< Rebol Programming


MAKE-DIR path /deep 


Creates the specified directory. No error if already exists.

MAKE-DIR is a function value.


  • path -- (Type: file url)


  • /deep -- Create subdirectories too


  • catch


make-dir: func [
    {Creates the specified directory. No error if already exists.} 
    path [file! url!] 
    /deep "Create subdirectories too" 
    /local dirs end created
    if empty? path [return path] 
    if slash <> last path [path: dirize path] 
    if exists? path [
        if dir? path [return path] 
        return make error! reduce ['access 'cannot-open path]
    if any [not deep url? path] [
        close throw-on-error [open/new path] 
        return path
    path: copy path 
    dirs: copy [] 
    while [
        all [
            not empty? path 
            not exists? path 
            remove back tail path
    ] [
        end: any [find/last/tail path slash path] 
        insert dirs copy end 
        clear end
    created: copy [] 
    foreach dir dirs [
        path: either empty? path [dir] [path/:dir] 
        append path slash 
        if error? try [make-dir path] [
            foreach dir created [attempt [delete dir]] 
            return make error! reduce ['access 'cannot-open path]
        insert created path
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