< Rhetoric and Composition

What follows is a detailed table of contents.

# 1 Contents

    * 1.1 The Authors and Editors of this Wiki Book

# 2 The Stages of the Writing Process
# 3 Overview: The Writing Process

    * 3.1 Overview
          o 3.1.1 Planning and Prewriting
          o 3.1.2 Collaborating
          o 3.1.3 Researching
          o 3.1.4 Drafting
          o 3.1.5 Editing
          o 3.1.6 Reviewing
          o 3.1.7 Revising
          o 3.1.8 Publishing

# 4 Planning and Prewriting

    * 4.1 Overview of Planning and Prewriting
          o 4.1.1 Finding a Topic
          o 4.1.2 Discovering Ideas
          o 4.1.3 Dealing with Writing Anxiety
          o 4.1.4 Determining Your Audience
          o 4.1.5 Developing an Outline
    * 4.2 Generating ideas
          o 4.2.1 Brainstorming
          o 4.2.2 Clustering
          o 4.2.3 Freewriting
    * 4.3 External Links

# 5 Collaborating

    * 5.1 What is Collaboration?
    * 5.2 Advantages to Collaboration
    * 5.3 Disadvantages to Collaboration
          o 5.3.1 Disadvantages
          o 5.3.2 Overcoming these Disadvantages
    * 5.4 Conducting Meetings
    * 5.5 Communicating Away from Meetings
    * 5.6 Strategies for Effective Collaboration
    * 5.7 Practical Guidelines for Good Group Work
    * 5.8 An Example of Collaborative Work/Group Conferencing

# 6 Researching

    * 6.1 Overview of Research
    * 6.2 Determine the Role of Research in Your Writing
    * 6.3 Consider Your Audience
    * 6.4 Understand How Writers Use Sources
          o 6.4.1 Sources Are Other Voices
          o 6.4.2 Purposes of Sources
    * 6.5 The Credibility of Sources
          o 6.5.1 Evaluating Sources
          o 6.5.2 Evaluating Print Sources
          o 6.5.3 Evaluating Web Sources
          o 6.5.4 Consider Your Project
          o 6.5.5 Consult ADAM
    * 6.6 Finding Scholarly Sources
    * 6.7 Cite Sources to Avoid Plagiarism
    * 6.8 External Links

# 7 Drafting

    * 7.1 Defining Drafting
    * 7.2 Drafting: The Process
          o 7.2.1 Building Common Ground
          o 7.2.2 Let It Flow
          o 7.2.3 Experiment
          o 7.2.4 Writer's Block?
          o 7.2.5 Meeting the Minimum Word Count
          o 7.2.6 Title of Your Essay
    * 7.3 Sample Draft
    * 7.4 Final Drafting Hints
    * 7.5 External Links

# 8 Editing

    * 8.1 Editing and Revising: One in the Same?
    * 8.2 Editing Checklist
    * 8.3 Sentence Structure
    * 8.4 Editing Tips
    * 8.5 Perspectives on Style
          o 8.5.1 Richard Lanham on Prose Styles
    * 8.6 External Links

# 9 Reviewing

    * 9.1 Overview of Reviewing
    * 9.2 Establishing Criteria
    * 9.3 Writing Helpful Comments
    * 9.4 Responding to Criticism
    * 9.5 Peer Review Sample
    * 9.6 Peer Review Sample 2
    * 9.7 External Links

# 10 Revising

    * 10.1 Overview of Revising
    * 10.2 Differences Between Revising, Editing, and Proofreading
    * 10.3 A Change for the Better
    * 10.4 Analyze Each Part of Your Paper
          o 10.4.1 Introductions
          o 10.4.2 Thesis Statements
          o 10.4.3 Position
          o 10.4.4 Scope
          o 10.4.5 Body Paragraphs
          o 10.4.6 Conclusions
    * 10.5 Before and After Revision Examples
          o 10.5.1 Example Before Revision
          o 10.5.2 Example After Revision
          o 10.5.3 Notes
    * 10.6 External Links

