : +
Identifier : nl
Identifier : o1
Operator : =
Keyword : NEW
Identifier : point
Operator : {
Identifier : x
Operator : =
Number : 10
Identifier : y
Operator : =
Number : 20
Identifier : z
Operator : =
Number : 30
Operator : }
Keyword : SEE
Identifier : o1
Keyword : CLASS
Identifier : point
Identifier : x
Identifier : y
Identifier : z
Printing Rules
ring test.ring -rules -norun
Grammar Rules Used by The Parser
Rule : Program --> {Statement}
Line 1
Rule : Statement --> 'Func' Identifier [ParaList]
Line 2
Rule : Factor --> Literal
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : Arithmetic --> Arithmetic + Arithmetic
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> 'See' Expr
Line 3
Rule : Factor --> Number
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Factor --> Number
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> 'For' Identifier '=' Expr to Expr ['step' Expr]
Line 4
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : Arithmetic --> Arithmetic + Arithmetic
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> 'See' Expr
Line 5
Rule : Next --> 'Next'
Line 6
Rule : Mixer -> '(' [Expr { ',' Expr} ] ')'
Line 8
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> Expr
Rule : Statement --> 'Func' Identifier [ParaList]
Line 9
Rule : Factor --> Literal
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : Arithmetic --> Arithmetic + Arithmetic
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> 'See' Expr
Line 10
Rule : Factor --> New Identifier {'.' Identifier }
Rule : Mixer --> '{' {Statement} BraceEnd
Rule : Factor --> Number
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Assignment -> '=' Expr
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> Expr
Rule : Factor --> Number
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Assignment -> '=' Expr
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> Expr
Rule : Factor --> Number
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Assignment -> '=' Expr
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> Expr
Rule : BraceEnd --> '}'
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Assignment -> '=' Expr
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> Expr
Line 11
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> 'See' Expr
Line 13
Rule : Statement --> 'Class' Identifier
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> Expr
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> Expr
Rule : Factor --> Identifier [ {Mixer} | Assignment | PlusPlus | MinusMinus]
Rule : Range --> Factor
Rule : Term --> Range
Rule : Arithmetic --> Term
Rule : BitShift --> Arithmetic
Rule : BitAnd --> BitShift
Rule : BitOrXOR --> BitAnd
Rule : Compare --> BitOrXOR
Rule : EqualOrNot --> Compare
Rule : LogicNot -> EqualOrNot
Rule : Expr --> LogicNot
Rule : Statement --> Expr
Printing Intermediate Code
ring test.ring -ic -norun
Byte Code - Before Execution by the VM
PC OPCode Data
1 ReturnNull
2 Func main
3 NewLine 2
4 FuncExE
5 PushC Hello World
6 LoadA nl 0
7 PushV
8 SUM 0
9 Print
10 NewLine 3
11 ExitMark 29 28
12 LoadAFirst x
13 PushN 1.000000
14 BeforeEqual 0
15 Assignment
16 PushN 1.000000
17 StepNumber
18 JumpVarLENum x 10.000000 29
19 NewLine 4
20 FuncExE
21 LoadA x 0
22 PushV
23 LoadA nl 0
24 PushV
25 SUM 0
26 Print
27 NewLine 5
28 IncJump x 18
29 POPExitMark
30 POPStep
31 NewLine 6
32 LoadFunc test
33 Call 0
34 NoOperation
35 NewLine 8
36 PushV
37 FreeStack
38 ReturnNull
39 Func test
40 NewLine 9
41 FuncExE
42 PushC welcome
43 LoadA nl 0
44 PushV
45 SUM 0
46 Print
47 NewLine 10
48 LoadA o1 0
49 AssignmentPointer
50 New point
51 SetScope
52 PushV
53 BraceStart
54 LoadA x 0 58
55 AssignmentPointer
56 PushN 10.000000
57 BeforeEqual 0
58 Assignment 0 0
59 FreeStack
60 LoadA y 0 64
61 AssignmentPointer
62 PushN 20.000000
63 BeforeEqual 0
64 Assignment 0 0
65 FreeStack
66 LoadA z 0 70
67 AssignmentPointer
68 PushN 30.000000
69 BeforeEqual 0
70 Assignment 0 0
71 FreeStack
72 LoadFunc ismethod
73 LoadA self 0
74 PushV
75 PushC braceend
76 Call
77 NoOperation
78 PushV
79 JumpZ 85
80 LoadFunc braceend
81 Call
82 NoOperation
83 PushV
84 FreeStack
85 BraceEnd
86 FreeStack
87 NewLine 11
88 FuncExE
89 LoadA o1 0
90 PushV
91 Print