# 11 Publishing

    * 11.1 Overview of Publishing
          o 11.1.1 Types of Publication
          o 11.1.2 Know Your Rights
          o 11.1.3 The Writer's Market
    * 11.2 Tips for Getting Published
    * 11.3 External Links

# 12 Writing Applications
# 13 Overview of Writing Applications

    * 13.1 Overview
          o 13.1.1 How to analyze an assignment
          o 13.1.2 Description
          o 13.1.3 Narration
          o 13.1.4 Exposition
          o 13.1.5 Evaluation
          o 13.1.6 Argumentation

# 14 Analyzing Assignments

    * 14.1 Snowflakes, Fingerprints, and Assignments
    * 14.2 Analyzing an Assignment
    * 14.3 Sample Assignments
          o 14.3.1 Research Paper
          o 14.3.2 Short Story Paper
          o 14.3.3 Cover Letter Paper
          o 14.3.4 Poetry Assignment
          o 14.3.5 Summary/Response Paper
    * 14.4 A List of Basic Poetic Terms
    * 14.5 Identify Key Words in Assignments

# 15 Description

    * 15.1 Genre Analysis, Genre and Composition
    * 15.2 What is Description?
    * 15.3 Why Write a Descriptive Essay?
    * 15.4 Abstract Descriptions Versus Concrete Descriptions
          o 15.4.1 Abstract Descriptions
          o 15.4.2 Concrete Descriptions
    * 15.5 How to Write Description
          o 15.5.1 Thesis
          o 15.5.2 Sensory Words
                + Examples of Sound Imagery
                + Examples of Smell Imagery
                + Examples of Touch Imagery
                + Example of Visual Imagery
                + Examples of Taste Imagery
          o 15.5.3 Order
          o 15.5.4 Audience
          o 15.5.5 Introduction
          o 15.5.6 Body
          o 15.5.7 Conclusion
    * 15.6 A Second Sample Descriptive Essay
          o 15.6.1 First Draft
          o 15.6.2 Second Draft
    * 15.7 External Links

# 16 Narration

    * 16.1 What is Narration?
    * 16.2 Forms
    * 16.3 Elements
    * 16.4 Classical Arrangement
    * 16.5 Modern Practice
    * 16.6 Student Essay
    * 16.7 Revision Hints
    * 16.8 External Links

# 17 Exposition

    * 17.1 What is Exposition Writing?
          o 17.1.1 Types of Exposition
          o 17.1.2 Where Do I Begin?
                + Find a Topic and Research
                      # Thesis
                + Create a Sketchy Outline
                + Start Writing
    * 17.2 Structure
          o 17.2.1 Introduction
          o 17.2.2 Body
          o 17.2.3 Conclusion
    * 17.3 Sample Exposition Assignments
    * 17.4 Sample Exposition Essay
          o 17.4.1 Why Is This Good?
    * 17.5 External Links

# 18 Evaluation

    * 18.1 Criteria
    * 18.2 How to Evaluate
    * 18.3 Structure of the Essay
          o 18.3.1 Introduction
          o 18.3.2 Conclusion
    * 18.4 Sample Evaluation Essay
    * 18.5 Sample Assignments
    * 18.6 External Links

# 19 Argument

    * 19.1 What is An Argument?
    * 19.2 Basic Argument Essay Structure
          o 19.2.1 Introduction
    * 19.3 Body
          o 19.3.1 Background Information
          o 19.3.2 Developing Your Argument
                + Position Method
                + Proposal Method
          o 19.3.3 Dealing With the Opposition
    * 19.4 Conclusion
    * 19.5 Strengthening Your Argument
          o 19.5.1 Phrasing
          o 19.5.2 Objective Language
    * 19.6 Sample Essay
    * 19.7 The Fallacies of Argument
    * 19.8 A Side Note
    * 19.9 Further Reading
    * 19.10 External Links

# 20 Advanced Topics
# 21 Overview of Advanced Topics

    * 21.1 Overview: Advanced Topics
          o 21.1.1 Writing in the Humanities
          o 21.1.2 Writing in the Sciences
          o 21.1.3 Writing in Business

# 22 Writing in the Humanities

    * 22.1 Introduction
    * 22.2 Categories of Humanities Writing
          o 22.2.1 Theoretical Writing
          o 22.2.2 Creative Writing
          o 22.2.3 Interpretive and Analytical Writing
                + Interpretive Writing
                + Analytical Writing
                + Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
          o 22.2.4 Research Papers and Term Papers
    * 22.3 Elements of the Humanities Paper
          o 22.3.1 Introduction
          o 22.3.2 Thesis Statement
          o 22.3.3 Body
          o 22.3.4 Conclusion
          o 22.3.5 Argumentative Research Papers
          o 22.3.6 Plagiarism
    * 22.4 Resources To Use
    * 22.5 External Links

# 23 Writing in the Sciences

    * 23.1 Introduction
    * 23.2 Social Sciences
          o 23.2.1 Psychology
          o 23.2.2 Anthropology
          o 23.2.3 Political Science
          o 23.2.4 Sociology
          o 23.2.5 Education
          o 23.2.6 Economics
          o 23.2.7 Elements of the Social Sciences Paper
          o 23.2.8 Resources to Use
    * 23.3 Natural Sciences
          o 23.3.1 Elements of the Natural Sciences Paper
          o 23.3.2 Resources to Use
          o 23.3.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations
    * 23.4 External Links

# 24 Writing in Business

    * 24.1 Purpose of Business Writing
    * 24.2 Audience
    * 24.3 Deadlines
    * 24.4 Memos and E-mails
          o 24.4.1 Memos
          o 24.4.2 E-mails
    * 24.5 Cover Letters and Resumes
          o 24.5.1 Cover Letters
                + Cover Letter Example
          o 24.5.2 Resumes
                + Resume Examples
    * 24.6 Follow up or Thank you letters
          o 24.6.1 Thank you letter example
    * 24.7 Other business letters
    * 24.8 Proposals, Business Plans and Formal Reports
          o 24.8.1 Considerations
          o 24.8.2 Readers
          o 24.8.3 What is included in a proposal?
          o 24.8.4 Some tips to consider while writing your proposal...
    * 24.9 External Links

# 25 Oral Presentations

    * 25.1 Introduction
          o 25.1.1 Preparation
          o 25.1.2 Ways of Beginning a Speech
    * 25.2 Methods of Presenting Your Speech
          o 25.2.1 Manuscript Speaking
          o 25.2.2 Memorized Speaking
          o 25.2.3 Extemporaneous Speaking
    * 25.3 Do's and Don'ts
          o 25.3.1 Dress Code
          o 25.3.2 Delivering The Message
    * 25.4 Conclusion
          o 25.4.1 Ways of Ending a Speech
          o 25.4.2 Thank Your Audience
    * 25.5 External Links

# 26 Writer's Handbook
# 27 Contents
# 28 Understanding Grammar
# 29 What is Grammar?

    * 29.1 What is Grammar?

# 30 Parts of Speech

    * 30.1 Nouns
          o 30.1.1 Determiners
          o 30.1.2 Articles
          o 30.1.3 Using a and an
          o 30.1.4 Singular and Plural
          o 30.1.5 Possession
    * 30.2 Pronouns
    * 30.3 Verbs
          o 30.3.1 Principle Parts
          o 30.3.2 Subject-Verb Agreement
    * 30.4 Adjectives
    * 30.5 Adjectival Phrase
    * 30.6 Adverbs
          o 30.6.1 Difference between adverbs and adjectives
          o 30.6.2 Forming adverbs
          o 30.6.3 Placement
    * 30.7 Conjunctions
    * 30.8 Prepositions
    * 30.9 Interjections
    * 30.10 Active vs. Passive Voice
    * 30.11 Types of Sentences
    * 30.12 Tag Question
    * 30.13 Wh-Question
    * 30.14 Clauses
    * 30.15 Partitive
    * 30.16 Collective
          o 30.16.1 Phrasal Verb

# 31 Sentences

    * 31.1 Sentence Structure
          o 31.1.1 Independent clause
          o 31.1.2 Subordinate clause
          o 31.1.3 Complement Clause
          o 31.1.4 The Relative Clause
          o 31.1.5 Examples
    * 31.2 Sentence Purpose

# 32 Active and Passive Voice

    * 32.1 Voice in English Writing
    * 32.2 Active and Passive Voice Sentences
    * 32.3 Use of Passive Voice
    * 32.4 The Structural Difference
    * 32.5 A Note on the Passive Voice

# 33 Understanding Mechanics
# 34 Mechanics

    * 34.1 What is Mechanics?