92 NewLine 13
93 ReturnNull
94 Class point 006E8BC0
95 NewLabel
96 LoadA x 0
97 PushV
98 FreeStack
99 LoadA y 0
100 PushV
101 FreeStack
102 LoadA z 0
103 PushV
104 FreeStack
105 ReturnNull
Printing Final Intermediate Code
ring test.ring -icfinal
Hello World
x: 10.000000
y: 20.000000
z: 30.000000
Byte Code - After Execution by the VM
PC OPCode Data
1 ReturnNull
2 Func main
3 NewLine 2
4 FuncExE
5 PushC Hello World
6 PushP 007D3670 0
7 PushV
8 SUM 0
9 Print
10 NewLine 3
11 ExitMark 29 28
12 LoadAFirst x
13 PushN 1.000000
14 BeforeEqual 0
15 Assignment
16 PushN 1.000000
17 StepNumber
18 JumpVarLPLENum x 10.000000 29
19 NewLine 4
20 FuncExE
21 PushPLocal x 0
22 PushV
23 PushP 007D3670 0
24 PushV
25 SUM 0
26 Print
27 NewLine 5
28 IncLPJump x 18
29 POPExitMark
30 POPStep
31 NewLine 6
32 LoadFuncP test
33 Call 0
34 NoOperation
35 NewLine 8
36 PushV
37 FreeStack
38 ReturnNull
39 Func test
40 NewLine 9
41 FuncExE
42 PushC welcome
43 PushP 007D3670 0
44 PushV
45 SUM 0
46 Print
47 NewLine 10
48 PushPLocal o1 0
49 AssignmentPointer
50 New point
51 SetScope
52 PushV
53 BraceStart
54 LoadA x 0 58
55 AssignmentPointer
56 PushN 10.000000
57 BeforeEqual 0
58 SetProperty 0 106
59 FreeStack
60 LoadA y 0 64
61 AssignmentPointer
62 PushN 20.000000
63 BeforeEqual 0
64 SetProperty 0 141
65 FreeStack
66 LoadA z 0 70
67 AssignmentPointer
68 PushN 30.000000
69 BeforeEqual 0
70 SetProperty 0 176
71 FreeStack
72 LoadFunc ismethod
73 LoadA self 0
74 PushV
75 PushC braceend
76 Call
77 NoOperation
78 PushV
79 JumpZ 85
80 LoadFunc braceend
81 Call
82 NoOperation
83 PushV
84 FreeStack
85 BraceEnd
86 FreeStack
87 NewLine 11
88 FuncExE
89 PushPLocal o1 0
90 PushV
91 Print
92 NewLine 13
93 ReturnNull
94 Class point 007D8470
95 NewLabel
96 LoadA x 0
97 PushV
98 FreeStack
99 LoadA y 0
100 PushV
101 FreeStack
102 LoadA z 0
103 PushV
104 FreeStack
105 ReturnNull
106 LoadFunc ismethod
107 LoadA ring_gettemp_var 0
108 PushV
109 PushC setx
110 Call 0
111 NoOperation
112 PushV
113 JumpZ 132
114 NewLine 2
115 LoadA ring_gettemp_var 0
116 LoadMethod setx
117 LoadA ring_settemp_var 0
118 PushV
119 Call 0 1
120 AfterCallMethod
121 PushV
122 FreeStack
123 NewLine 3
124 LoadA ring_tempflag_var 0 128
125 AssignmentPointer
126 PushN 0.000000
127 BeforeEqual 0
128 Assignment 0 0
129 FreeStack
130 NewLine 4
131 Jump 140
132 NewLine 5
133 PushP 007D37D8 0 137
134 AssignmentPointer
135 PushN 1.000000
136 BeforeEqual 0
137 Assignment 0 0
138 FreeStack
139 NewLine 6
140 Return
141 LoadFunc ismethod
142 LoadA ring_gettemp_var 0
143 PushV
144 PushC sety
145 Call 0
146 NoOperation
147 PushV
148 JumpZ 167
149 NewLine 2
150 LoadA ring_gettemp_var 0
151 LoadMethod sety
152 LoadA ring_settemp_var 0
153 PushV
154 Call 0 1
155 AfterCallMethod
156 PushV
157 FreeStack
158 NewLine 3
159 LoadA ring_tempflag_var 0 163
160 AssignmentPointer
161 PushN 0.000000
162 BeforeEqual 0
163 Assignment 0 0
164 FreeStack
165 NewLine 4
166 Jump 175
167 NewLine 5
168 PushP 007D37D8 0 172
169 AssignmentPointer
170 PushN 1.000000
171 BeforeEqual 0
172 Assignment 0 0
173 FreeStack
174 NewLine 6
175 Return
176 LoadFunc ismethod
177 LoadA ring_gettemp_var 0
178 PushV
179 PushC setz
180 Call 0
181 NoOperation
182 PushV
183 JumpZ 202
184 NewLine 2
185 LoadA ring_gettemp_var 0
186 LoadMethod setz
187 LoadA ring_settemp_var 0
188 PushV
189 Call 0 1
190 AfterCallMethod
191 PushV
192 FreeStack
193 NewLine 3
194 LoadA ring_tempflag_var 0 198
195 AssignmentPointer
196 PushN 0.000000
197 BeforeEqual 0
198 Assignment 0 0
199 FreeStack
200 NewLine 4
201 Jump 210
202 NewLine 5
203 PushP 007D37D8 0 207
204 AssignmentPointer
205 PushN 1.000000
206 BeforeEqual 0
207 Assignment 0 0
208 FreeStack
209 NewLine 6
210 Return
CGI Support
ring test.ring -cgi
No Run
ring test.ring -norun
Printing Instruction Operation Code
ring test.ring -ins
Operation : ReturnNull
PC : 1
Line Number : 1 , File test.ring
SP (After) : 0 - FuncSP : 0
LineNumber 1
.. tip:: Output removed from the previous example because it's very large!
ring test.ring -performance
Date : 2015/09/15 Time : 15:56:17
Clock : 0
Hello World
x: 10.000000
y: 20.000000
z: 30.000000
Date : 2015/09/15 Time : 15:56:17
Clock : 0
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