# 35 Punctuation

    * 35.1 What Is Punctuation For?
    * 35.2 Is It Worth the Work?
    * 35.3 What's With All the Jargon?
          o 35.3.1 OK, which terms do I need to know?
                + Independent clause
                + Dependent clause
                + Coordinating conjunctions
                + Conjunctive adverbs
          o 35.3.2 Uses of "That"

# 36 Commas

    * 36.1 What Do Commas Do?
    * 36.2 Commas with two independent clauses
          o 36.2.1 The formula
          o 36.2.2 Errors
    * 36.3 Commas with introductory words and phrases
          o 36.3.1 Introductory Words
          o 36.3.2 Introductory Phrases
    * 36.4 Commas with cumulative clauses
    * 36.5 Commas and dependent clauses
          o 36.5.1 The formula
          o 36.5.2 Errors
    * 36.6 Commas and restrictive modifiers
    * 36.7 Commas and parenthetical elements
    * 36.8 Commas with multiple adjectives
    * 36.9 Commas with quotations
    * 36.10 Commas in a list
    * 36.11 Commas in dates, numbers, personal titles, and addresses

# 37 Semicolons

    * 37.1 Use
    * 37.2 Common Misuses

# 38 Colons

    * 38.1 Use
    * 38.2 Common Misuses

# 39 Apostrophes

    * 39.1 Use
    * 39.2 Common Misuses

# 40 Quotation Marks

    * 40.1 Use
    * 40.2 Using quoted material within your own writing

# 41 Hyphens and Dashes

    * 41.1 Dash
    * 41.2 Width Difference
    * 41.3 Hyphen

# 42 Parentheses

    * 42.1 What Do Parentheses Do?

# 43 Capitalization

    * 43.1 Basic Principles

# 44 Common Errors
# 45 Know your patterns
# 46 Homonyms

    * 46.1 Affect, Effect
    * 46.2 Afterward, Afterwards, Afterword
    * 46.3 Aid, Aide
    * 46.4 It's, Its
    * 46.5 Lay, Lie
    * 46.6 To, Too, Two

# 47 Lack of agreement between subject and verb

    * 47.1 Examples
    * 47.2 What is subject-verb agreement?
    * 47.3 Examples
    * 47.4 Other guidelines

# 48 Lack of agreement between noun and pronoun

    * 48.1 Rules
    * 48.2 Examples

# 49 Missing commas after introductory element
# 50 Sentence fragment
# 51 Missing or misplaced apostrophe
# 52 Unnecessary tense shift

    * 52.1 What is a tense shift?
    * 52.2 Examples of confusing tense shifts

# 53 Run-on sentence

    * 53.1 What is a run-on sentence?
    * 53.2 Examples of run-on sentences
    * 53.3 Fixing run-on sentences
    * 53.4 Examples of fixed run-on sentences
    * 53.5 Fused Sentences

# 54 Disruptive comma
# 55 Dangling modifier

    * 55.1 What is a dangling modifier?
    * 55.2 Examples

# 56 Citing Sources
# 57 Citation

    * 57.1 Overview of Citation
          o 57.1.1 Making a thesis
    * 57.2 Citing outside sources
          o 57.2.1 Parenthetical Citations
                + Parenthetical (or In-Text) Citation Example
                + How to Cite Your Outside Sources
          o 57.2.2 Works Cited Example

# 58 Plagiarism

    * 58.1 Overview of Plagiarism
    * 58.2 Examples of Plagiarism
          o 58.2.1 Rules to Avoid Plagiarism

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